The romantic dinner

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Yo yo, sup everyone I ain't dead, but seriously why is this getting noticed I feel- idk- special?, Jk, but I swear if 'you' somehow turns into 'yoy' again I'm gonna cry, anyways enjoy!

Date: 2/30/2021
Time: nine twelve

1st person
"Vampire hurry up were gonna be late." I said as me and vampire were getting ready to go onto the dinner, luckily I can take him with me, because it seems this Roguefort guy was into me, weird... but soon enough vampire came out and he had his hair up this time, kinda like it "ok I'm done!"

"Are- are you wearing a dress-" he asked as I was, why not, I can wear whatever the fuck I want, plus its nothing for work, so why not, plus I think I look good in the long dress, walnut gave it to me "so?, am I not allowed to or something, feel offended?." I asked in a certain tone as I rolled my eyes a bit,

"No no!, I was just surprised that you even are wearing a dress, but you do look great though!" he smiles taking a sip of his drink, still don't know if it's actually wine, blood or even graphic juice, "thank you, we gotta go or else they will probably text me where the hell I'm at.", after said and done we left my house and went to the suppose dining,

We got there not to long, it was beautiful and... quite fancy, it made me think we are are another fancy ball or some sorts but after crossing the street we went in, we followed the waiter to the table were Roguefort was sitting at, they were wearing a nice suit, looked good on them, "you guys made it!" they smiled

I sat down after vampire sat down first and I smile some "we did, took a while because this jerk wanted to take so long." I flicked vampire's cheek for fun "hey!"  vamp huffed as I giggles and they looked amused as they looked at me mostly "so detective~, tell me more about yourself and your little friend" I sigh, why not.

I told them about my life, how I became a detective, how I love my job and have a wonderful daughter who looks up to me, stuff like that, and for vampire, well I only know so much about him, he really did not tell me about his parents or such so I just told them everything I knew and they giggle,

"Such a interesting two~, you both don't seem boring" they looked at me "I know your not boring, your a great dancer, from that ball, you were fantastic~" "I'm sure vampire is not boring I mean he seems cool" their tone was more of a flirting mixed with a happy one, kinda like it, but then again why so flirty?.

"Ah thank you-" "wait you danced with them?" vampire interrupted me, "yes they did, they wanted to since I was by myself, they probably thought I was alone." I smile some, soon enough we ordered food and drinks, some of them being alcohol but I can let it slide since I don't drink rarely so I consider this a treat,

Vampire and Roguefort talked a bit and I stayed quiet since I did not mind but then them wanted to talk to me some more and I agreed, "so Mr.almond, what do you like to do most?" they asked smirking, in a way, made me flush up a bit, not sure why... "my job of course, never can get a break but... it's fun I suppose, but other then my job I like to read, or play with my daughter."

They did a small awe smiling "oh I did not know you had a daughter, may I see her one day?" they asked, they probably liked kids so I nod and they got excited "thank you almond!~", soon we got our food and we ate, not much talking was said and done so, after a bit vampire spoke,

"So Roguefort, what did you think of almond when you first saw him?" he asked curiously, "oh!, good question, I thought he looked amazing in his suit, to be honest I never saw anyone so... handsome~" they mumbled a bit, "but he looked great!", I smile at the compliments, it's been a while since I got any to be honest,

"Ah I see, you seem sweet, well what do you do for a living?" Roguefort thinks for a while, not sure what though, "ah!, I do... busy work, hard stuff, the things that are challenging, I uh basically do a lot of handy work" they said, not sure what they meant but we shrugged it off and nodded, "that's cool, and whats your favorite thing to do?" vampire asked another question,

"I like texting the detective!, it's gives me something to do honestly since I get so bored, but other then that I love to make stuff!, its hard to explain what but it involves a lot of gears and focus" they said, "mm interesting." I said, joining in on their conversation since I wanna keep talking as well,

Not to long we finished our food, it was quite good, Roguefort picked a good place, but I wonder who was paying because this place seems, to fancy, like very expensive, "I'll pay!" roguefort said after my thinking "are you sure, we can spilt the bill, I'll feel bad." they shake their head "nonsense!, I'm paying, you two are amazing as is, so I'm paying detective~" he cooed giggling,

I flushed up again, why is this happening, vampire took noticed and giggles quietly, thinking it was funny, "thank you, roguefort, I really appreciate it." I said because I was struggling with money anyways so I kinda felt, happy but mostly appreciated that they wanted to do this for us, "I agree thank you" vampire smiled,

They soon payed and we got up going outside as we all stand there talking some more before roguefort had to go, "I appreciate y'all coming, it's great to see you again almond, I'll make sure to text you more" they look at vampire shaking his hand "I'll see you around too if you like!" they giggle walking past me,

But I felt them touch my hand, they gave me something, I looked at them, and they gave me a wink, smirking amused, they then left as I was flushed a bit again wondering what they gave me, until... "almond your blushing againnnn" he said a bit tispy giggling, "oh shut it." I smile some before we both walked home.

Once home we got changed and vampire goes on ahead and takes a nap on the couch, I take the time to look at the thing they gave me and it was a small letter, -detective almond, thank you for joining me for dinner, I would love to see you again at my house  tomorrow or the next day~-, at the bottom was his name and a ring, where did they get such a nice ring...

I put it on, a good fit and I flushed up some again, now he wants me at his house alone?, mm interesting, I wonder what he wants, I minds well go tomorrow, I don't got much work to do anyways, plus...

What could even happen?

Boom done!, I finally stopped being lazy and did another page-, anyways I hope y'all enjoy, what will happen at roguefort's house? 👀, who knows... anyways I'll see y'all later!,

Bye loves

Word count: 1264

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