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Before that night, there had already been two attempts to get the girl out of her cell, both ended with the guards returning empty-handed, scared to death or wounded.
The girl was behind schedule on the project. Her four comrades had already passed the next stage, as they were found agonizing and unconscious in their beds, still bound, when they were extracted from their cells.

But Karpov was determined, the girl would leave her cell that same night, at all costs, even if it meant using heavy artillery.

An almost imperceptible rustle in the room made her suddenly widen her eyes, it wasn't the usual howling of the wind to which she was already used to.
Her sight took a moment to adjust to the darkness in the small room and soon -as she sat up with such a quick movement as to be almost imperceptible- she was able to distinguish the shapes of the few pieces of furniture that surrounded her.

A wooden table and chair stood against the wall in front of her. Above this location, a small window towered very high, closed by a grating of crossed bars, which ensured its closure without preventing the passage of the icy air coming from outside, and the light of the moon that provided weak illumination to the room.
To the girl's left was a highly polished steel door, almost a mirror, with a small window. To her right, however, a retractable door that led into the bathroom, fully opened as usual.

The room seemed apparently empty but her instinct told her she was not alone.

The hiss produced by the wind had now subsided and a deafening silence had descended into the room. She released the breath she realized she was holding.
She got up from the bed she was sitting on and with stealth movements, step by step, without producing any kind of noise, made her way towards the bathroom and closed the door carefully behind her.

A few more steps and she was in front of the sink, here she turned on the water and waited a few moments, knowing that at first it would come out brown even if in the dark she couldn't see it.
She bent down to wet her lips and then with her cupped hands she sprinkled some icy water on her face, lifting that light veil of cold sweat that adorned her skin as if she were a bride.

She ran a hand through her hair, a sigh of relief slipped from her lips as she closed her eyes, then slowly opened them a moment later.

Wincing, she gave a double glance towards the door, seeing it open a few inches with the corner of her eye. For a moment it seemed like an illusion, or maybe she hadn't closed it completely. She felt confused and a feeling of fear and dread crept into her chest.

No. I always close the door.
This is not possible.
She frowned in a worried expression. It was impossible. What did they still want from her?

In that instant, as she had let her guard down and her mind was too busy putting together meaningless thoughts, she felt her wrists grab and locked behind her back in a cold grip that felt like a handcuff.
A metallic whir echoed in the small space as metal bands fit around the tight grip on her wrists, meanwhile a hand pressed to her mouth, preventing any sound from slipping from her lips.

The girl's eyes widened when, looking into the mirror behind her, she saw a shiny, gleaming metal arm, which caught all the little light in the room.
When she felt herself being dragged out of the bathroom and into the room, she tried to plant her feet on the ground, kick, wriggle with all her strength, and scream. But he was too strong, and the hand on her lips muffled any sound that dared leave her little mouth.

Everything happened quickly. The one who was holding her swiftly advanced with sweeping strides, almost lifting her up after realizing she wouldn't cooperate. They reached the opposite wall and she felt herself adhering completely to the surface, her left cheek pressed against the rough, abrasive texture of the wall. The man grunted from the effort, surprised by the strength and resistance the girl was putting up.

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