This Isn't What I Want

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This might be to much for some people as it mentions suicide but not in great detail

After failing to achieve his dream katsuki bakugo reflects on his wrongdoings and wants to make amends

Kirishima:"hey bakugo what exactly are we doing here?"

Iida:"I agree why are we here?"

Bakugo:"hey I didn't ask you to come I'd rather do this on my own!"

Kirishima:"look your clearly nervous about whatever it is you need to do so as your best buddy here for ya."

Bakugo:*sighs* "look what you are about to hear is not going to be good but it's…"

Kirishima:"it's all lies got it!"

Iida:"ah so your here to confront this deceiver."

Bakugo:"NO!" *iida and kirishima flinch* "...It's true, I've done some really bad things in my life and said things I can never fix. I'm not happy to admit it, but I was an evil person.

Kirishima:"look you've come a long way since high school."

Iida:"yes bakugo as former class president it is my duty to assist you to make amends to those you have wronged!"

??????:*the front door shoots open* "what are you three doing on my law…bakugo?"

Bakugo:"round fac-" *gets punched in the face*

Ochako:"you bastard I told you I'd make you pay the next time I saw your stupid face!" *takes out a baseball bat*

Iida:"p-please miss there is no need to resort to violence!"

Ochako:"violence? That's rich coming from some who associates with katsuki bakugo!"

Bakugo:"w-wait round face I'm not here to fight I'm here to see dek…" *his eyes go wide*

?????:"mommy is everything ok?"

Ochako:"izumi what are you doing up from your nap?" *throws the bat hitting iida and kirishima in the face*

Iida:*on the ground holding his nose in pain* "how in the world did she manage to do that the odds of that were nearly impossible!?"

Kirishima:"not now iida."

Bakugo:"that kid…" *iida and kirishima look at bakugo* "looks like deku."

Izumi age 4:"I heard you screaming like you do when someone tries to take your mochi I just wanted to make sure you didn't kill anyone."

Ochako:"aw your so adorable."

Bakugo:*stands up* "hey round fa…I mean uraraka."

Ochako:"it's Midoriya now." *puts her son down* "izumi why don't you go inside and watch cartoons while mommy talks with to the other grown-ups." *kisses his forehead*

Izumi:"ok mommy" *quickly runs inside closing the door behind him*

Bakugo:"so the two got married that's good."

Ochako:"oh why because someone as worthless as us deserve each other!"

Bakugo:"no because…"

Kirishima:"what did you do to her bakugo break up with her or something?"

Ochako:"no he nearly drove my husband to suicide!" *kirishima and iida freeze*

Bakugo:"th-that was a long time ago!"

Ochako:"yea it was for you but for Izuku that day still affects him."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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