Location: Classroom (Meeting Room)
Time: 7.53 p.m. / NightThe tension in the classroom is getting higher and higher. Everyone looks at Llyona in very horrible and horrific way.
Hmm.. What?Scarlett:
I ASKED you.. If you're SURE you're not infected.Llyona stands there in silent. Scarlett can't hold her rage then screams our her dissatisfaction.
HEY! Who the hell brought her here?!Judy can't stand still anymore by hearing Scarlett's accusations towards Llyona.
Scarlett! Why are you being so mean to her?!! She's my friend!Scarlett:
Heh, friend..?Scarlett smirks.
WHO CARES IF SHE EVERYONE'S BESTFRIEND?? What if she turns into a zombie all of a sudden and kill us all? Huh? Don't you remember how we just barely were able to get here? So everytime we are out, we are going to bring a friend back here??Lawrence:
Scarlett. We should help others when we can.Ethan:
Yes. We need survivors.Scarlett:
Oh.. So if in that case..Scarlett gets closer to Llyona and glares as sharp as knife towards Llyona.
When do you plan to leave?Llyona:
What?! I-Scarlett:
Well, you've been saved. So is there anything you need from us? Well, we're running out of foods, and we risked our lives just to find more. We're not exactly in a place to help others.Scarlett then turns her body and faces Lawrence.
Am I wrong?Jay:
I think.. She's right. Ww can't just bring people here and drain our resources. We should send her out.Llyona:
(Oh God.)Judy:
Are you insane? Huh?! Are you crazy?!Hailey:
Um.. I think it's not a terrible idea to let her stay.Harry comes closer to Llyona and whispers to her ear.
Just say it. Don't hold back.Llyona:
Are you cra-Llyona whispers back to Zion but Zion cuts it.
Attention. She got something to say.Lawrence:
Yes, let's hear from her first.Scarlett:
Urgh! You gotta be kidding me! Do you-Sue
Scarlett, stop. I want to hear from her too.Scarlett looks at Sue annoyingly and then looks at Llyona.
Ehem. Well. I've been sticking here with yall for more than one hour. An infected person, will arise some symptoms by an hour. Right?

УжасыLlyona is living a normal life as a highschooler with her lovely mother, but her life turns upside down without her concerns. A normal-peace hometown she used to live in turns into a total chaos. A sudden news at the television that some sort of epi...