Chapter 38 [edited]

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"My feet are killing me!" Chloe groaned as she flopped into the overstuffed chair, rubbing her eyes as she tried to fully wake up. "Alice really knows how to throw a party."

"Yeah she does," I agreed, tugging down my pajama shorts as I sprawled out across the couch. "I think the Cullens and their friends were still dancing when we left after Bella and Edward last night."

"Speaking of, did you see the Denali coven last night?" Chloe tilted her head to the side. "I heard from Emmett that Irina is upset at them for being friends with the wolves. Something about a guy named Laurent?"

"Oh crap. I completely forgot about that." I smacked my forehead. "You don't know about Laurent."

"What's the deal with Laurent?"

"Okay so after I moved here and Bella and Edward started dating, these three vampires were terrorizing Seattle. They interrupted the Cullens' baseball game and one of the vampires, James, caught her scent. He's a tracker, and when Edward jumped in front of Bella, it triggered something in him. There was this whole crazy chase, with James tracking Bella to Arizona and tricking her to ditch Alice and Jasper... he was going to kill her, but Edward and his family got there just in time." I paused to take a breath, watching Chloe's reaction.

"Edward killed James and he sucked the venom from James' bite out of Bella's wrist. It was traumatizing for Bella, and for Edward, but he won't admit that out loud. Anyways, Laurent went to Alaska and met the Denali coven, supposedly fell in love with Irina, and wanted to change to the vegetarian lifestyle. What Irina didn't know was Laurent was still working with Victoria and came back to Forks to kill Bella. The pack chased him off... and killed him. It was either him or Bella and obviously, the pack protects humans from vampires so... you know. Irina hasn't forgiven Bella or the Cullens for what happened."

"Wow..." Chloe trailed off, processing what I told her. "It almost makes me miss Michigan. Nothing ever happened there."

"You wouldn't have met Leah if you were still in Michigan though." I pointed out.

"That's why I said almost," Chloe threw a couch pillow at me, giggling. "So what's on the agenda today?"

"Well, the pack will be busy all day with tribe matters, so we're going to spend some time wedding planning. Mom will be over," I glanced at the wall clock across the room, "in half an hour with Sue and Alice, and hopefully some doughnuts because I'm starving."

A soft crying interrupted us from down the hall, letting us know that Casey was awake from her morning nap. Chloe grinned as she jumped to her feet.

"I'll be right back. Mom duty call."

"Of course, go get my niece. I want some baby snuggles!"

"She's going to be spoiled because of you!" Chloe called over her shoulder as she disappeared down the hallway towards Casey's bedroom.

"And your point is? An aunt is supposed to spoil her niece, within reason of course." I grinned as Chloe entered the room a few minutes later, carrying a giggling Casey in a fresh diaper and clean clothes. "Hi, my precious baby!"

"Gah!" Casey cooed, reaching for me. Chloe handed her over to me and I blew kisses on her stomach, her giggles increasing.

"Good morning, girls!" Margaret smiled brightly, walking through the front door with grocery bags in her hands. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Incredible, actually." Chloe admitted, kissing her mom on the cheek. "I'm so happy you guys are here in Forks."

"I know, baby. So am I." Margaret gave Chloe a one-armed hug before her gaze shifted to the large front window. "Oh, Autumn. Your mom's here!"

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