On the way to school

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It's 5:57am, I haven't slept so far, I just can't. I just kept thinking and thinking as I watched the rain fall. Why do we grow? I don't want to grow. Growing up only brings you problems. You have to study, try not to fail, graduate, go to college, work, earn money to survive, have a family, earn even more money and die. I would just like to stay in a garden, lying in the soft green grass, looking at the sky. No matter if it's day or night. I just want to stay there. Where no one judges me, no one tells me how I should be, where I can be a child forever. Life is unfair, everyone says to enjoy it, but... how do you do that? How do you enjoy life? Is there anyone who has really enjoyed it?

Footsteps are heard. Georgia immediately gets up and jumps into her bed and pretends to be asleep. Someone opens the door.

"Hey stupid" Clarisse says. "Wake up, we leave in ten minutes"

"In ten minutes?..." Georgia asks confused "But school doesn't open until seve-"

"I said... we leave in 10 minutes." Clarisse interrupts her loudly while leaving the room.

Georgia stands and stretches. She goes to her closet door, where on the handle hangs her uniform. She quickly puts it on and stows her books in her backpack, including her diary. She leaves her room and heads to the kitchen.

"Morning" Georgia greets everyone.

"Good morning honey!" Says Louise as she hands a sandwich and a paper bag with her lunch to Georgia and starts walking everywhere in a hurry.

"Hey mom... uhh... are you okay?" Georgia asks.

"Yes sweety, I just have a lot of things to do and very little time" Louise answers and pushes Georgia to the door, where Clarisse is waiting for her. "Go, go, go, go, you're going to be late." Louise closes the door.

"But there's like 50 minutes until... ugh forget it"

Clarisse and Georgia start walking to school.

"Hey, let me give you some advice, sister to sister." Says Clarisse.

Georgia looks at her sister curiously.

"Act like a normal person, ok? I'm tired of moving house all the time because of you." Clarisse complaints.

Georgia gets surprised and angered because of her 'advice'.

"It's not my fault that everyone is stupid" Georgia responds.

"Well, if you want to survive in this world, you must be just as stupid as they are. Otherwise, you'll just suffer." Says Clarisse

Georgia looks down and takes a bite of her sandwich. "I'd rather suffer than be like them. Anyway, someday they'll end up getting what they deserve." She says.

"Okay, tough girl, but if we move house again, YOU will be the one who gets what deserves" Clarisse threatens Georgia.

"If you want to stay in one place so badly, why don't you start working and buy your own house?" Georgia asks with an evil smile.

"Very funny, but I'm sure it will be a long time before that happens." Clarisse responds.

"Well, then you'll have to put up with me for that long" Georgia says and crosses the street heading to school with a smile on her face. Clarisse gets angry, turns around and goes back home. As Georgia arrives at the door, she realizes that the school is still a long way from opening, so she sits leaning against the wall next to the door and takes out her diary and a pencil from her backpack. She starts writing.

I think of the worst people I have ever met in my entire life, my sister is one of them. She has always thought she was superior to everyone, she thinks she can do whatever she wants, no matter how others feel. She is 27 years old and she still lives with us, she escapes with her friends to parties and arrives the next morning. She does not study or work and my mom keeps telling her over and over again that she is a disappointment.

But she's right though. In this world you have to be stupid if you want to fit in. The world is stupid. If people really wanted to be happy, the world wouldn't be like this. Wherever you are, there are always problems, even if you don't realize it. I don't want to be part of this world. Why do we have to be the way others want us to be in order to be respected? Can't we be respected for who we are? That would be a good start to making the world a happy place.

Georgia looks up and sees the sun slowly peeking out.

The sun is already rising. It is beautiful. I would like to sit here for the rest of the day. Just watching. Watching the sunrise, watching each orange, red or yellow leaf fall from the trees, feeling the soft breeze kissing my skin, listening to the birds sing. Now I can enjoy my life for a few minutes.

Georgia stops writing and closes her eyes for a while. Suddenly, footsteps are heard. Georgia opens her eyes again and turns to where the sound comes from. She sees a few children running and kicking a soccer ball in the park.

There are small kids. They look happy. I wonder if they really are. I hope they are. Childhood is one of the most beautiful stages of life.

Georgia smiles. A loud ringing bell interrupts Georgia's thoughts. The school doors open.

It 's time. I feel a pressure in my stomach. Wish me luck.

Quickly, she puts her things away and stands in front of the door. Georgia starts to get nervous, but takes a deep breath and starts walking towards school. A new adventure begins for her.

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