A ball invitation

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Date: 2/21/2021
Time: five thirty two

1st person
"So.. What is this for again?.." I asked vampire as I hummed wondering what was inside the letter that was handed by people near a building, I been there before, but it had been abandoned due to a accident I'll explain later,

"It's a ball invitation!" he said as he smiles floating beside me as I look at him, raising a brow "a ball?, so you want me to go to some sort of dance." I was jsut confused, I hope it did not came off as me being this asshole, "come on almondddd, it's a dance that happens once a few years!, it's very special and important and I want you to go!"

I sigh, "why so?.. And why is this dance so important." I heard about the dance a lot, but never went because I never had time, or never had the gut to go out and dance, I feel like I suck at it. "It's a ball to where a lot of others from different towns or places can join to one dance!, you have to go!, I'll go with you!",

Vampire seemed excited, I can tell from his words as he drinks his so called 'juice', it's wine, but he can do whatever he wants, ".. Fine, I'll go, but you can't bail on me alright." I said sternly and he giggles "oh of course detective, plus it will be fun!" vampire took a sip an sets his glass down.

"Alright so, what do we have to do?"

3rd person
Due to the dance being a one time thing, after some years, the outfits had to be quite fancy, Vampire already had a outfit in mind and he was gonna help Almond with his, the dance was gonna be later today, maybe around nine, so they had all day to plan.

First they went to the place to get the outfit, it was a little expensive but they both paid for it like the deal was told, then thy both did their hair, luckily almond had short hair so his was simple, since he also had a child, he was able to do vampire's hair the way he wanted it to be.

Soon enough they got ready, luckily if they wanted since it was only maybe seven they can get there early or maybe go somewhere to eat since it was gonna be a long dance, since vampire and Almond had a good size friend group, they can all meet up, but vampire thought differently.

1st person
"How about we just go together, like a nice friend dance!" Vampire asked me smiling, "I mean.. Sure, I can't really dance so I may look weird but that's fine, I feel better with a small group anyways." I chuckled a bit as I look at the time humming to myself

"Well we can go on ahead and go there I'm sure the others will be there like herb, sparkling, those two are definitely gonna dance together, and some others so it will be fine!, and plus I'll help you dance!" he giggles being excited as he got more of his drink and I smile "never can stop drinking can't you?."


3rd person
They started to walk out of the house and they talked along the way, just something to keep them busy since the walk was a bit long, but they can at least get a nice talk out of it, Almond mostly talked about his files and his paperwork, and vampire jsut talked about all sorts of things like, his sister, what's he planning to do, all that stuff.

Soon enough the two would arrive, and they walked in, staying mostly next to each other since they don't really wanna get lost or lost each other, that won't be so splendid, they walked around a bit, just to see what was around them, meanwhile near the bar area, sparkling cookie was talking to his boyfriend herb, and a friend,

Now who is this friend, their name is roguefort, a criminal that goes by phantom bleu, let's be honest, they are a little bit stupid, out of everyone who may be a criminal, roguefort liked to be around people sometimes, unless they were not in the mood for it, but they were also a flirt so when they saw almond walked in, their heart started to flutter.

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