Marcus Moreno-Superhero Shopping

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You're helping Marcus pick out just the right look for his superhero outfit.

A little swearing but mostly fluff and fun.


You're standing next to Marcus, as he eyes himself critically in tje mirror. He's been trying out different looks for his signature superhero look.

You watch Marcus turn around.  He's currently wearing a red outfit, although no tights! Marcus is wearing a red tshirt and red leather pants. He looks, well,  not great.

"I think you need to try something else, " you say. "That look is his just not you."

Marcus nods in agreement and disappears into the back room. You wander over to a rack of all black clothing.

You think that maybe Marcus could pull something like this off so much better than anything else. You're not sure if you'll be able to convince him.

Marcus emerges from the back room. This time he's wearing all white. You wrinkle your nose. Seriously? That almost looks worse than all the red he was just wearing.

"Marcus, come over here for a minute, please." Marcus comes over to where you're standing and you gesture at the rack of black clothing.

"You mean go for a black outfit?" You nod.

"Absolutely. I think it would work really well for you."

Marcus' brow furrows. You can almost see the gears turning in his head. He puts his hands on his hips.

"Oh, Y/N, I don't know...." His voice trails off.

"Just humor me." Marcus sighs heavily and starts searching through the black clothing, looking for his size.

You spot a black leather strap holder,  that would work perfectly for Marcus to keep his swords in and you grab it up, passing it over to Marcus. He takes it, along with all the other stuff and heads for the back room.

You tap your foot impatiently, waiting to see how everything looks together. It's a good ten minutes before Marcus finally re-emerges from the back.

You clap when he steps out. He looks fantastic! You grin. You knew this would work well for Marcus Morena.

"Pefecto." Marcus walks over to the mirror and  you notice that hus eyes light up. You walk over to join him.

"I knew this was the perfect look for you." Marcus reaches out, pulling you close to him. He kisses the top of your head and you smile.

"You were right." You grin at him.

"I know."


Later that day, all the Heroics get a chance to show off their superhero outfits at the press conference they're holding.

Everyone gets a chance to tell the people of the city all about their superpowers and explain how they'll protect the city and everyone who lives here.

You smile proudly as Marcus makes his speech and then showcases his superpower. His trick with metal.

When it's over, Marcus comes straight to you, lifts you up into his arms and plants a big kiss on your lips.

You laugh and kiss him back. Marcus sets you down and you take his hand, ready to go back home.

"I'm soo proud of you, Marcus." Marcus blushes but looks pleased.

"Thanks, Y/N. I'm so glad that I have you."

"And I'm glad that I have you."

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