Coming Home

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The members of the street all boarded off the plane. The sudden change of sitting in the air to standing on solid ground felt weird to them, but they were thankful to get there in one piece.

They went to the baggage claim to wait for what little stuff hadn't been destroyed in Starlight Wonderland. It mainly consisted of their clothes that they had their last two days there.

Grabbing their belongings they made their way to the lobby where Dante and Laurance were waiting for them, to take them home.

Garroth walked warily over with the group. He tried his best to hide his ears using a jacket hood, with Zane, Kawaii~Chan, and Kim standing behind him to try and hide his tail from view.

"Welcome back guys!" Dante greeted cheerfully.

The others smiled, and tried to meet his enthusiasm. "Hey Dante. Thanks for the warm welcome." Lucinda said.

"It's been boring without you here," Laurance replied, "it'll hopefully be more lively now."

Garroth chuckled. "I think most of us were planning on relaxing for a bit." He looked at his brother and gave a small smile, which Zane returned.

The brothers had never been on the best of terms, but if there was one good thing that came out of all the hardships that had happened, they agreed that their brotherly ties had strengthened.

"You guys can totally do that! You're probably all tired from your trip." Dante reassured them.

There was an uncomfortable chuckle that went through the group. Dante and Laurance had no idea how tired they really were.

"Where's Aph and Travis?" Laurance asked, "I thought they were supposed to come home with you guys."

They all exchanged uncomfortable looks, silently asking who wanted to talk.

Katelyn cleared her throat uncomfortably. "There's a lot to explain to you two. But we have to leave it until we get home."

Laurance and Dante gave one another confused looks, shrugging their shoulders. "That's alright with us," Laurance assured them, "let's get you all home then."

They headed to the cars to take the hour long drive home. Garroth got in Laurance's car with Zane and Kawaii~chan, while Katelyn, Lucinda, and Kim got in the car with Dante.

Kawaii~chan took the front with insistence from Zane, while he and Garroth sat in back. Garroth went to sit down, but jumped back up giving a small yelp. He had sat on his tail a little too harshly.

"Are you okay Garr?" Laurance asked, looking in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah. I just sat on, something." Garroth answered." Zane and Kawaii~Chan nodded, understanding what he meant.

"Alright. Find what it was and just toss it outside."

Garroth feigned tossing something out of the car, before sitting more carefully. With that, they left for home, hoping to relax.


They arrived back to the street. The others were incredibly homesick and were glad to arrive safe, hoping everything would be calm, and they could relax and heal.

The whole group headed to Laurance, Garroth, and Zanes house to explain everything from the Lodge and Starlight Wonderland.

Laurance and Dante sat on the coffee table in front of the others, so they could sit on the couch where the two could see all of them.

"You can take off the jacket now Garroth~Kun." Kawaii~chan said. "We're inside, so no paparazzi."

Garroth looked uneasy. "I don't know. It's kind of weird to have these while home."

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