Erza-I'll Look After You

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You and Erza are searching for something extraordinary. You're not even sure it really exists.

Ezra ends up hurt and you take care of him and discover that's what you really want to do.

Some swearing and violence.


You feel like your legs are going to fall off if you have to walk another step. Why does Erza enjoy tramping around these miserable places, just to maybe find something of value?

As much as you love Erza, you're not sure of your love will hold if he keeps dragging you to all these awful places.

You try to keep up with Erza, but you're honestly not sure you'll make it much farther.

"Erza, I need a break. Please." Erza sighs but stops and you sit down on a nearby boulder. Erza comes to sit down beside you and you lean against him.

"Oh, Erza. Can't we just go back to the ship? I'm exhausted." Erza takes ahold of your hand.

"Just a couple more hours, my sweet. Then we'll quit for the day." You nod. Erza had better be telling you the truth. A few times before, he's promised to quit and then, you headed up going longer.

You were not impressed. Erza stands, tugging you upright. You sigh. This is madness. It has to be. Why would anyone voluntarily continue to search for something that might not exist?


You're scared out of your wits. Some awful men have crossed your path and are arguing with Erza about, well, pretty much everything.

"Admit it!" The bigger of the men snaps. "You were planning on stealing our gems!"

"Now why on earth would we do that?" Erza asks calmly. You want to bolt. Grab Erza's hand and just bolt.

"Because you're thieves!" The smaller man snaps.

"Just leave us alone!" You cry. "We're not doing a damn thing to you!" You reach for Erza's hand, to pull him along.

A weapon is fired. Erza cries out in pain. You scream and grab your own weapon, firing multiple times at the men. They turn and run.

You know you hit both of them. You can see the puncture marks in their suits and a trail of...blood.

You set the weapon aside and kneel down by Erza. His arm has been hurt. Badly. You want to cry, but you need to get Erza back to your ship and attend to his wound before it becomes infected.


It's worse than you feared. Erza's arm is going to need some stitches. You're trying to remain calm. Erza is encouraging you. You're glad that at least he'll live.

"You're doing just fine, Y/N," Erza says softly as his good hand gently caresses your head.

"Oh, Erza!" You look into his face. It's pale and sweaty. You want to just pull Erza into your arms and hold him.

"Hey, hey, ssh. Everything is going to be just fine." You raise yourself to your knees and gently press your lips to his. Erza leans into it. You smile.

You return to fixing up his arm. Erza gasps in pain and you hate yourself, feeling like you're hurting him more.

"Does...does it hurt that badly?" You whisper. Erza shakes his head.

"N-No. Not really. Kinda. Oh, God!" You fight back the tears threatening to spill. You quickly wipe at your eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You didn't do anything." Suddenly, all those emotions that you've been holding at bay come pouring out.

"You're right, Erza! This isn't my doing! It's yours! I hate this shit! It's awful!" Erza looks away and you immediately regret your outburst.

"I apologize," you mumble as you finish fixing Erza's arm. You find that you can't look him in the eyes.

His gentle fingers take your chin and you find yourself gazing into Erza's beautiful brown eyes. He smiles tenderly at you.

"I know this isn't the life you want, my sweet. But if we can find just enough to give us both a better life, I want to do that. For you."

You wipe your hands and move to wrap your arms around Erza. He holds you, too. You rest your head on his shoulder.

"I already have I could ever want, Erza. Because I have you." Erza kisses your forehead.

"I know. But I want to give you the best."

"I already have the best. And I'll always look after you." Erza chuckles softly and kisses you again.

"And I'll look after you, too."

Pedro Pascal one shots +characters part three Where stories live. Discover now