Someone's secrets untold

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Day: 3/5/2021
Time: one o'clock

1st person
I was in my office... just doing the usual work, vampire is still here at my place for no reason, I'm guessing it's because it's warmer and more comforting here then at his own place, strange but I honestly like the other company, Walnut is doing well, she's growing, getting older slowly, but I feel like I'll soon be alone.

She won't stay forever unless she wanted to, but it hurts that I keep secrets from here and everyone I know, why?... well, if someone finds out they would probably call be a reckless whore or some stupid shit, yes I admit, I still go to roguefort's for pleasure and to talk to someone who will actually care other then walnut and even vampire,

I feel stupid, but again, Im letting go a bit, they care about me and they seem to make me feel less stressed about everything, it's pathetic, I can't doubt it that I'm acting like a fool, but again, I don't feel so alone, I'm going to roguefort's again, today actually but, when it was time to leave, vampire did not want me to go.

"Where are you going Mr. Almond" he said setting his drink down "you've been going out everyday, and it's confusing because sometimes you don't even want to go out, why the sudden change?" he asked being raising a brow, I sighs looking at him "work, it's work, ive been busy and the chief wants me to do more hours since people have been sick lately."

He nods "ah i thought so, I just thought it would be better to ask then anything you know?" he smiles getting up hugging me, I hugged back, his hugs are always so warm and comforting, I wonder how he kept so... then out of nowhere he bit my neck, I jumped a bit since it never happened before, my face turns a bit red as he drinks the blood from my neck,

Vampire soon pulled back "a bit stale, but still sweet and good to drink" he giggles as I calm down trying to make sure he won't see my red face as I looked stupid, "well at least warn me next time." I said as I really did not mind, but a warning would have been nice, "oh my apologies I will next time~" he cooed, great, I should get going before Im late,

"Hey almond, how about we hang out tonight once you get back, I'm sure you'll be exhausted, so why not we watch a movie and I'll take care of you?" vamp smiles as I realized, that sounds quite nice, I would love to relax, but it's stupid that I'm not actually going somewhere for work, I'm going to roguefort's place for something I can't tell.

So I nod not wanting to hurt his feelings and plus I wanted to have a small relaxing day "sure why not, I appreciate that, I'll be back." he nods and then I left, I did wave goodbye though so I don't look weird, I wish I could tell him but it's to risky and I don't want him to know anyways.

3rd person
Almond soon got there and well a lot happened, they took things a bit farther, though almond thought it would take more time for them to actually do it, but roguefort insisted and almond gave them the consent,

Almond was the bottom and roguefort on top, though almond did not mind either but he felt like he deserves to have the spot, and he enjoyed it, roguefort did like to have rouge sex, and almond did not mind some pain, it was very easy for them to slide into him and thrust,

Moans where in the air, and whines of pleasure where echoing In the house... let's say that almond was enjoying it though he was confused on what their relationship was, friendly or not... or was roguefort trying to get with him immediately,

1st person
Almonds moans where pleasing to hear, thrusting was quite easy since he liked the pain, I did not wanna hurt him to much where it actually caused him to cry, but enough to where he liked it, though it's weird for me to top, I liked it, I went more rough, going faster as the moans got louder,

After a bit we were a mess, the white substance on the bed and our chest as I giggle pulling out watching him leak some of it, then I just cuddled him, his face is cute, though adorable as well, "hey roguefort." he asked as I smile "yes dectetive~",

"What are we?." he asked looking down as my smile fades looking at him "what do you mean?" I asked as he sniffles "are we friends? Partners or am I just a random person you enjoy." I did not know what to say, he looks so upset, I wonder if I made him feel that way since I'm not very clear, I felt so bad.

"Whatever you think we are" I try to brighten him up as he looked at me, I slowly cupped his cheek, him putting his hand onto mine "well... I'm not sure" he looked around "we only know each other for a week but yet, you make me happy." almond closed his eyes at my touch,

"Well if I make you happy don't you want to keep that?" I giggle softly and he nods immediately "then, how about you can be my partner?, we can go slow though, get to know each other some more, get used to it and everything will be fine" he thinks about it and he breathed out "i... I would like that." he smiles some as I finally saw a bit of sparkle in his eyes,

But I must say, I have a secret of my own, I'm dating a detective and I'm the criminal, I must not let him know until we are much closer, but it's good we decided on something instead of this going cold, I don't want to lose him, not at all.

He got dressed, his legs shaking some as he got up "will you be fine here alone?, I got to go back home because i promised something and I don't wanna bail on it." I chuckled "oh almond, yes you may I'll be fine,  just at least text me~" I cooed and winked and he flushed up "alright." he soon left and I never felt better, as I smile amused.

3rd person
Almond was going home, he felt sore, numb but pleased at the same time, it was strange that he had a boyfriend so suddenly, but he like that they will take it more slow, so it's like they were beginning a real relationship, and he did not mind that, now he has more secrets to keep to himself, he decided to text roguefort for the day he had with him,

-hey it's me, I wanna thank you, I did not know we were gonna go so far, but I really appreciate it, I hope we can get more closer, thank you.- he then sends it, soon enough he arrives home looking tired and vampire was there when he saw him

1st person
I felt so exhausted, tired, sore, but I felt good, though I must say it's weird for me to have a boyfriend, or well kind of one, since we wanna get used to each other a little more, but I won't be alone anymore, I hoped it works out, because I don't wanna be lonely for much longer, then vampire randomly grabs me and wrapped me around a blanket,

"There you are!, my goodness you where gone for so long!, hmp, well come on you look tired and you need rest" he said taking me to the couch as I sat down in a burrito, well I was wrapped by the blanket like one, comfortable though,

After a movie I apparently fallen asleep, I rested my head onto his shoulder and he seemed to have cuddled me, it felt nice but he never really did that, maybe he was just trying to make me feel more comfortable, but I had a feeling something was up, I felt him nuzzle his face into my hair, smiling softly,

Now I must admit that today was something, but now it's getting more, strange, I could not shake the feeling away, that I actually might have,

A vampire and a fancy male, like me, at the same time.

Ok this chapter... is a bit cheesy, now almond and roguefort are not really boyfriends, well kinda, they just wanna go on like some dates and such and if everything goes well according to plan, they will actually get together for anyone who is confused,

But now vampire is being weird, mmm, I wonder what will happen next, this I like Hamilton again with the cheating and random crap going on- anyways we will see what will happen next, but for now I hoped you enjoyed and i will see you soon.

Bye loves

Word count: 1532

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