Chapter 15 [edited]

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"Are you sure you can't come tonight?" Mike asked as soon as my tray made contact with the table. We were the first two at our spot at lunch, and Mike looked like a train ran him over.

"Mom has me on lockdown until Charlie catches my anonymous stalker," I said, giving him a sad smile. I knew he secretly wanted me to go to keep Jacob away from Bella.

"That really sucks. What are you doing tonight then?"

"Probably bake chocolate chip cookies with Mom and watch Hallmark Christmas movies. My grandma sent me a ton over Christmas break and I haven't watched all of them yet."

"It's February," he pointed out. "Christmas was two months ago... shouldn't you be watching movies based on Valentine's Day now?"

"I know Christmas was two months ago," I laughed. "I'm a sucker for any kind of romantic movie, okay? It doesn't matter what time of year it is."

"You're so weird, Leaf."

"Leave me to my Christmas romances in peace!"

"Okay." Mike threw his hands in surrender, laughing along.

"What's so funny?" Bella asked as she and Angela took their seats.

"Mike's making fun of me for watching Christmas movies in February."

"There's nothing wrong with that," Angela defended me, turning to pretend glare at Mike. "If I remember right, somebody stayed home from school sick last year in March and watched Home Alone and A Christmas Story."

"Hey, those are classics!" Mike said defensively, causing us to laugh even harder.

"Hey Watson," Noah said as he slid into the seat next to Mike. "Are you busy tonight?"

Angela shared a look with Bella, both of them glancing at me. I knew they were thinking as I caught the smiles from the corner of my eye.

"Unless you mean her Christmas movie marathon and chocolate chip cookies," Mike said before I could say anything, winking at the girls.

"Those are my favorites!" Noah smirked, his eyes twinkling with laughter. "I was actually wondering if we could squeeze in an extra study session for our Biology test on Monday. Coach is worried about my grade slipping and I really want to play baseball in April."

"Well we wouldn't want you to not make the team... what would the world do if our star pitcher couldn't play?" I teased, rolling my eyes jokingly. "Sure, we can get together for another study session. That's what lab partners are for, after all."

"Awesome, I appreciate it. I have open gym after school, so does 5:30 work?"

"Yeah. I'll let my mom know you'll be over for dinner when I see her at the bakery later."



"Even better." Noah beamed. "See ya later, Watson. Friends."

With a salute and a wink, Noah left for his table of friends. Angela and Bella openly stared at me, their eyes widened in surprise.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Noah will be at your house for dinner?" Bella tilted her head.

"Yes? He comes over to study and Mom makes him a plate if he's there around dinnertime." I rolled my eyes for the second time. "That's not new information... why are you guys making it weird?"

"Come on, Leaf. Do you need glasses?" Mike snorted. "He's not just coming over to study for Biology... he's coming over to spend time with you and bonding with your mom. The guy's in love with you."

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