Chapter 4: My Dragon

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Cale looked at Ron and Beacrox who were shielding him from Choi Han. They were glaring sharply at him. Cale then made eye contact with Hans, his face was as pale as a blank paper. He must be traumatised by Choi Han's strength. To be honest, even Cale himself was scared of Choi Han. His dark eyes as he slaughtered most of the bandits with his black aura was terrifying.

Cale's eyes shifted at Ron again then Beacrox. Based on their action, still wary of Choi Han, it seemed like they didn't remember anything.

It makes Cale sigh. He slowly approached Choi Han whose head was looking down. He realised his mistake right away. That makes Cale a little calm.

"Young master Cale, it's dangerous to get close to that punk."

Cale's eyes went to Ron who was holding his shoulder.

It seems like he didn't hide his dislike of Choi Han unlike the previous timeline, he still called Choi Han respectfully every time they were in front of Cale.

Cale sighed. He then pushed Ron's hand away from his shoulder.

"I know him better than anyone. He won't hurt me so stop worrying."

Without looking at Ron's stiff expression, Cale went to Choi Han then stand in front of him. All Cale's knights looked at him with terrified expressions on their faces. However, none of them dares to stop Cale from getting close to Choi Han.

"Hey, look up."

Cale's knights' shoulders jerked when they heard how bold Cale treating the vicious swordmaster.

Little did they know that Cale is far more vicious than Choi Han. However, they do no need to know it yet. Not yet.

Choi Han's slowly looked up so that his eyes will meet Cale's. Cale flinched as soon as he saw Choi Han's teary eyes.

'Why did he cry?!'

Cale looked at Choi Han in confusion. He didn't even know what made him shed tears.

-It's because you scolded him, Cale.

Super rock's voice makes Cale flinched again. That's right, Cale never looked at Choi Han in disappointment since Choi Han never do anything beyond his order. This is the first time. Yes, it's the first time.

Cale clicked his tongue and it makes Choi Han flinch. He thought that Cale was mad at him. He immediately hugged Cale's waist and buried his face on Cale's stomach.

Cale's heart almost jumps out of his ribs because of Choi Han's sudden action. When he tried to push Choi Han away, his grip gets even tighter. Cale give up and just let Choi Han hug him. He subconsciously patted Choi Han's head.

"Don't ever do anything without my order ever again."

"Yes, Cale-nim. I'm sorry."

Ron, Beacrox and Hans were shocked after seeing the interaction between Cale and Choi Han. Not only them but also all the eyes that were focused on Cale and Choi Han. They just met each other for maybe a week but their relationship seems to be deeper. They seem like had known each other for more than a year.

It makes Ron feel suspicious. Just days before, Cale acted like he wanted to stay away from Choi Han but now he acted as he owns that punk. The more suspicious is that black-haired punk. He didn't mind acting like a dog in front of their young master but behind he showed his fangs. He didn't even hesitate to kill if it's for their young master.

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