chapter 13: the dream ends

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Picking off where we left off. Alvin and Brittany with there arms locked were walking to the door Cheesy has a huge smile on his face that his highness found his love, while Jeanette and Eleanor (in the dresses they wore to the ball) had shocked faces that their step sister was the girl. As Alvin and Brittany were close to the door, Jeanette and Eleanor knew that it was time to tell the truth.

"Brittany" Jeanette and Eleanor said at the same time. Brittany turned around "yeah" Brittany answered

"we are sorry that we were mean to you" Jeanette said "yeah the truth is........we were.......jealous" Eleanor said

"jealous, of what" Brittany asked confused

"when you fist came in, we looked at you and we knew that with the way you look and how you are really kind, that you will get anything you want, while we won't" Jeanette said sadly looking down

"yeah, we had a feeling that someone will want you, well we didn't think that anyone would want us. Also we were mean to you because our mom (Croner) told us too" Eleanor said truthfully

"really" Brittany asked "yeah" Jeanette and Eleanor said looking down

Brittany then went to them and hugged both of them. Jeanette and Eleanor were shocked but hugged back

Brittany broke the hug. "I forgive you two, but you don't have to be jealous, you two are beautiful in your own way, I'm sure someday you will find someone who wants you" Brittany said kindly

"Really" Jeanette and Eleanor said with smiles "yeah" Brittany said "you know that day could be today" Alvin said causing the three to look at him.

"what do you mean" Jeanette asked "at the ball before you knew who I was, I had a conversation with two brothers that I became friends with after I meet Brittany, they are named Simon and Theodore, and they told me that they liked you two" Alvin said

"seriously" Eleanor said excited "yeah, and they told me that they want to be with you and live with you, and if I am right after I danced with Brittany I saw the two dancing with you" Alvin said

"I remember them, they were shy, but the one with glasses was handsome" Jeanette said blushing a little "yeah and the other one was adorable" Eleanor said blushing a little

"if you want I can make it that the two of you can live with them" Alvin said with a smile "really" the two said excited "of course" Alvin said

Jeanette and Eleanor them screamed with excitement, and were about to go up and pack, but they were blocked by Croner

"you two are not going to live with strangers" Croner commanded. Then the two looked at her angry. "WE ARE NOT DOING WHAT YOU SAY ANYMORE" they shouted before going pass her

"guards get her" Alvin said. Then two guards entered the house and grabbed Croner "what are you doing" Croner asked "for keeping my love in her room so I don't find her, and for making your daughters be mean to them, you will be put in the castle dungeon for a few days, then you will be forced to leave this kingdom and never come back" Alvin answered in a mad tone

"what, you can't do that" Croner said shocked "I can and I would make it so, but someone else has to agree (Alvin then looked at Brittany) Brittany do you also agree with this" Alvin said and asked. Brittany looked at Croner who was shacking her head side to side. Brittany then looked at Alvin "I agree" Brittany said.

Then the two guards took Croner to one of the extra coaches they brought (Alvin brought three coaches with him, in case something happens) they put her in then head to the castle. After a few minutes, Jeanette and Eleanor came down with their suitcases and asked where Croner was. Alvin told them what happened (Jeanette and Eleanor then told Alvin they agree too) Jeanette and Eleanor got in one coach while Alvin and Brittany got in the other and the two coaches went to Simon and Theodore's house.

After they arrive they went to the door and Alvin told them that the two want to stay with them. Simon and Theodore said yes right after. Then Jeanette and Eleanor turned and stood in front of Brittany.

"so long you two, I hope you two like your new life in your new house, with them" Brittany said "you too Brittany" Jeanette said "I bet you will make a great queen" Eleanor said

They the three hugged again, and when they broke the hug, the two went in the house, while Brittany went into the coach with Alvin. After a little ride, they made it to the castle and they got out.

"welcome home Brittany" Alvin said with a smile "Thanks Alvin" Brittany said. Then they went in.

One to two weeks later, it was time for the two to be crown king and queen. Alvin and Brittany were inside near a balcony with a lot of people both villagers and royals waiting outside. Alvin wearing a white king suit, and Brittany wearing a white queen's dress that almost looks like the dress she wore to the ball (they were told for the accession to wear white, and they knew they have too).

"I still can't believe my life, living with my mean step mom, and my jealous step sisters, then becoming friends and falling in love with the prince (she looked at Alvin) and now going to be queen" Brittany said "It is amazing how live can turn, and how love works" Alvin said looking at Brittany

Then they hug each other. "I love Alvin" Brittany said "I love you Brittany" Alvin said. Then they broke the hug right when the trumpets started to sound. Derek was on the balcony to introduce them.

"ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to introduce you new rulers (then the doors open) king Alvin and queen Brittany" Derek said as Alvin and Brittany walk out

Everyone saw them and started cheering. Alvin and Brittany looked around at all the people, then they saw Simon, Jeanette, Theodore, and Eleanor holding hands. (sometime between the girls moving in to now, Simon and Theodore told Jeanette and Eleanor their feeling, and now Simon and Jeanette were a couple, same with Theodore and Eleanor). Then Alvin and Brittany turned and looked at each other holding each other close.

"are you ready for the future Brittany" Alvin asked "as long as I am with you Alvin.......I feel I am ready for anything" Brittany replied

Then Alvin and Brittany kissed, and the crowd cheered again. Now we see the camera going away from them, and the picture is getting fussier and darker meaning Brittany is waking up.

That's the end of this chapter, sorry if it's long I wanted to end the dream in this chapter. Leave a comment telling me what you think of my story so far. The next chapter is in the real world, and is the last chapter in this story. Come back later to see how it ends, see you then.

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