Hostilities (Part 1)

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4 years ago...

You were alone in your usual cold room, sitting on the small dirtied futon, staring at the door thoughtlessly. You had just returned to your room. It was nothing new: you didn't know anything else but your same routine. However, there was one thing that was different compared to the earlier years.

The door swung open and revealed the cheerful young man grinning from ear to ear as he walked towards you. "I brought you some Taiyaki this time!" he calls out, waving the sweet-smelling treat in front of you. "Keep it between us, okay?" he tells you, pouting as if he was a child.

For a moment, you stared at them blankly until you looked up at him, tilting your head slightly in confusion. "What's that...?" you simply ask him, hesitating to take them from him.

"Taiyaki is a Tai fish-shaped cake, comes with different fillings, this one has chocolate inside," he explains, sitting down beside you.

He hands you the sweet treat while smiling at you happily. The young man next to you was the only irregularity in your usual routine, the only light in your life. The same old cheerful personality brought warmth to your daily life. You had only known him for a year, yet it felt like you had known him your whole life. Taking a bite into the Taiyaki first, your eyes begin to brighten up instantly with innocent joy. "It's tasty," you simply say, devouring it quickly, resulting in the man laughing. Your cheeks began to grow warmer in embarrassment, "p- please don't laugh!" you exclaim, becoming embarrassed.

"I do apologise, you're just so adorable, my little y/n," he tells you, smiling softly, ruffling up your hair. Just moments before, there was an emptiness in your heart, but it had been replaced by warmth. You would always experience this feeling whenever you had felt his warmth and kindness. "You're hurt again, y/n..." he mutters in a low voice, scanning your body for more marks and bruises.

"I'm used to it by now..." you tell him with a saddened smile, soon looking down at yourself in shame. You never used to care, but now something was different: it was like it started to matter to you.

He grabs both of your hands and holds your small hands within his own, "Next month, on your 16th birthday, I will rescue you from this place, I swear it!" he tells you with determination in his eyes. It gave you hope, something you've never had before, 'Freedom, can I have such a thing?' you wondered.


You had awoken from your usual somewhat lavish room within the Port Mafia. Despite only having woken up, you were already in a foul mood. The events of last night had caused some unsavoury memories to resurface. "Just a pain in the ass, huh?" you grumble to yourself, placing your face into your hand, groaning tiredly.

To your surprise, a knock had come from your door, making you question who it was this early into the day: without thinking, you opened the door to see Chuuya. "We got a mission-" he starts to say until he notices the lack of clothes you have. "Put some damn clothes on!" he yells, throwing his overcoat at you in an attempt to cover your body.

Through your tiredness, you soon realised you had only been wearing undergarments. It didn't bother you in the slightest until you noticed who you were talking to. After the realisation, a tired frown begins to form on your facial features, "Mission, what mission?" you question, still clinging to his overcoat that somewhat covered your figure.

The flustered male just sighs in slight annoyance, and in a struggle to hide his face, he pulls his hat over his face more than usual. "It's an undercover mission, make sure to be waiting for me at sunset," he informs you, still looking elsewhere as you proceed to give him secret scowls every so often. "Oh and here," he mentions, taking out a phone and holding it out for you. "Make sure to answer it, me anytime you need help," he tells you: as you take the phone from him. Wanting to get rid of him as soon as possible, you toss his overcoat over his face and shut the door on him. "Hey, what the fuck!" you hear him yell as you walk away from the door.

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