Max Phillips-Working It

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You and Max are vampires and you're running your own business. You coming actually some people who think that you don't deserve to live.

Some swearing and violence.


"Who's are next victim, I mean, employee." Max grins wickedly at you and you chuckle. He's such a jokester!

You lean over, gently kissing him and Max makes a growls sound, deep in the back of his throat. You playfully swat at him.

You don't know you'd do without him. Max wasn't actually the one who turned you, although he was the one to save you. The idiot who tried to kill you, ended up screwing it up. Big time.

Lucky, Max came along when he did and rescued you. You've been together ever since. As much as you hated what that other guy did to you, at least you got Max out of the deal.

You check your clip board. It's a Sally Smith. You wonder if that's her real name. You tell Max, who asks her to come in.

Sally takes a seat and fidgets with the end of her shirt.

"What's this all about?" Her voice sounds hight pitched and nervous.

"We're just informing all the employees that we're taking over this businesses. If you wish to stick around, say so. I have no patience for slackers."

Max pauses dramatically. You grin, knowing what he's going to say next.

"Oh, and one other minor detail, Sally. We're vampires." Sally bursts out laughing. Clearly, she thinks this is a joke.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever you say."

"It's not a joke," you say crisply. "Max and I are really vampires. Take it or leave it."

Sally's face immediately goes pale, her eyes wide wity terror. She jumps up from her chair, rushing out of the office. Max sighs aa he crosses Sally's name off the list.

"And another one gone."


Once you and Max have spoken with all the employees, only a handful remain. Crap. Guess you'll have to pit an ad out, asking for more help.

The employees that have agreed to stick around, you're not sure if they actually believe that you and Max are really vampires.

Or if they, too, think it's some big joke.

You're about to find out.


You're finishing up some emails and also putting a help wanted advertisement out, just to see if you get any bites. (Haha! Vampire joke!)

You hear something strange coming from Max's office and jump up, hurrying in there. When you reach his office, you find the remaining employees, standing around with...weapons? Of some sort.

They look pissed off and scared out of their minds at the same time. You hurry over to stand beside Max, who merely looks annoyed at this little gathering.

"I already told you all," Max says,  a hint of frustration in his voice. "If you don't like who we are, quit. It's as simple as that."

"You're an abomination!" One skimmed guy cries out, holding out a pair of scissors. (Like that's actually going to stop you.)

"We have just as much as right to live as anybody else, " Max says calmly.  You glare at everyone, knowing that your red eyes are showing.

Everyone backs up just a tad. You bate your fangs. So does Max. Suddenly, some lady standing in the back of the group, throws a brick at you. It merely bounces off. You smirk.

"Darling, we're vampires. Not some insect that you can just smash and boom, we're dead."

"Get out!" Another person cries out angrily. Soon, the whole crowd is an angry mob, ready to run you and Max out of town.

"This is our business now. You're the ones who should leave." Max steps menacingly towards the crowd. Too your shock, they actually hold their ground.

But you're a damn vampire. You aren't afraid of these mere mortals. You've lived for several years by now. Max has lived longer.

Max keeps going, grabbing the woman who threw the brick and we'll, you know what happens to her.

Everyone else freaks, running in fright away. You laugh as you walk over to Max. You put your arms around him and give him a kiss.

"Looks like we'll have to start all over," you say with a sigh, looking down at the woman lying on the floor at your feet.

"I'm not worried about it. This isn't the first time and it sure as hell won't be the last time."

Yiu give Max a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek. You grin. You aren't worried, either.

You and Max, you're both working it.

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