Llyona is living a normal life as a highschooler with her lovely mother, but her life turns upside down without her concerns. A normal-peace hometown she used to live in turns into a total chaos. A sudden news at the television that some sort of epi...
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Everyone goes take a rest before 2.45 a.m. Llyona follows Judy to Judy's room as both of them agreed to be roommates.
Judy: Here we are!
Judy and Llyona pull the desks and the chairs aside. Then Judy takes out a blanket and opens it on the floor. Both of them sits on the blanket and laying on it side by side.
Judy: It must be hard for you, all alone before?
Llyona: Hahaha, yeah.. But I'm not alone anymore.
Judy: Yes! Just tell me anything okay..
Llyona nods with smile on her face.
Llyona: Well.. How do you get here? Were Scarlett and Jay mistreated you at first?
Judy: Hmm.. Actually.. I was here before that couple. When the apocalypse just started, the time we lost each other at the school-
Llyona: Yes. I was looking for you on that time.
Judy: Yeah.. I know. I heard that you called my name but there's too much people, and you know I'm not that tall to notice you.
Llyona: Oh yes.. I understand.. It's too crowded.
Judy: Then I was running and managed to get out from the school. I continued run and run from the zombies. Then I found this school. The front gate is still closed so I thought there's no one here. When I was about to leave, a bunch of guys just ran from the zombies and went straight to the front gate. Eugene the one who saw me first and he pulled me together with him to the school.
Llyona: Oh wow.. I should have followed you before.
Judy: Hahaha.. You are here tho. It just.. A little bit late. Where did you go after we were separated?
Llyona: I managed to go out from the school too but I went to find a public phone. I called my mother and luckily she picked up.. Then the line just cut our conversation. And now.. I don't even know where she is.