Chapter Two: Tension

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The wind was still and the air damp,the sky as dark as murky waters. DustPaw noticed he was sitting in an odd cave with a large glowing crystal,glowing so light it blinded him. He saw large and small cats he couldn't recognize until he met the gaze of a small almost new born sized cat,glowing stars gathered around her delicate paws and bobbed tail though she was see through. "Where am I..?" DustPaw mumbled,slowly panicking when he couldn't stand up at all..There seemed to be endless cats gathered around him,all staring at him with complete silence. After a long stretch of time that seemed to go on for a moon a see through massive Tom heaved himself up and stood a rabbit length away from DustPaw. "My kin.." The ghost like cat muttered and trailed off for a moment,"Please,watch for a threat that lurks within the shadows but is as known as a stalking beast." The Tom hoarsely warned,his tone of alarm. DustPaw stared at the cat before him with wide eyes of confusion but before he could ask farther questions the Tom withdrew himself and the vision faded as quick as a flick. DustPaw awoke with a scared jolt,relived that he had awoken within the apprentices den. DustPaw thought about what the strange cat had warned,dogs? No..WindClan hasn't had a dog problem in years..DustPaw couldn't think of an answer and was even more relived when he saw SandProwl walking into the apprentices den. The two cats walked out of their camp at early dawn,SandProwl showed DustPaw the borders of WindClan and the thunder-path he didn't dare to near. DustPaw and SandProwl returned at sun high with four massive hares,they dropped the prey into the fresh kill pile and parted from each other. SandProwl went to go on his first hunting patrol of the day while DustPaw went to fetch moss and mouse brindle for the elders. The whole day DustPaw listened to the elders stories while he took massive ticks off their pelts and changed their stinky moss,SandProwl spent all his day going on three hunting patrols and four border patrols side by side. Finally by moon rise SandStar let DustPaw sleep while SandProwl went on his very last hunting patrol. DustPaw felt pity for his mentor but pushed it aside,he stayed up for a while talking to PeddlePaw and StormPaw about their training sessions. DustPaw was a bit jealous that PeddlePaw got to climb down the gorge rocks and that StormPaw got to go see MoonStones. Finally after a little while the apprentices fell fast asleep,something DustPaw had been longing but avoiding.
The air was thick and humid,the same faceless cats circled DustPaw as he could get up from his sitting position. DustPaw trembled in alarm when he realized the faceless cats were chanting,"Watch for a loyal leopard..The shadows are not the enemy.." After the cats chanted those words a few more times they let out battle cries then the vision fell to nothing but black,DustPaw jolted awake inside his nest within the apprentice den and gave a trembled sigh of unease. DustPaw peered out of the apprentice den and saw SandProwl trudging tiredly toward the apprentice den,DustPaw paced out the den and sat outside its entrance. "Morning." SandProwl smiled and gave DustPaw a lick on his ear,"I've noticed I wake you up earlier then your friends." SandProwl chuckled as he peered into the apprentices den and saw the pelts of PeddlePaw and StormPaw. DustPaw looked back and chuckled,"What do you think we should work on today? Hunting or fighting?" SandProwl asked with energy filled green eyes. DustPaw thought for a moment and thought about his dream,if his dreams were giving warnings of danger then he'd have to learn his fighting skills. "Fighting skills!" DustPaw replied energetically,leaping up with excitement. SandProwl chuckled and nodded,the two cats slipped out their camp as quiet as mice and padded towards a patch of rocks. "Since your of this clan,a clan that is known of amazing speeds and climbing we will also work on running and climbing." SandProwl firmly meowed,stopping in a large patch of lean brown grasses that sat near gray speckled rocks. DustPaw nodded in acknowledgment and agreement,all the cats within his clan were very fast and great climbers. SandProwl and DustPaw ran across the grassy and rocky meadows,after DustPaw could run as fast as a hare the two cats started working on climbing up sheer rocks. DustPaw struggled to climb up the sheer edged rocks,after a while DustPaw and SandProwl got tired of bolting up and down the rocks and getting scraped paws. "Let's work on fighting skills for a while." SandProwl mewed,quickly the two cats dropped into crouches and circled each other. SandProwl quickly pounced on DustPaw,DustPaw thrashed around from under his mentor and kicked his back legs which made SandProwl topple over. SandProwl let a hiss out as DustPaw tightly pinned him down,SandProwl gave a smile out and nodded. DustPaw leaped off SandProwl and landed upon the near by rocks,"Great job! A true warrior!" SandProwl mewed with his green eyes glowing of pride. DustPaw gave a smile,"Let's go hunt for the clan then we can return." SandProwl finally demanded. The two cats slipped off into the tall grasses,both panting after catching three rabbits each and returning into their clan camp. DustPaw was relieved to see that at sun high the clan camp was peaceful,suddenly PeddlePaw rushed towards DustPaw and buried her nose into his throat fluff. DustPaw felt a warm tingle within his stomach as PeddlePaws cold nose touched his fluff and he heard her loud purrs,"How did your training go today?" PeddlePaw backed away from DustPaw who stood in front of the camp entrance. "Good,what about you?" DustPaw replied,the warm tingle within his stomach grew larger as he saw her soft gaze. SandProwl walked by DustPaw and gave him a wink,DustPaws eyes widened and looked at PeddlePaw. Suddenly light brown Tom with tore ears and a twisted back leg that reeked of Shadowclan bounded through the clearing,before any cat could even say mouse the Tom yowled the worse words of all.."PoppyStar has called a war upon WindClan! Within seconds all cats of WindClan will perish,prepare for your miserable deaths!" The Tom screeched,within seconds every cat of WindClan gathered in their clearing with wind eyes as they heard what the ShadowClan Tom had announced. DustPaw and PeddlePaw rushed towards StormPaw,DustHare and StormingLeap,DustPaw recognized every single cat was in the clearing except for LeopardYowl..The ShadowClan Tom swung his tail and all of shadow clans cats raged into the once peaceful clearing,WindClan cats looked at each other with Star stuck faces but let out battle cries as well. Queens hid the youngest kits within the nursery,the oldest of elders hid with the queens while all the other cats raged into the randomly called battle. DustPaw rushed towards StalkingShade,as DustPaw bowled him over and pinned him the pathetic tom screeched with the wounds from the gathering red upon his body. DustPaw slashed StalkingShades face and stomach with his sharp claws,StalkingShade leg out a wale and rushed out of the clearing. DustPaw looked around the clearing and spotted PeddlePaw pinned by the same light brown ShadowClan tom,DustPaw rushed over and rammed into the toms side which knocked him over. DustPaw slashed the toms eyes and within seconds the tom squealed of pain,DustPaw let out a prideful yowl as the light brown now blinded tom limped quickly out the clearing. PeddlePaw sprang up,DustPaw and the molly battled against two shadow clan apprentices and sent them off in a squealing fit. DustPaw spotted SandStar and PoppyStar battling but before he could rush over and help SandStar PoppyStar struck the WindClan leaders throat,SandStar let a screech out and fell to the ground..Shaking violently then stopping for a moment,PoppyStar just took one of SandStars lives..! DustPaw realized. DustPaw bared his fangs and launched himself onto PoppyStars back,the Shadowclan leader yowled and spun around but that just made DustPaws claws dig deeper into her skin. PeddlePaw and StormPaw launched themselves into PoppyStars back legs while SandProwl hit her side,PoppyStar yowled and collapsed. Though the Shadowclan molly didn't loose a life she struggled to get up,one of her warriors bounded to her side and retreated out with the rest of shadow clan. "Have we crippled her..?" PeddlePaw muttered in shock of seeing PoppyStar not being able to use her back legs at all,the other cats kept silent in unease of the sight. Quickly JuniperPaw and WindyLeap grabbed SandStar and carried her to the medicine den,DustPaw looked at the rest of his clan mates..all wounded,exhausted and shocked. DustPaw felt worried when still couldn't see LeopardYowl then he realized StormPaw wasn't by his side ether. Suddenly StormingLeap looked out the nursery in a panic then yowled,"StormPaw! I can't find him!". Every cat in the clearing looked at StormingLeap in alarm,every cat bounded off in all directions trying to spot the apprentice. DustPaw and PeddlePaw sprinted out side the camp  and picked up the smell of StormPaw and LeopardYowl,the two apprentices shard worried glances and followed the smell..They followed it to the side of the WindClan camp border,they gasped and felt their stomachs turn when they spotted the gruesome sight..StormPaw laid on the ground with two scarlet red berries near him,his eyes wide with now faded shock,his mouth foaming and his flank still. "Oh starclan.." PeddlePaw muttered,looking away before she barfed. "Where's LeopardYowl..?" DustPaw asked with concern as he smelt LeopardYowl near StormPaw but now fading,"You don't think she did you..?" PeddlePaw muttered suddenly starting to share his concern. "Possibly..I couldn't find her fighting.." DustPaw admitted,at that very moment DustHare,StormingLeap and SandProwl appeared behind DustPaw and PeddlePaw. The three warriors gasped and rushed towards StormPaws limp body,"Why does he reek of LeopardYowl!?" StormingLeap didnt waste a second to hiss when she smelt her son. "Where is that piece of fox dung!?" StormingLeap turned to DustPaw,PeddlePaw,DustHare and SandProwl. "We have no idea,the clan just noticed her Adsense when we left.." SandProwl muttered,"She did this..She's making me suffer!" StormingLeap cried as her claws dug into the ground. "We can't just assume that!" DustHare mewed but even she didn't sound to convinced with herself,"You believe that? Why don't you tell your son about her and his father right now!" StormingLeap yowled. DustHares eyes widened in alarm but StormingLeap didn't waste a moment,"Your father was the brave warrior..Yet he was the unlucky Tom that died because of the falling  rocks sent by LeopardYowl,that's why LeopardYowl is ignored by the whole clan." StormingLeap quickly explained. PeddlePaw looked as surprised as DustPaw was,"He was..YarrowStar." DustPaw muttered with shock. DustHare gave a trembled sigh and nodded as she sat down with her tail rapped tightly around herself. "Then why isn't LeopardYowl exiled!?" PeddlePaw hissed with rage burning within her blue eyes,all the adult cats shifted awkwardly. "Well..SandStar has no actual proof other then what DustHare and I have seen. SandStar has a point to not jump to conclusions but this,what LeopardYowl has done to StormPaw is enough proof." StormingLeap replied,her eyes going cold as if she was thinking of taking LeopardYowls life her self. SandProwl gave a sigh and licked both queens,"Let's head back. SandStar will be worrying about us now." The ginger tom softly mewed though pain rippled through his green gaze. StormingLeap carefully carried StormPaw and bounded forward with the other two adult warriors, DustPaw and PeddlePaw lagged behind from pure shock. Finally the five cats reached their camp,all the clan was gathered around in the clearing waiting for their return and they gave sick gasps when they saw StormPaw. "Oh great starclan..He reeks of LeopardYowl.." BreezeCall muttered as he laid near StormPaw and groomed his messy pelt,SandStar and other warriors grunted their agreement. "Where is LeopardYowl?" SandStar lifted her head as she stood in the clearing amongst the rest of the clan,the cats shrugged their confusion. "We found StormPaw lying next to scarlet berries,he reeks of LeopardYowl and he's foaming at the mouth! Doesn't that tell you enough? She's gone to live within ShadowClan!" StormingLeap yowled of anger and sadness,SandStar and BreezeCall looked at each other with thoughtful glances then nodded their agreement. "If she has gone to live with another clan then she has no deal in WindClan,if she returns I demand the patrols to bring her to me." SandStar announced loudly,the cats mewed their agreement-..All expect for RoamingPaw whom was LeopardYowls daughter.. "RoamingPaw? Do you know something we don't?" SandStar noticed the apprentice awkwardly shifting from side to side,RoamingPaws eyes widened and she thought for a moment. "My mom said she was going to go hunt.." RoamingPaw mewed,all the cats could tell she was being honest. "Yeah,and StormPaw was on the menu!" PeddlePaw heaved herself up and spat at RoamingPaw,DustPaw snarled at PeddlePaw and quickly the grey molly laid back down. "BreezeCall,I want you to make a  border patrol and a search party. DustPaw and RoamingPaw stand guard at the entrance." SandStar demanded,her voice ringing within the air and her fur stood in the wind. DustPaw and RoamingPaw nodded,both bounded to the entrance and sat on both sides. They watched as BreezeCall led DustHare and QuietShade on a border patrol while SandProwl,LeanFlower and PeddlePaw went led themselves in a search party. After a stench of time was silent DustPaw voiced his curiosity,"Are you shameful of being LeopardYowls daughter?" RoamingPaw looked at the ground and shuffled her paws. "Yes,she acts of a rogue and all the clan treats me of one.." RoamingPaw replied with a shaky sigh,she looked back up and straight ahead to the tall grasses. DustPaw nodded and looked back to the tall grasses that shook in the wind,even the grass looked shock of what had happened.
DustPaw and RoamingPaw perked their ears,widened their eyes to see through the darkness of late dusk. They heard a yowling and spitting cat,they stared at each other and stood up with claws unleashed when they smelt the cats of the border patrol and search party but accompanied by LeopardYowl..The six cats appeared out of the tall grasses with LeopardYowl tight in their jaws, DustPaw and RoamingPaw parted and let the six cats into the camp. DustPaw and RoamingPaw followed close behind the cats,snarled and thrashing their tails when LeopardYowl let out ear piercing cries. "Look who it is! The apprentice killer!" StormingLeap jumped up,all the other cats were gathered within the clearing and gave unwelcoming hisses to LeopardYowl. SandStar sat upon high-rock and gave a sickened gaze to LeopardYowl,"Unwelcome back,LeopardYowl. I gave you some trust and you run with it,aye?" SandStar snarled,BreezeCall sat upon deputy rock while the other cats sat back and left a wide space were LeopardYowl stood with her eyes wide and tail thrashing. "It's about time your leaving!" StormingLeap yowled loudly,SandStar thrashed the tip of her tail and silenced StormingLeap. LeopardYowl looked around and spotted StormPaw near the nursery,she gave a cold look and looked back to SandStar. "You've already been suspected of killing YarrowStar but now it's obvious you've killed StormPaw." SandStar announced loudly,keeping her green hostile gaze on LeopardYowl. The clan gave loud hisses to LeopardYowl,LeopardYowl stood quietly with her tail thrashing and claws digging into the ground. "You have two choices LeopardYowl,ether leave this clan and go live elsewhere or be chased out." SandStar hostility hissed,LeopardYowl gave a shocked look and bared her teeth. "I did nothing! Your cats just want a reason to hate me!!" LeopardYowl cried,lifting her head up to the sky and letting a cold yowl out. "So StormPaw just happened to get into death berries though he knows not to touch them and he just happens to reek of you?" SandStar hissed,"Not to mention who you,DustHare,StormingLeap and YarrowStar went off to check patrols when I went missing? Oh I'm sorry,you held me hostage in a cave filled of adders then you made rocks fall onto YarrowStar!" SandStar lost her cool and yowled. SandStar looked as if she was about to leap into LeopardYowl but she kept herself sitting in high rock,"Now,what will you choose? Will you be chased out or will you leave peacefully?" SandStar snarled. "I will leave,I have no part within this pathetic clan." LeopardYowl snarled then bounded out the clearing. "SandProwl and StormingLeap,make sure she leaves." SandStar demanded,quickly SandProwl and StormingLeap rushed out after LeopardYowl. "Clan dismissed." SandStar announced,the clan parted into their dens. DustPaw and PeddlePaw looked at each other when they saw RoamingPaw trudge to the apprentice den,"It must hurt her so much to know her mother is exiled.." PeddlePaw muttered with sympathy. "Probably.." DustPaw muttered,PeddlePaw intertwined her tail with his short bobbed tail and gave muffled purrs. "Let's get to bed.." DustPaw muttered,PeddlePaw gave a nod of agreement. The two cats padded to the apprentice den and sank into their nests that sat near each other,DustPaws heart ached when he saw StormPaws nest empty for the first time..
DustPaw smelt the musty and still air,the same white cats gathered around DustPaw but a new one sat with them.."StormPaw..?" DustPaw muttered suddenly realizing he was seeing cats of Starclan. The small fluffy yet see through cat with stars gathered around him gave a small smile,"You May think the stalking leopard is gone but not for long..Be ware of one who shares such blood.." The cats chanted,suddenly DustPaw realized the main one chanting was a large cat-..larger then the others, DustPaw realized the cat was YarrowStar as he gave a soft and admiring look to DustPaw. The chanting lasted a whisker longer then it plunged to darkness,DustPaw awoke with a jolt as SandProwl nudged his side. DustPaw cautiously followed SandProwl outside the camp. "Dont worry,we chased LeopardYowl all the way to ShadowClans border..Seems like shes joined Shadowclan." SandProwl mewed,DustPaw felt a bit more safe but still was cautious.
The two cats returned at sun high though the wind blew a bit more cold then usual,a sign of leaf bare. PeddlePaw had already finished her training and was waiting for DustPaw at the entrance. "She loves you,it's special to be loved by that dove." SandProwl whispered jokingly in DustPaws ear then padded off to the fresh kill pile. "Did you go hunt?" PeddlePaw asked,DustPaw shook his head. "Hm,you know we become warriors in another two moons..?" PeddlePaw mewed as the two walked towards the fresh kill pile. "Yeah..I'm sure StormPaw would be excited.." DustPaw replied gloomily,BreezeCall and StormingLeap had buried StormPaws body before dawn. "I'm sure he would.." PeddlePaw muttered,pain filled her eyes when her brother was mentioned. The two apprentices picked out a rabbit for each of them,DustHare and StormingLeap joined them as they ate. The rest of the day was normal and at dusk SandStar announced which cats to go to the gathering,"BreezeCall,DustHare,JuniperPaw,WindyLeap,PeddlePaw,QuietShade and LeanFlower will be going to the gathering." QuietShade,RoamingPaws father looked at his daughter and to SandStar. "And RoamingPaw? She's been an apprentice longer then the others yet she hasn't gone to a gathering." QuietShade calmly asked,SandStar gave an untrusting gaze at RoamingPaw. "I'll allow RoamingPaw to go but if she slips up then she won't be going again." SandStar declared with a uneasy tone,"Clan dismissed." SandStar muttered and leaped off high rock. The clan parted into their dens while the cats called collected their own fresh kill and sat down to eat. DustPaw and PeddlePaw shared worried glances when every cat called was eating except for RoamingPaw,"Poor soul..she's done nothing wrong yet she's getting blamed for her mother's crimes.." PeddlePaw mumbled as she chewed a piece of vole. DustPaw nodded his agreement,it was true that wasn't fair that the clan had turned upon RoamingPaw because of her mother's crimes and exile. Quickly DustPaw and PeddlePaw finished eating and followed the rest of the cats outside the camp at moon rise,SandStar crouched in the ferns and brambles then flicked her tail to signal all was clear. The eight cats padded into the Four Trees clearing,DustPaw noticed that all the clans were gathered except for ShadowClan. DustPaw and PeddlePaw settled themselves near the rock,JuniperPaw and WindyLeap padded off to chat with the other medicine cats,BreezeCall whispered a few words to SandStar before she sat upon high rock with the other two leaders while DustHare,LeanFlower and SandProwl chattered with a friendly group of ThunderClan Molly's. DustPaws claws unleashed from sickened rage as he saw a band of Shadowclan cats pridefully marching through the Four Trees clearing;PoppyStar at the front followed by LightWing,BeetleWing,IvyBerry,WovenPaw and no other than LeopardYowl following behind the cats. PeddlePaw let out a sickened hiss as LeopardYowl passed by,PoppyStar leaped upon high rock and glared at SandStar while LeopardYowl sat in front the High Rock. PoppyStar let a ringing yowl out that silenced every cat in the clearing,"The gathering will now begin. I will start." SandStar and StreamStar shared bored glances while HoneyStar grumbled in annoyance. "As you all know by know because of spreading rumors,ShadowClan and WindClan got into a war. My clan had recovered quite quickly except for my deputy,StalkingShade. He died of his injuries but StarClan sent a WindClan cat whom changed to ShadowClan,LeopardYowl. She is now our faithful and loyal deputy." PoppyStar loudly announced,all of windclan let out surprised gasps while PeddlePaw let out a raged hiss. LeopardYowl pridefully straightened up,DustPaw was disgusted by the sight of the leopard colored molly. "Shes of ShadowClan now,she's not our problem." SandProwl whispered to DustPaw and PeddlePaw,the two apprentices fell silent but still glared at LeopardYowl. PoppyStar stepped back and allowed HoneyStar to step forward,the molly spoke of new apprentices and the death of the eldest elders. StreamStar stepped forward and spoke of fish poisoning her clan but how they were getting well once more,SandStar stepped Forward and glared at LeopardYowl. "My clan has also recovered from our battle with ShadowClan,we are happy that LeopardYowl has found a different clan and we hope that she knows her daughter RoamingPaw is in great paws." SandStar said half hearted,"We have lost one of our apprentices,StormPaw. We hope he is happy in the paws of starclan." SandStar dipped her head but as she backed away LeopardYowl started to speak. "I want RoamingPaw." LeopardYowl quickly demanded,SandStar gave her a shocked stare and shook her head. "You know your crimes and you'll have to fight WindClan to get your daughter." SandStar hissed,WindClan chanted their agreement. LeopardYowl shuffled her paws awkwardly and fell silent. The four clan leaders talked to each other about plans for Leaf bare then slowly the leaders parted to go back to their camps. SandStar lead her clan out Four Trees and silently slipped into her camp,no body spoke of LeopardYowls demand for RoamingPaw. DustPaw,RoamingPaw and PeddlePaw settled themselves inside the apprentices den but DustPaw felt an odd feeling that told him to stay awake..DustPaw pretended to fall asleep and watched as RoamingPaw quietly slipper through the brambles and thorny ferns that covered the back of the apprentices den,DustPaws pelt prickled with curiosity. DustPaw quietly followed behind RoamingPaw and crouched in the bushes as she walked with LeanFlower,DustPaw followed the two cats through WindClans meadow territory and gave a sickened gasp when he saw them stop at ShadowClans border.

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