Wishes and Promises

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Dante brought Katelyn upstairs to the green room belonging to Travis. He was glad that he'd cleaned it during the time everyone was away. He told his housemate to clean it before he had left. Travis claimed he had, every time Dante brought it up, but Travis's idea of clean was being able to see the walls.

He opened the door to the room for Katelyn and stood in the door way. "Here's Travis's room. I took the liberty of cleaning it while you all were away, so don't worry. You can stay here as long as you'd like or need to."

Katelyn gave him a smile. "Thanks Dante. I hope I'm not bothering you with this."

He shook his head. "No no. It's very much okay. I don't mind in the slightest. You just take your time. I'll leave you alone most of the time. My room is downstairs, so you practically have the whole second floor to yourself."

"Oh I don't need all of it, but thank you." Katelyn said.

Dante smiled and left her alone to do her own thing. Katelyn closed the door behind her as she entered the room. Dante had done a good job cleaning it as it was practically spotless. He had even made the bed.

Katelyn chuckled. Dante was quite the neat freak. She sat in the bed for a moment. She didn't think. Her mind was just... empty. She hated being stuck in her own head. That experience in Starlight was horrendous, and she never wanted to experience it again.

Standing up, Katelyn walked to the closet and opened it up. Travis's hoddies and outfits. She chuckled. He was probably walking around in a hospital gown or scrubs or something.

Her face fell. Her best friend and, boyfriend were still stuck on the nightmare of an island.

Boyfriend? Was that what she and Travis were? They had originally pretended just to convince Terry, but Terry had known they weren't actually together. She knew that Travis had a crush on her since high-school, but she always just blew him off.

These past months she'd gotten used to Travis, and even saw his soft side. She cared for him now, but, did he still want her? She'd try to bring it up when he returned.

She pulled Travis's favorite green hoodie from the hanger it was on. He left it home because it would've been too hot to wear one on the island. Katelyn hugged the hoodie. It smelled of the cherry breath mints he always carried around with him.

This made her smile. "He doesn't have any right now I bet." She whispered. Putting on the hoodie, she lay on the bed for a bit.


Dante left Katelyn alone upstairs and went to the ground floor. He really didn't mind Katelyn staying as long as she needed.

Honestly, the stories that he had heard just today gave him second hand anxiety. The things that happened to his friends were horrendous, and nobody should have to go through that.

Letting Katelyn stay there was the minimum of what he wished he could do. He hoped that everyone would just relax and not push themselves for a while. Maybe he'd help them with stuff they needed. His thoughts swarmed of ways he could help everyone.

He and Laurance had gotten lucky. They had no reason, or no way, or no money to have gone to Starlight. So they had stayed on the street alone. Perhaps he should have hung out with and been nicer to the one person who was stuck at home with him.

I'll probably never complain about being the only one not going anywhere again. He chuckled. He'd just try to help his friends to the best if his abilities, and Aphmau and Travis too when they got back.

Dante sat on the couch and picked up the book he'd left on the coffee table before he and Laurance had left to pick up the others. Opening to the page he left on, Dante read for the next few hours.


Katelyn sat up and stretched her back. Looking at the clock she estimated that she'd slept for about two hours. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror that Travis hung on his wall. She looked like she was ran over.

A smell ran through the air. It was a good smell. Something, toasted or something like it. But she couldn't put her finger on it.

She opened the door and traveled downstairs. Gravitating towards the smell. Katelyn stood in the entryway between the kitchen and the stairs.

Dante had his back to her, but must've heard her come down. He turned and gave her a smile. "Hey. I'm making grilled cheese? Want one? I can put on anything you feel like eating."

Katelyn walked to the counter. "Sure. I'll take one with cheese, pepperoni, and if you have some onions and peppers as well."

Dante nodded. "Alright. I have all of that. Get it from the fridge for me please?"

She went to the fridge and rummaged around in the drawers until she found the food she was looking for.

"You can use or eat any of the food I have in the house. Use the TV if you want. We have movies and games. Any extra blankets or pillows are under the stairs." Dante offered.

"Thanks Dante."

"Of course. Also, I'm not a cook or anything. I live off of TV dinners, noodles, and such. So you're kinda on your own if you want a big meal."

"That's alright. I know how to cook a bit. I needed to honestly, otherwise Kawaii~chan and I would die of a sugar overdose." Katelyn giggled.

Dante gave a short huff of laughter and started on Katelyn's grilled cheese.

Dante handed Katelyn her food on a plate. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure." They sat on the couch and tossed in a random movie. They watched one more afterwards. As the credits started rolling, Katelyn stood. "Thanks for the movie night Dante. But I think I'm going to go to bed."

Dante smiled and nodded. "Alright then. You get some rest. Sleep in tomorrow. To be honest, everyone better do so. I'll retire to my bed in a bit."

"Sounds good. Goodnight Dante." She turned and went to the closetbin the stairs, and stole two more blankets, before carrying them up the stairs and into Travis's room. She lay down with the covers over her and fell asleep.

Dante sat and watched as Katelyn left. He really did hope that they all slept in tomorrow. They needed to take care of themselves and he was going to make sure that they did.

He read another chapter before deciding to get some rest himself. Tossing the plates that they ate on in the sink, he went to his room and lay down for another thirty minutes before slipping into unconsciousness.

A/N The original chapter was so pathetic! It had only 380 words exactly! That is just so sad! This one is just over 1000. Which is sad compared to the word count of the other 3 chapters, which have close to or above 2000. Which is much better.

Also! The posting schedule is every other Friday! Unless something comes up, then I'll post before like Thursday or Wednesday. So that means today, because I can't make it on tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed!

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