Chapter 55 [edited]

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"Don't you dare set that down right there and walk away!" Alice's voice floated from the backyard into the bedroom. "I swear to everything good, Emmett... Rose! Get your man before he wears out my patience!"

I snickered lightly as Chloe and I were sprawled out across the queen-sized bed, enjoying the early summer breeze coming through the opened windows. True to his promise, Jacob had gotten our house built by the end of spring with help from the Cullen men and the packs; by Memorial Day Weekend, everything had been moved in and every room decorated, thanks to Mom and Alice.

Now, a week later, Alice was decorating our backyard... for our wedding. It was crazy to think that in a few hours, I'd be walking down an aisle and marrying my best friend.

A kick from my stomach caused me to jump slightly and I rubbed the area gently, smiling as I felt our baby move. My due date was fast approaching, and I couldn't wait until the baby was finally here. Neither could the rest of the family; every time I saw alone of them, they would immediately lean down to my stomach and say "today can be the day!"

"Come on, Alice, that bouquet looks great there!" Emmett's voice broke through my thoughts and we could feel Alice's glare from the safety of the house. "Loosen up a little bit."

"I'm going to ignore the fact that you just said that, and go check on the bride-to-be." Alice huffed. "You better have that moved before I come back!"

"Incoming..." Chloe murmured, rolling over onto her stomach. "Are you ready to be dressed by Alice?"

"As I'll ever be." I giggled in response.

"Good, because it's time to get out of bed, sunshine!" Alice burst into the room with Bella and Rosalie right behind her. "We only have four hours until your butt needs to be walking down that aisle."

"Yes, ma'am." I gave her a half-salute before gesturing to Chloe to help me to my feet.

Bella came over to help, clasping my right hand as Chloe grabbed my left and together they steadied me on the hardwood floor. Guiding me to the small vanity Jacob had built at Alice's instruction, they made sure I was comfortable in the chair as Alice peered over the laid-out makeup.

"Are you feeling nervous?" Bella asked as she watched Rose and Chloe check out the wedding dress hanging from the closet door.

"About marrying Jacob? Never." I grinned, patting my stomach. "The only thing I'm a little nervous about is this one coming early."

"Well, we're prepared for anything." Chloe chimed in with a smile. "Your mom has the hospital bag all packed and in her car, just in case."

"Jacob has one packed in his car and in mine, too. He said it was better to be prepared for any scenario, and Mom agreed." I laughed, shaking my head.

"That's actually really sweet of him." Rose shrugged, looking over my hair and playing with some style ideas.

"Speaking of..." Alice snatched my ringing phone off of the nightstand and pressed it to her ear. "This better be important, Black. I'm about to start my magic on your woman."

She listened for thirty seconds and laughed at whatever he said. Chloe and I shared a raised eyebrow in the mirror and Alice placed the phone on the vanity, putting my fiance on speaker.

"You're on speakerphone." She informed him, switching over to doing my makeup.

"Hi Jake," I said cautiously, watching my friends whisper to each other.

"Hey, beautiful." Jacob's voice filled the room and a wave of peace washed over me instantly. We hadn't seen each other in three days; Edward and his brothers had "kidnapped" Jacob a few days ago for his bachelor party while Bella and the girls stayed with me at our house for my bachelorette. "I miss you."

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