Location: On the road
Time: 6.02 p.m. / EveningLlyona, Harry, Lawrence, Zion, Ethan, and Eugene run together from the massive zombies that chasing them unstoppable.
Do we have anywhere to go?Llyona talks randomly to the others.
Don't worry. We got somewhere safe.Eugene:
Are you serious gonna bring her too?!Lawrence:
She might be helpful.Zion:
Come on..! Hurry up!All of them continue running as the zombie won't stop chasing them. After a few minutes of running, one of the guy sees a firmly closed gate.
Over there!Eugene points directly at the gate with his finger.
Eugene tries to open up the gate by pushing his body hardly to the gate. Unfortunately, the gate doesn't budge a bit.
Damn.. I told you we shouldn't get involved..Llyona surprised by the words of Eugene. She then helps Eugene by throwing her body to the gate as same as Eugene did before. Both of them throw their body together with full of forces for the gate to open. At the same time, a zombie manages to get really close to them. Ethan immediately swings his bat until the zombie becomes unconscious.
...Hurry!Ethan swings the bat to another zombie that comes closer.
There are more zombies that getting closer to them as the other guys help Ethan hold the zombies back and leave Llyona and Eugene try to open the gate.
Hey you two! Hurry up!!Harry:
We can't hold them much longer.Eugene:
We are trying!!Llyona takes a few steps back and rushes to the gate and letting her right side of her body to the gate really hard. Luckily, the gate finally open. Llyona and Eugene fall down and roll over the ground.
Waargh..!Eugene falls and rolls his body to the ground. Eugene ends up happens to be on Llyona's body. Eugene accidentally stares at Llyona's eyes as he surprised that he is on top of Llyona.
Sorry!Llyona pushes Eugene to the other side as the other guys just came in after they hold back those zombies except for Ethan.
Ethan, stop what you're doing. Come on!Ethan nods.
Get inside quick!As soon as Ethan goes in, Llyona and the others close the gate immediately and lock it by tying the gate with a big and long chain.

HorrorLlyona is living a normal life as a highschooler with her lovely mother, but her life turns upside down without her concerns. A normal-peace hometown she used to live in turns into a total chaos. A sudden news at the television that some sort of epi...