Still on Starlight

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Aphmau slowly rolled down the boardwalk that loomed over the ocean of her small hut. She was still stuck on the island of Starlight Wonderland, due to the injuries she suffered from while escaping the Celectial Cannon.

She had needed to get surgery done on her spine so she could walk in a month or two. Her back had gotten messed up, which made her thankful the surgerywas possible. She lived on one of the tiny houses on the docs by the beach, as she was alone and needed to be able to get into the house.

Travis was still in the hospital recovering. He was mostly fine physically, but had some minor psychological issues because of how Michael had taken control of him. So he was getting therapy for that, and was getting better bit by bit, even if it was small. He had a concussion and a few minor fractures on his wrist, so he just kept it wrapped instead of using a cast.

Aphmau was planning to visit him today after this therapy appointment. They both got lonely sometimes because the others flew back home. Both Travis and Aphmau agreed that they were homesick, wanting to go back to their friends, and hopefully lead a calm life moving forward.

She continued rolling down the boards, watching the children splash in the cool ocean water. She envied them. Where their only problems were friends and bullies. None of the other residents remembered what had happened on Starlight after their souls had been taken and given back.

The children looked up at her, smiling widely and waving vigorously. She smiled and waved back.

Aphmau continued forward to the park's hospital where Travis resided. Because she was in a wheelchair, she was slower than usual, and therefore had to leave earlier than usual to get anywhere. Buying groceries had been a regular pain.

As she went along, her mind wandered elsewhere. Mostly to her friends, along with her mother and Eric. Her mind also lingered on Aaron.

She hoped her friends had been relaxing as soon as they got home. She wondered if they had caught up Dante and Laurance on everything that had transpired over the past few years. Aphmau wondered if Garroth had gotten used to having his werewolf features at home. Her mother and Eric had also left, but on a different flight than her friends. They did live in two different cities. If Sylvana and Eric got married, that would make her and Katelyn stepsisters. The two parents had been dating since a little before they had vacationed at Love Love Paradice. She didn't know if that would happen soon, or if it even would happen at all.

Her mind lingered on Aaron a bit longer than she would have liked. She wondered how he was doing.  Her last two encounters with him had been heartbreaking, to put it in understandable standards. For Aphmau it was worse than that. After all they had been through to live and be able to continue life peacefully with each other, Aaron's memories were stripped away from him, leaving her with out him. Again.

She shook the thoughts from her mind and pushed her wheelchair so it would go faster. She hoped that talking with Travis would keep her head clear. They both agreed that time was better there when they hung out.


Travis left the psychologists office after his therapy appointment, tired and stuffy. The doctor had agreed that he was getting better. His concussion was almost completely gone, and the fractures in his wrist were improving in the healing process. The only thing that would take longer to heal was the mental problems he had suffered. Even then, they would never really go away, as with many mental illnesses.

His next stop would be the medicine counter. Then he would meet up with Aphmau. Patients weren't allowed to be on the ground floor unless they were being picked up, or accompanied by a doctor or staff member. The second floor had the medicine counter and dining room, with a kitchen of chefs in the back. The third floor was where the exercise courts were and other things of the sort. The fourth floor was doctors offices of varying professions, everything above was rooms.

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