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December 16, 1991.
A HYDRA base in a snowy landscape.

A man entered a bunker after typing a code correctly, then a smug grin made its way on his face as he pulled a red book marked with a black star from a display case.

A technician raised a cylindrical chamber, revealing the Winter Soldier and awakening him from cryostasis. Soon the room filled up with defrosted smoke, revealing a man with shoulder-length hair, some locks of which fell over his face, a metal arm and a black mask covering the lower half of his face, almost like a muzzle.

The Soldier was securely fastened to a chair, then the technician started the mechanical device that placed itself on either sides of his head, causing him to scream in pain. Then suddenly his eyes widened.
His gaze was a blank canvas.
Absolutely nothing.
No emotion.
No sign of life.

"Желание. Авый. Емнадцать. Рассвет. Е. Евять. Обросердечный. Озвращение на родину. Ин. Рузогой." Karpov spelled each word, keeping his eyes on the Soldier in the center of the room. Words that once meant something to that man, now made no sense.
"Доброе утро, Солдат. (Good morning, Soldier.)" He said, closing the book and placing it on the table in front of him.

The Soldier hesitated.
"Я готов отвечать. (Ready to comply.)" His expression was still impassive and apathetic, but his eyes were dark, gloomy and terrifying.

"У меня есть для тебя миссия. Анкционируй и влекай. Без свидетелей. (I have a mission for you. Sanction and extract. No witnesses.)" Karpov instructed.

Long Island.

A car was driving down a lonely dirt road, and the Winter Soldier was waiting at the side of the road with his motorcycle.
As the car passed, the Soldier followed, approaching it and causing it to skid thanks to a shot to the wheels, making it crash into a tree.
The Soldier pulled the bike back to the car and climbed off, lowering the stand.
He walked to the trunk of the car, ripping it off, revealing a silver case containing five blue packets.

He noticed that the driver was still alive and crawling out of the car, probably looking for help, not knowing that help would be the last thing he would find.

"Help my wife, please." the white-haired man gasped. The Soldier lifted his head by the hair, looking at him in the eyes.
"Sergeant Barnes..-" the victim gasped, recognizing who was in front of him, not knowing that the Soldier was no longer the man he used to be, but had been turned into a weapon.

At that point the Soldier struck him a few punches in the face with his metal fist, soon putting an end to his life. He dragged the lifeless body to the car, repositioning it in the driver's seat, making it look like a normal accident.

He heard a gasp and indistinct whines from the seats, which carried him to the passenger side.
Keeping his gaze straight ahead, the Soldier grabbed the neck of the woman sitting to the driver's right and, with the most impassive expression imaginable, he strangled her.
He shot a nearby camera, collected the silver case and returned to the motorcycle.

Back at the HYDRA base.

"Отлично, олдат. (Well done, Soldier.)" Colonel Karpov took a moment to admire the blue packets and then quickly dismissed the Soldier.

At the same time, in an underground shelter in the middle of the New Mexico desert.

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