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Tw: mention of bugs, suggestions of something dieing, vivid descriptions, and descriptions of a house that probably isn't safe to live in. Also, bullying.

Lucinda drove her small black car down the paved road. Kim and Emmalyn sat I next to her in the passenger seat. It was quiet. Lucinda suspected that they were talking -or fighting- in their head. They did that often according to Kim.

She wondered what they were fighting about this time. Lucinda had asked about how that worked once. They had explained it to be like a big endless black room with a spotlight in the middle. If one wanted to be in control, they stood in the spotlight. If both of them were in fighting for control, it depended on mental capability and their will. If the two fought, they wouldn't do it verbally so as to not bother anyone else.

"Hey." Lucinda snapped her fingers in front of their face. "You two alright in there?"

Their head shook, and Kim's voice spoke out. "Oh! Sorry Lucinda."

Lucinda smiled, setting her focus on the road. "That's alright. What were you guys talking about in there?"

"You do remember that we lived with Lilly from high-school right?" Kim asked.

Lucinda nodded. "Yes. I haven't seen her since then though."

Emmalyn's voice spoke through. "Well I wasn't allowed to interact with that jerk during the year after the Lodge incident."

"So she's determined to tell Lilly to buzz off. In a rude way of course. But I don't want her to." Kim said.

Lucinda sighed. "Just try to keep Emmalyn from doing anything and I'll help too. Maybe I can hold her back."

Kim shook her head. "It's okay Lucinda. It doesn't bother me. I just have to keep her under wraps for a bit.

Lucinda looked at her friend, a small smile on her face. "Alright. If you think you can do so, I'll trust you, and hope it works."

"I hope so too." Kim said. They kept driving along. Kim and Emmalyn lived almost two cities over from the small rural town the street was located in. They had just passed the first one, so they still had a bit to go.

About an hour or so later, they arrived to the city. "Do you want me to switch you? And I can drive us to my apartment?" Kim asked.

"What about Emmalyn? What if she decides to take control?" Lucinda asked.

Kim smiled. "She knows not to when I'm driving. Emmalyn has no idea how to even drive a car, so she always avoids coming forward unless we're both in co-command."

Lucinda nodded. "Alright then. I'll pull the car over. Then we can switch. You have a driver's license though right?"

"Yep. I just never had the money to buy a car. But I make sure to always have one just in case a friend lends me their car."

Lucinda pulled off to the side of the road, and the two got out of the car to switch seats. Closing the door and starting the engine, Kim drove to her apartment. It was a big city. They drove down the winding and never ending roads until they came to one of the smaller apartment complexes in the city.

Kim pulled up in the parking lot, and backed up, parking backwards so the trunk faced the sidewalk. That way, they could put boxes and stuff in easier.

"Most importantly, I want to just grab the smaller stuff and things like pillows and blankets right now. We can get a moving van or something to get the bed and dressers and stuff on a later date." Kim said.

Lucinda nodded. "Alright. Sorry I don't have a big enough car to carry at least your bed."

"It's alright. I just want to get what's most important. I have boxes in my closet to put everything in. It's apartment one forty-two. "

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