Just the beginning

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| Y/N- Your Name | H/C- Hair colour | H/L- Hair length | S/C- Skin Colour | F/C- Fav Colour |

| Eye colour- left is blue and the right is green | Height- 160cm/5'3" |


3 weeks ago

You had only just arrived in Yokohama earlier that day. However, now you're in the middle of an alleyway, standing among burnt corpses. It wasn't long until you felt the cold autumn air on the back of your neck, causing you to shiver. You smiled mischievously at your handiwork, chuckling to yourself a little. Before turning onto your heels to exit the dark alleyway. One that you had previously found yourself cornered in. "Hmm...it seems this is a useful ability after all," you mutter, starting to hum happily, as you walk out of the alley and onto the main streets of Yokohama.

For the last 3 years, you had found yourself wandering from one place to another in hopes of looking for a battle that would finally break your boredom. Now at the age of 19, you're still on your search to quench your thirst from a thrilling battle. You had come to Yokohama after hearing news about the battle between The Guild, Armed Detective Agency and The Port Mafia. Which had previously excited you. At the thought of the possibility that you could fight someone that had fought in that battle. However, it seems that battle was old news in Yokohama. '

2 weeks ago

'Honestly, what will it take to find someone fun to play with...' you think to yourself as you stop in your tracks, finding yourself on a street of warehouses. And a man in black standing in your way. 

He has a slim build and porcelain coloured skin. Short, choppy black hair with side bangs that reach his chin and turn white at the tips. His eyes are sharp, filled with hatred and anger, and a dark empty grey. He wears a long, black coat reaching past his knees over black fitting pants and black dress shoes. Underneath his black coat was a white dress shirt, decorated with a layered, ruffled fabric. He also wears a white jabot. "Heh, would you look at that the wish was answered after all," you state as a smirk begins to grow on your face.

"Rashomon!" The man shouts as a dark shadow-like beast with menacing red eyes suddenly appears from his black coat. "The stench of death does not discriminate between those who infect it and those who seek it, do you not agree?" he asks me suddenly, coughing after. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name is Akutagawa, I'm one of the Port Mafia's black dogs," he explains to me as he introduces who he is and once again coughing. As I stand in a fighting stance, he puts his hands into his coat and opens his mouth again. "Rashomon Agito!" Akutagawa suddenly shouts. And what seems to be his ability changes its shape into the form of a jaw. And races towards you at full speed.

"Finally, another ability user!" you shout gleefully: while dodging his attack and continue to do so. "Crimson fire!" You declare as a flurry of fire aims for the Port mafia dog and his Rashomon. "I do hope you don't disappoint Akutagawa!" you yell out at him which, causes him to become more aggressive towards you. As the rush of adrenaline kicks in as Akutagawa's Rashomon ends up just slightly biting off your h/c h/l hair. Which only proceeds to further excite you at the thought of knowing what would have happened had that attack got you.

"Rashomon Sawarbi!"

You quickly notice his ability going under the ground causing, you to jump in the air expecting an attack from underneath, and you were right. Several spikes spring up from the concrete floor to attempt to thoroughly impale you. Countering his ability, you try to scorch the Rashomon with Crimson fire, an attempt that had worked. Whatever this Rashomon was, it was weak to fire. After landing back onto the ground, you charge for him as he sends yet another jawed attack at you, luckily you had managed to dodge this one but barely. You suddenly stop mere steps away from Akutagawa. As you swing your arm horizontally, unleashing a blaze of flames.

After the flames had settled, you see that you had burned him somewhat, but his coat had been badly burnt too. Letting out a sigh, you frown slightly. "Looks like you're done for now Akutagawa, I won't kill you as that's not really my style, though I do hope you'll win next time, until then," you explain to him. As you start to walk off into the opposite direction, only to stop in your tracks for a moment. "Oh, and do tell your boss to send someone after this little CopyCat," you teasingly say to him continuing to walk away from the street of warehouses.

Present Day

After seeing a sign that had said cafe Uzumaki, you ended up going inside. And was now sitting inside waiting for an order you had just made. The smell of coffee was inviting after weeks of only being able to smell blood and burnt corpses. Suddenly, you notice a man with short, dark brown hair and narrow dark brown eyes. His bangs frame his face, while some are gathered at the centre of his forehead. He's tall and slim in terms of physique. He's wearing a long sand-coloured trench coat, the belt of which is left untied. Under it is a black vest over a striped dress shirt that is light blue in hue. He's wearing a bolo tie, which is held by a brown ribbon and a turquoise pendant. He was also wearing beige pants, dark brown shoes. And has bandages wrapped around the majority of his body. The man starts to grin at you, creating a slight frown to appear on your face. "I've lived to this day so that I can be in a double suicide with you!" the bandaged man exclaims as he grabs your hand with both of his. "I'm sure of it!" he then adds to his previous statement. After finishing his sentence, you soon become aware of another man. Who is sat behind him facing you. And leaning on the same seat: the bandaged man was sitting on.

He seems to be a tall and slim young man with dirty blonde hair and deep, green-grey eyes. His bangs are parted to the right and are rather neat. But spiky hair that ends in a long ponytail. He also was wearing glasses. His attire consisted of a beige vest over a black long-sleeved dress shirt. A red ribbon tied into a bow around the collar, beige pants, and plain brown shoes. Without warning, the man with glasses slammed the back of his fist into the bandaged man's face causing him to be knocked to the empty space of the seat. "Oh, I didn't know you were here, Kunikida," he complained as he continued to lie down.

"You bandage squandering machine! How could you skip on work to harass the customers here!" the man so-called Kunikida shouted. As he returned to properly sit in his own seat, folding his arms in frustration. As you sigh in slight annoyance, you hear a soft sound on the table only to see the sweet parfait you had ordered in front of you. Looking to the young woman who worked at the cafe giving her a soft smile and mouthing the words thank you to her as she returns the smile before leaving you with the men.

The bandaged man sits up and looks at you curiously as you begin to eat your sweet dessert. "Mine," you simply state, giving him a glare and moving the parfait closer to you and further from him. "Oh, and I do believe I will decline your bizarre double suicide...Bandages," You add as you continue to eat.

After some idle chit chat, you find out that the man's name was Dazai. However, to you, the nickname bandages suited him far more. Kunikida and Dazai both worked at the famous Armed Detective Agency. And they were only based a few floors above the cafe you was in. After finding out you were new to Yokohama, Kunikida warned you about the Port Mafia and how dangerous they were. Especially a man named Akutagawa Ryunosuke. Causing you to recall the time of your battle with Akutagawa weeks ago. Soon after, they had both left on a job together. Leaving you alone staring out of the window pondering on what to do next...

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