Author's Note

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This book is literally starting to turn into Pushed Love where people are complaining about little things. Read the prologue! That's why it's there! Y/N stopped talking for a short period of time because of fear and that's it. So stop writing repetitive comments saying "speak already." The story is written that way on purpose!

If you don't like how I wrote the story, don't read it! Simple as that. Wattpad has put something in place where you can block comments and trust me, I'm at the point where I might do that. I get enough complaining comments on Pushed love and now this? So just stop, okay? You don't know the amount of time and effort authors put into their work. I'm working on a fanfic which had 20,000+ words and I've written 16 chapters. I spend weeks if not months on end writing these stories and this one is no exception.

Domi (Author-chan)

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