10. COLD

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**In the next chapters we're gonna mess up a little with the timeline. Just trust me and, please, care to read time and place at the beginning of every chapter.

Warnings: so much blood and pain, with graphic and detailed descriptions. Shooting, stabbing and slitting throats. Wounds(from guns and knives) and stitching. Cold and pushing over the limit. Thought and desire of death. Choking(not the good kind). Vomit and losing consciousness.
Obvious references to: Loki series,
No Time To Die by Billie Eilish and
After Dark by Mr.Kitty.


November 1995.
Altai Mountains, Siberia.

A thick, white layer covered everything in sight for miles and miles. The narrow path along the slope was now invisible and the snow was deep beneath their feet. They were trapped in a blizzard again, for the second time that day. With only a few hours of daylight remaining from the daily eight, they were extremely exhausted.

Anya was confused. Every now and then, in her mind flashbacks from the previous hours blurred her vision.

The mission had begun the day before, when they were sent to raze an enemy military camp on the plateau. It took them twelve hours to walk to the target location, but they had to be stealthy, without leaving any trace behind.

In the deep of the night, they attacked the camp. It was a tough fight, since they were in clear minority. About two against thirty, but they were strong, taking down two enemies at a time. In spite of that, their asses had been pretty beaten up.

One of them punched Anya in the face so hard, she threw her head back. A rifle shot ripped part of her sleeve, leaving the injured skin exposed to the cold weather.
And when the Soldier saw her getting a cut on her face, he went mad.

He saw red for a moment, shot the culprit in the head and anyone who dared to approach her. Anya didn't let herself be thrown down by the burning wounds and -after spitting on the snow, coloring it crimson red with her blood- she stood up and unleashed her fury.

With a little stunt, she jumped on the shoulders of a soldier, wrapped her thighs around his neck until she felt it cracking under the pressure, then the man collapsed to the ground beneath her. As she stood up, she shot another one in the legs who was heading towards her, causing him to fall to his knees. Anya giggled in a terrifying way and with a quick movement pulled a knife from her holster, stabbing him in the throat.

She turned around, throwing a sharp blade to the forehead of another who was daring to approach. Then, as she ran towards her partner -who was having some hard time- she was busy getting rid of some other soldiers.

Anya kicked one of their enemies in the face, then another in the stomach to push him back and Anya planted a bullet straight in his face. She slided under another soldier's parted legs, planting a knife in his knee in the meantime. Finding herself behind him, she got up on one knee and shot him in the back.

Quickly she noticed a bullet coming towards her, but avoided it with a somersault. She jumped to her feet and shocked one of them on the neck with the device on her wrist.

Anya noticed that the Winter Soldier had been pinned to the ground now. Strange he was in trouble -since he was an enhanced human- but in a blink of an eye, Anya found herself behind the enemy, who was fighting him with only bare hands.

She planted a knife behind the man's neck, letting the blade stick out of his mouth. Blood splattered on the Winter Soldier's face -covered by mask and goggles- as he pushed the dead body away from himself.

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