~💝🌕Amity x (DemiGirl) Reader🌕💝~

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This was requested by ynphobicandproud So thank you so much! Anyways I hope y'all enjoy this! Mwah!

(I've been seeing a lot of Amity requests lately.........YALL SOME SIMPS-)

💛~At The library~💛
"Okay everyone. Now,who knows which character slays the beast? Anyone?" Amity asked as she scanned the children.
S/N (Sibling Name) Raised His/Her hand as Amity laughed and pointed at S/N. "Yes?" She said. "Catara? Catara!" She/He exclaimed. Amity smiled and nodded. "Yes,Catara slays the beast! Good job! Now,that's all for today. I'll read even more tomorrow!" Amity said. S/N and the other kids walked off doing their own thing as S/N hugged Amity's leg. "Thank chu miss Amity! I like you. And your reading." S/N says. Amity giggled and picked S/N up and put Him/Her over on a bean bag.
"How about you read me a story S/N? I bet you'll read fantastically!" Amity said. "Okay miss Amity!" S/N flipped through the pages as She/He read as Amity congratulated Him/Her throughout. As S/N finished,Amity clapped and gave S/N a big side hug. "Good job S/N! I told you,you are an amazing reader." Amity said and S/N blushed,hearing this. "T-Thank you!" Amity smirked and checked the time. "Oh,look at the time! I forgot about the meeting with....mom..." Amity mumbled. S/N looked at her with a confused expression as Amity turned back to Him/Her. "Oh! M-My bad...how about one more story? Okay?" She says. "Yay! Your cool Amity!" S/N shouted. Amity smiled and read along with the child as she kept whipping her head back to the clock. "Almost time..."

~~ (Where the curse of gay began 😔)

It was currently time to go pick up your little little sister/brother. You ran all the way to the library as you panicked.
'Please don't be crying,please don't be crying,please don't be crying,please don't be crying...' You thought. Your little sister/brother had some....separation anxiety and Could NOT. Not even to save her/his own life,could not,would not,want to be without you for a minute. But,she/he did like reading so your Mom/Dad/Parent started dropping her/him off at the library for some good old story time every now and again. You finally reached the library steps,panting. "Yes! Finally!" You shouted. You got a couple looks from other people but,you didn't care. As you stepped inside you walked over to the kids corner and saw a girl reading to a group of kids.  "And when he said "No thanks!" he got a really bad spank! But that's only the beginning,because he was still grinning.....The End..." The girl finished reading as you smiled and saw S/N (Sibling's Name) began to clap.
The girl rose from her seat and smiled at S/N.  "Thank you miss Amity! I like your reading!" S/N said as "Amity" laughed.
"Thank you S/N. Im glad you enjoyed it!" She smiled as S/N ran over to you and jumped into your arms. "Y/N! I missed you! But I like miss Amity to." She/He said.  "I missed you to S/N! How was your day today? Did you have fun?" You asked as She/He told you everything while someone watched from afar. "Y/N? Who's....wait....that's.....S/N's Sister?..." She stared at you until you were of sight. She then,suddenly,out of nowhere,felt...something. Her face turned a slight shade of pink. She felt her heart smile,she felt tiny butterflies in her stomach,her mind was racing. Could this be it? For once she finally felt....peaceful.

The Next Day ~ At Hexside

It was time for you to head to school as you slipped on your clothes and checked yourself out in the mirror. "Bingo!" You went downstairs and grabbed some breakfast before heading out the door.  "Have a good day sibsy!" Your Sister/Brother yelled from the doorway.  "Goodbye! See you later!" You yelled back. As you walked,along the way you saw some of your friends. You waved to them as they snickered and turned the other way.  "What? Weirdos...their probably doing some kind of prank.." You chuckled to yourself as you finally made it to school. As you walked in everyone stared at you. From Head. To. Toe.
You started to get uncomfortable at all this attention but you shrugged it off. When you made it to your locker you sighed and grabbed some of your books. When you turned around,you saw your friend,Bex,smiling at you with a smug look.
You groaned and looked at her with an "Are you serious?" Expression.  "What the heck is wrong with you?! I can't lose you to! The whole schools already giving me weird looks!" You say as she snickered.  "You seriously haven't heard?! Have you been living under a witches hat?! Hello! Earth to Y/N! The rumors?!" She said. She waved her hands around your face dramatically as you move them out of the way. "You seriously need some help!" She says,playfully. She scoffs and puts an arm around your shoulder as you both began to walk to your class.  "What rumors? Like...about me?..." You said. She sighs and turns your head to the side.
"Ya see that kid over there?" She said. "Huh?" You scanned the hall. No one special really.  "What's up with you? Did you hit your head? How hard?" You checked her head as she groaned and moved your arms. "You are just lost dude......lost.." She says.
You both made it to class as you walked in and sat down. "Hey isn't that the person She likes? Dude! That's bonkers!" A kid whispered as you rolled your eyes and pulled out a pencil. "Okay students today we will be learning,how to identify the ingredients needed to make an...." The teacher went on as you wrote down some notes. Meanwhile,Amity focused only on you as you were oblivious to your new "Secret admirer".   "How about you Amity. What ingredients do you need?" The teacher said as Amity was snapped out of her zoned-like state. "Um! Yes! B-Bog! I mean big! No! Um..." She started to sweat,feeling nervous as you moved your chair back a bit.  "Bog water...!" You whispered as she blushed.  "B-Bog water!" Amity said as the teacher smirked. "Good job Miss Amity." The lesson continued as you turned to Amity and smiled.  "I got your back." You said.
"T-Tanks...I mean hanks! I mean thanks!" She stumbles,making you giggle. You scoot back closer to your desk as Amity hides her face in her hands. She mentally kicks herself and sighs.  "Why can't the universe just swallow me whole...!" She mumbled to herself.

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