Chapter 22 [edited]

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"Are you ready for graduation?"

The question snapped me out of my daydream, and I looked sheepishly at Bella who was smirking. We were sitting in my room while getting our graduation announcements ready to be mailed out; Bella had claimed the floor and I was sprawled across my bed.

"Did I interrupt another daydream?" Bella teased, causing my cheeks to turn pink.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to zone out."

"That's the third time this week. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I glanced down at the opened notebook in front of me. A name grabbed my attention as soon as the page registered in my mind and I sighed. "No, I'm actually not okay."

"What's up, Leaf?" Bella asked worriedly, putting down her pen.

"It's just... this list of people hasn't been updated since we moved here. And my ex-best friend's name is still there..." I trailed off, unable to finish my thought.

"You haven't talked to her since she told you she was pregnant, right?" Bella continued. "And now you don't know if you should send her a graduation announcement or not."

"Pretty much."

"Do you miss her?"

"All the time."

"Then I say send her one. The worst thing she could do is not show up."

Before I could reply, there was a knock on the door and Mom stuck her head through the doorway. She flashed a genuine smile at us, her eyes lighting up her face.

"Bella, Edward just called. He wanted me to ask you if you were still planning on having dinner with his family tonight. He and Carlisle have been in Seattle all afternoon, and he said he could pick you up on the way back."

I shared a look with Bella, her eyes as wide in fear as mine at the mention of Seattle. Quickly, Bella coughed and shook her head to distract my mom.

"Oh, crap." Bella smacked her hand against her forehead. "I completely forgot, I'm making dinner for Charlie tonight. I probably should go call him back."

Mom moved into the bedroom as Bella hurried to call Edward. Her smile appeared wider as she approached me with her hands behind her back, and I couldn't help but be suspicious.

"Mom? What are you doing?"

"Someone has some mail," she said in a sing-song voice, handing me a couple of envelopes. My eyes darted to the return addresses and I squealed.

"These could be acceptance letters!"

"Well, go on. Open them!" Mom laughed as she sat down next to me on the bed.

"Okay, okay. Which one first?" I spread the envelopes out in a fan spread and looked to Mom.

"This one," she picked up one from the middle. "It's from... the University of... Michigan."

"I forgot I applied there last year. Before we moved." I stared at the logo printed in the corner. "Chloe and I were supposed to go there together."

"Oh, Leaf. You don't have to open that one right now." Mom held out her hand to take the envelope; I shook my head.

"No, I should open it." Taking a deep breath, I mentally counted to three and carefully ripped the envelope open, pulling out the folded letter. My hands shook slightly as I unfolded the paper and scanned the page.

"So? What's the verdict?" Mom asked anxiously.

"I... GOT IN!" I passed the letter to her as I jumped off the bed. "I got accepted into the Music Program on a full scholarship!"

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