Stay By Your Side Always

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Sorry to anyone who read this ahead of time I pressed publish instead of save so here is the finished story enjoy

Izuku is the most hated person in UA but has fallen in love with ochako uraraka (he saved her from a sludge villain before going to UA) the most kindest person he has ever met and his secret girlfriend her twin katsuki Uraraka hates him the most no one knows they are dating
Everyone is a third year and are in class 3-A
warning possible mature language
*At The Uraraka Home*

*Ochako wakes up to the sound of a text notification*


Babe:"hey 💕beautiful💕 you better get up so you can get something to eat"😁😁😁

Uraraka:"thanks handsome but you don't have to wake me up"

Babe:"I know but this way I get an excuse to talk to you"😏😏

Ochako:"you know you don't need an excuse to talk to me I'll talk to you whenever you want" 😊😊😊

Babe:"thanks princess can't wait to see you at school"😍😍😍😍

Ochako:"same to you talk to you later"😋😘😘😘😘😘

*End Of Text*

Ochako:*gets ready and heads down stairs for breakfast* "hey bro I didn't think you'd be up already"

Katsuki:"look who's talking round face what is going on with you you've been acting different lately"

Ochako:"aw is my big bro worried about me"

Katsuki:"shut up anyways mom and dad won't be home until 8 tonight same goes for me"

Ochako:"well it looks like I'm going to have the whole place to myself"


Mina:"hey ochako over here"

Ochako:"hey girls what's up"

Tsuyu:"nothing much"

Toru:"hey ochako we have the perfect boyfriend for you he is the guy from 3-B"

Momo:"ya he would be perfect for you the two of you are a perfect match"

Ochako:"no thanks guys I've told you I'm good I don't need a boyfriend"

?????:"hey get out of my way four eyes"

Katsuki:"hey leave him alone"

Jiro:"oh no it's him"*the group turns around to see the one and only izuku midoriya*

Iida:"katsuki don't he's not worth it"

Izuku:"what did you say four eyes"

Kirishima:"look guys let's all calm down"

Izuku:"shut up shitty hair"

Todoroki:"hey he is just trying to help"

Izuku:"no one asked him to help icyhot"

Mina:"man I hate that guy so much"

*the group of girls except ochako agrees*

Tsuyu:"he is just so mean and violet"

Ochako:"I don't think he is that bad"

Momo:"are we talking about the same midoriya, ochako he is the one who messed up to your brother during the sports festival"

Izuku:"that's it if you want to fight then let's fight"

Katsuki:"I thought you would never ask you are so dead"

Izuocha one shot (Izuku x Ochako) Where stories live. Discover now