Chapter 23 [edited]*

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***AN: WARNING - This chapter contains a trigger warning. There is a scene about sexual assault & rape/violence, domestic violence, & being drugged, so please feel free to skip over the scene if these make you uncomfortable in any way, shape or form. If you do skip, proceed to the next bolded author's note after the warning. Thank you.***


I stared at the girl standing in front of me, shock freezing me in place. There was no way this was my ex-best friend. Dirt covered her from head to toe; her blonde hair was tangled and her shirt appeared to be torn as if she had been physically assaulted. The fading bruises on her face were enough to convince me that she had been.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I didn't know where else to go."

"No, it's okay," I reassured her as I reached out and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, leading her inside. "I'll make you some food."

"You were getting ready to go somewhere." She said quietly as I led her to the island counter, helping her sit on a stool. "I didn't mean to intrude."

"Hey," I said softly, gently squeezing her shoulder. "Just because we haven't spoken in months doesn't mean I'm going to abandon you now. Okay?"

She nodded silently, tears beginning to swell in her eyes.

"Good. I'm going to call Mom after I heat up some leftovers."

Once I had placed the heated lasagna in front of Chloe and made sure she was eating, I called Mom from the phone in the kitchen where I could keep a close eye on Chloe. Mom answered on the second ring.

"Autumn? Is everything alright?"

"Chloe's here... Mom, she doesn't look good." I said in a rush, trying not to panic. "There are fading bruises on her face, her clothes are torn and she's covered in dirt."

"I'm on my way. Don't move."

With a click, Mom hung up. I placed the phone back in the cradle just as the doorbell rang again. Chloe's eyes darted to me, sheer panic on her face.

"It's okay, that's just Jacob." I said soothingly before walking to the front door. Peeking out the curtain, I saw Jacob standing on the porch and I sighed, knowing he was going to be bummed about missing Emily's dinner.

"Wow," he said as I opened the door, "you look amazing."

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself," I grinned as I took in the white dress shirt, black pants, and black jacket with a matching tie. "I thought this wasn't a super dressed-up event."

"So, maybe I lied a little," Jacob said sheepishly before pulling a bouquet of pink carnations out from behind her back. "For you."

"Oh, Jacob. You shouldn't have!" I happily took the flowers from him, sniffing the calming fragrance. "Ugh, this just got more complicated."

"What's wrong?" Jacob asked, his tone turning more serious. "Wait... who's here?"

"Chloe... she showed up about five minutes ago."

"Your ex-best friend from Michigan?" This time, Jacob's stance was guarded, almost protective as he stared into the house behind me.

"Yes. And Jake, I think she's been attacked. Come see for yourself."

Silently, Jacob followed me into the house, tension rolling off of him as he tried to steady his breathing. When we walked into the kitchen, Chloe looked up from her plate, her eyes wary. Both of them visibly relaxed as they subconsciously accepted there was no danger.

"You must be Jacob," Chloe said after a few seconds of silence.

"And you must be Chloe." He smiled warmly back at her, causing her to smile shyly back.

Falling for Autumn | Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now