The criminal helps out

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Date: 2/29/2021
Time: seven fifty five

1st person
After a while me and vampire were heading home, it was late and we both decided that it was better to get home and to relax, plus our feet were killing us from all the standing and dancing, but vampire was a little drunk, me being tipsy.

"Well I say that was funnn~" he hiccups and he giggles I smile "it was fun, but I gotta get you to my house, I have a guest bedroom for you, so yoy won't have to go home drunk." I said having a arm around him, his arm around me,

"Hehehehe, can I have a kisssss? ~" he said as I flush a bit "no vampire, I'm flattered but I don't think-" "pleaseeeeeeee~" he asked doing puppy eyes, I think of a idea to maybe please him "mmm how about the cheek?." it was something but he nods and I politely kissed his cheek "yayyyy~" he hiccups.

Once we got home I put him to bed tucking him in and he fell asleep, I soon left and took out the card roguefort gave me, I added his number to my phone and gave him a text, -hey roguefort, it's almond. I decided to text you, let me know if yoy wanna chat.-

I sat down on the couch after looking into walnut's room seeing her sound asleep, it made me smile knowing she is ok, I watch some tv and soon enough roguefort texted me back -almond!~, yay Im happy you decide to text me!-.

I rolled my eyes a bit, but smiled a bit, -I can tell, anyways, what did you wanna talk about.- he responded -well, I was wondering if yoy wanna hang out soon, I found a nice place we can eat at and yoy can even bring your friend with you!- I was surprised.

-so like a date, interesting. I do not remember having a proper meal, so I guess it's fine, plus vampire would most likely come with me.- I texted back as I hummed knowing I gotta sleep soon, or else I will be a zombie wanting caffeine. -yea it's like a date hehe, your a smart man~, I like that-

I flush a bit, great two people made me blush, God damn it, -oh please, anyways I gotta sleep soon, I'll text you later alright.-, -fineeee, goodnight detectiveee~- I sigh smiling a bit -night.- I then got up about to head to bed when my phone rang, oh no, it's a problem.

I answered and apparently someone had attacked some people in a bar and the items were taken, they are near by and my boss decided since I was the only one awake, I can catch the man and go sleep and in return he will give me the next day off, perfect, a break.

3rd person
Almond decided to take the case, he left his home locking the door and he immediately runs to find the criminal, soon enough he does and the case began, the person was fast and probably someone who trained to have cardio for running almond still can run jsut as fast,

It soon got to he point where they were now on the roofs, going down stairs, and alleyways, after a few minutes they were back on the roofs, but just before almond can catch him, he got shot with something and fell, and soon landed on the ground, knocked out.

Once awoken, almond was confused as he felt some pain in his side, head and leg, luckily he did not break anything but most likely bruised the spots badly, he looked around to find roguefort holding him as the criminal was caught going into a police car, the two on a building's roof top like their hiding,

Roguefort has bandaged him up and he was keeping him close so he can wait for him to wake up, once he saw he smiles and he felt happy to see him he was somewhat ok.

1st person
"Oh almond thank god your alright, you fell off the roof, luckily I saw you and I was able to grab yoy before anything else happened" I said as he coughs a bit, "how did he get caught?." "well when you knocked out I was able to get him chained to a pole near by and call police"

Almond nose as he groans in pain, poor guy, I should get him somewhere more comfortable "does my boss know?." "oh of course they will let him know he was caught, come, let me take you to my house for now" I said quickly carrying him but also carfully to my home,

We got there and I laid him on my bed, I did not mind but I at least can see him again, "there we go, how are you feeling?" I asked concerned "it hurts, mostly my head, mm, how did you find me?." he asked looking at my gaze as I smile putting a hand onto his cheek for comfort "I was taking a walk, that's how I saw you when the criminal was running away"

He coughs "oh that makes sense" he looks at his phone which was only scratched, but not damaged since he landed somewhere were the phone was not at and he looked at the time "oh, it's so late, I need to get home." he tried to get up but he was so weak "no, don't move, stay here for the night and I'll take you home in the morning"

He groans but nods laying down, soon he fell asleep and I smile getting in the bed cuddling him and I smile feeling warm, and I then slept peacefully with him, once I saw it was morning I decided to take him home, I put him to bed, Luckily the window was unlocked, I covered him up going out the window smiling, doing a quick text to his phone leaving, being happy and excited to see him later.

(Almond's pov)
I soon wake up and I was able to get up this time, I saw my phone and looked at it going to messages and saw a message at roguefort noticing I'm in my own home again, -hey almond, hope your ok when you wake up, thank you for staying the night, it made me feel better, I'll see you later <3-, the small heart made me smile.

I went to the kitchen were I saw a concerned vampire look at me "oh goodness almond what happened?, are you ok, walnut was worried, oh geez what happened" he got up going to me and I smile "just another case, luckily he was caught, my boss gave me the day off, and we got something to do later." I said,

"Are yoy sure you can do stuff?" he asked, "I gotta be careful but I don't wanna go back on it, we got a dinner with someone I think you might like." he was surprised, "oh a dinner? That's fine, at least it won't be anything to cause you more pain" he giggled and I sigh smiling "can I have something for a snack, I'm hungry."

He giggles nodding his head and he makes me something small to eat, while waiting I was happy that someone that actually helped me, and I finally get to have a break at least.

3rd person
While almond and vampire along with walnut were eating breakfast, they talked about random stuff as roguefort was getting the plans ready for the night, but then again, almond did not know that the person who helped him, Roguefort,

Was indeed another criminal.

Alright another page done, damn I did not know a lot of people love my book, like wow I'm amazed, thank you all for the support I appreciate it, anyways I will continue my story as it gets better, hoped you enjoyed and see you soon,

Bye loves

Word count: 1328

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