The crime scene case

408 8 6

File 173
Date: 5/7/???
Suspect: ?
Detective: Almond

Ugh.. another file, how worse can this be.

3rd person
It was around five o'clock on a Saturday night, a small breeze went through the town of sugar cove, small but yet filled with people who live together or alone if possible, it was a quiet place, nothing much going on, not until the crimes happened. Who would have known such a place can be filled with terrible acts of violence.

On this very night a bank robbery happened at the local bank, one male figure was by himself as he jumped onto the roof and fled the scene, no one knew who he was until a male detective wearing a brown like jacket ran past everyone in a rush, his name was Almond, not the fastest person but yet he was smart with his ways.

He follows the robber on roofs and streets, his pace just as fast as the other, but yet he was catching up to the other man like some sort of rabbit and wolf chase, until finally the robber got tired, he panted as he rested against a brick wall on the eastern side of town, thinking he lost the detective like a breeze.

Just as he thought, almond was behind him as he used his chains, seemingly came from nowhere, to wrap the bank robber up and he buts his foot onto his back holding him down as help arrive and almond felt proud of himself, another case and another criminal caught and solved. How lucky.

Now who is almond cookie exactly?, well his story ain't much but it's one to tell, how about I let you hear from the man himself.

Day: 2/15/2021
Time: twelve o'clock

1st/3rd person
"Mm, wait. What is the time?, oh right.. Noon. Such a fool, luckily it's only the weekend, I can spend time with my daughter.. She probably wants to go to the park. How fun.. "

Almond got up as he stretched a bit, his house quiet as he knew his daughter, Walnut, a bright, beautiful, ans young girl was still asleep in her bed, so he still had time to get ready for the day, and to maybe get himself together, he was working long hours, so his brain was exhausted along with his body, and he goes to the bathroom to get ready.

"Oh right, I forgot today is her birthday, I should ask her what she wants to do... My baby is growing up, and I forgot that happens." I sigh, "Im starting to forget more. Maybe it's normal, is it because I work to much, no. Impossible, my job is to important so it can't be.. Well, maybe."

I grab my clothes and got dressed, it was cold in my room, normal. I always tend to sleep when its chilly, maybe I should change the air conditioning.. I hope my daughter slept well. "Well I look old.. Definitely should probably get some more rest, no wonder my eyes look baggie, tch.. Stupid me."

I realized how much had changed over the years, with the passing of my wife after a fee days of the birth of my daughter, I was never the same to be honest, I never changed my hair as it is getting grey, my eyes look dull and the bags under my eyelids make it worse..but that's no matter, cause I need to make my daughter happy.

"Hey Walnut, sweet heart?, you awake?." I asked as I peaked into her room, luckily she seemed to sleep through the night, "yes dad I'm getting thereeeee" she said as he groans a bit and she soon sat up looking at me with a smile "how did you sleep dad?, did you have problems?" I chuckled, "not today, my back does hurt but it's something you expect when you are getting older."

She smiled, I love my daughter's smile, the only thing I can remember my wife doing before she went, but she got up and took me to the kitchen, I think she is wanting me to eat, I mean.. It's been a while since I had a proper meal.

Almond always can't eat much, especially went he is always running or doing something for work, he does get paid somewhat decent, but he was always doing more then he should of, probably because it keeps him going so he won't run out of money for him and mostly his daughter.

Walnut can actually cook, she got it from her mother, a special talent almond adored, she even loved cooking for her father and so for her birthday, almond decided to help with this special day, helping her cook and prepare a meal see always loved, waffles with hash browns and eggs with a small side of cinnamon toast with powered sugar and honey.

Soon enough thru began to eat as almond talks to walnut about what she wants to do for her birthday, he was hoping he can get a day off, since he did sometimes work on weekends, but today was his daughter's birthday, and he could not miss it again, he refused to.

"Hey dad.. I noticed something" she asked me as he I look up from my plate and I turn to her "yes sweet heart?". She sighs, "do you miss being.. Married?, or having a partner?, I'm asking because.. You look so lonely and sad all the time, you even jump when you hear dispatch.. Or what it even sounds like" Walnut looks down.

She was not wrong, I'm getting paranoid, and stressed about work, maybe even to much. Everytime I hear dispatch.. Well my head if I should say, I get jumpy and want to go to the case, but really it's my head.  Walnut thinks Im overworked and overwhelmed with everything I'm, Going crazy..

And I'm starting to believe that-, my thought was interrupted by a actual dispatch, I sigh "I got a call about a case, I'm sorry sweet-" she stopped me "oh dad don't worry Im gonna go with pancake to the Park!, we are bringing some adult cookies with us so, they will be here soon, you go ahead" she smiled.

I'm so glad she understands as I go to the case of emergency, hoping it was not so serious.

Eh yea it was not that important but, it was a emergency that needed to be answered, so who was in trouble?, vampire, he was stuck in vines in a tree as he was having trouble getting out from as he whines pouting.

"Uh sir.. Want to explain?." I asked once I got there realizing its vampire, one of my good friends "well you see, I think someone put me here" he smiles nervously, "so your saying that someone made you follow them and they put down a trap for you?." he nods and I got him down as he hugs me, smiling. 

"It's so good to see you friend"

As he hugs me I think to myself, great.. Another case to solve.

This sucked so badly, I'm trying but here is the first page because I'm bored and what not so have it for now lmao, hope you enjoyed anyways,

Bye loves

Word count: 1216

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