Chapter five: New beginnings

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A leaf-bare had passed since DustStar became a leader with PebbleLeap at his side as deputy, the days slowly had gotten hotter and hotter until the prey retreated into their nests and all the water had dried up. WindClan started to struggle as they had no water anywhere and the warriors were returning to their camp without any prey, DustStar struggled to find a way to get water for his clan without having to cross into RiverClans territory.
DustStar padded into the nursery where PebbleLeap chatted with BurningBreeze, PebbleLeap and DustStar had a litter of four kits-.. Two Molly's and two toms. BurningBreeze had a litter of two and was nursing PebbleLeaps kits so that she could continue her deputy duties. DustStar smiled as he saw his kits, all healthy and strong looking while they nursed on BurningBreeze. DoveKit, a dark grey molly with a light grey face, black ears,black-tipped long and fluffy tail, white and light grey speckles, and dark blue eyes gave a loud mew to DustStar as he sat by her. AdderKit, a massive,pale-grey tom, with black speckles, a white-tipped long, curled tail, and narrowed green eyes sat by DoveKit with a protective glare. DustStar smiled even wider at the thought of what a great and protective warrior AdderKit would make in the future, he looked back to BurningBreeze and PebbleLeap and gave a soft smile when he saw his two other twin kits. LeafKit and ThornKit; LeafKit was a light brown petite molly with black speckles and white paws, she bobbed tail white and her eyes were shaped oval and light green. ThornKit was a massive, light brown Tom with black speckles and white paws, his bobbed tail white and his eyes were shaped oval and light blue. DustStar noticed DoveKit and AdderKit tugging on his chest fluff, he looked down and smiled then toppled over for the kits to jump in him. DoveKit, AdderKit, LeafKit, and ThornKit rushed onto DustStar with soft mews of excitement while PebbleLeap and BurningBreeze gave amused purrs. "What strong warriors AdderKit, LeafKit, and ThornKit will be." BurningBreeze purred, "What about DoveKit?" DustStar asked suspiciously as his kits rolled on his stomach. "DoveKit has told me she wishes to be a medicine cat when she grows older." BurningBreeze chuckled, "All day I have to listen to her ramble on about herbs." BurningBreeze gave an amused purr as the kits tried to nurse off DustStar, DustStar gave a loud hiss and shoved the kits off him without hurting them. "I'm not your mom, go nurse off BurningBreeze." DustStar snarled as he rapidly licked his stomach and chest, "Your fat like a queen." LeanFlower retorted as she covered her ears and held her kits under her. PebbleLeap gasped then giggled, "I think we've been here far too long. We must return to our duties as you will return you yours." PebbleLeap gratefully dipped her head then beckoned DustStar out of the nursery with a tail thrash. PebbleLeap took out border patrol while DustStar sat in the clearing and groomed himself, he looked up and gave a prideful smile as he saw the two brothers rolling around on the ground playfully. "RavenWing,BarkWing!" DustStar mewed as the two, newly appointed warriors looked up quickly then rushed towards DustStar with loving mews. "Hey, don't treat me like an elder! I'm not that old." DustStar retorted, RavenWing and BarkWing gave chuckles and flipped into their backs on ether sides of their massive leader. "Have you seen DoveKit, LeafKit, ThornKit, and AdderKit yet?" DustStar asked the two brothers as they batted at the wind, "Yes! They are very cute indeed." RavenWing purred. "They will turn to strong warriors-..DoveKit will be a fine medicine cat though." BarkWing added with a smile as he flipped into his stomach with a thump,
"You've gotten as fat as a rat!" RavenWing retorted when BarkWing flipped over...RavenWing dramatically shook himself to prove his point," Says the one that looks like a death berry!" BarkWing snorted. JuniperCloud walked over to the two fighting toms and scoffed at BarkWings remark, "Do you even know what a death berry looks like?" BarkWing shook his head with embarrassment as RavenWing burst out in a laughing fit. "She told you!" RavenWing mewed through his gasps as he laughed, BarkWing snarled and dropped into a crouch with his tail thrashing. "Stop! Grow up for once!" DustStar yowled and stepped in front of BarkWing with a disappointed glare, the two young warriors stood up and dipped their heads then rushed towards the fresh-kill pile. "Good starclan, I thought they'd grow out of their scuffles!" JuniperCloud gave another scoff with a head shake as she watched the two brothers rush off, DustStar nodded in agreement. JuniperCloud sat down and groomed her fluffy pelt, "Your kits seem healthy. I have hardly any concern for them." JuniperCloud smiled. DustStar gave a smile and dipped his head, "Thank you." DustStar was grateful that JuniperCloud had even checked on his kits as often as she did because of all the dehydrated cats she had. "DustStar." JuniperClouds voice stiffed a bit, she quit licking her pelt and twisted her head around, and stared into DustStars green gaze. "We have to find a way to get water or else WindClan will perish," JuniperCloud muttered with a bit of fear in her eyes, DustStar nodded and remembered how a litter of six kits from LeanFlower had all perished due to dehydration while they were of age to start drinking water... "Tonight is our gathering, I will ask StreamStar to cross to her land to drink water. If she declines we will see if ThunderClan accepts our demand but if she accepts then great." DustStar finally declared, sitting straight up with a determined look though he felt a bit weak himself as he had too was suffering from the lack of water. "Thank you, sir." JuniperCloud dipped her head then padded off towards the medicine den, DustStar watched as her long blue-grey tail vanished into the rocky den. DustStar sighed and wondered what he would do if both StreamStar and HoneyStar declined his request yet he quickly pushed the thought aside, if he was going to stride through this drought then he mustn't worry too much.
As the sun dipped into the milky white clouds and all the cats gathered around high rock DustStar began to speak, "As you all know we have our gathering tonight. I believe that PebbleLeap, JuniperCloud, BarkWing, DustHare, QuietShade, and LeapingRock are fit to travel to the gathering tonight." DustStar gave an amused smile when BarkWing snapped his head around to RavenWing who sat behind him and stuck his tongue out in a taunt. "We desperately need water, DustStar! What will you do at the gathering to gain water?" LeanFlower yowled in worry, she had an exhausted expression deep in her eyes. "I will request to cross into StreamStars territory to drink out of her streams, if she declines I will as HoneyStar." DustStar replied as PebbleLeap gave him a nod, "What if they both decline?" BurningBreeze asked as she held her six kits close. "Then...We will find a way if it comes to that point, for now, we must look straight ahead." DustStar stumbled over his words but his cats gave him mews of approval. "Clan dismissed, we must get going before we end up late!" DustStar quickly mewed then signaled with his tail for the cats that were called upon to follow, the group of seven cats rushed out of their camp as the round moon slowly started to reach high in the sky.
The cats crouched in the bracken and ferns near the Four Trees clearing, DustStar signaled that all was safe and the seven cats walked into the clearing. DustStar leaped upon the high rock at the same time as CrossStar, the two leaders dipped heads to each other and joined the sides of HoneyStar and StreamStar. "The gathering shall begin," HoneyStar announced, she stepped back as StreamStar stepped forward and spoke of how the drought had decreased the amount of water in her rivers but how RiverClan was still thriving-..DustStar noticed that RiverClans cats still had the same sleek pelts as always and they looked plumper than the other clan cats, DustStar became a bit suspicious of the Riverclan cats but pushed it aside. HoneyStar stepped forward and spoke of how her forest had become very dry, DustStar gave a fake surprised gasp as the ginger molly announced a new litter of kits. "I swear to starclan HoneyStar always announces new litters of kits at the gatherings, it never fails." CrossStar leaned towards DustStar and whispered. DustStar gave a chuckle and nodded in agreement, CrossStar walked towards the edge of the high rock and spoke of how his clan was slowly thriving once again. CrossStar dipped his head and walked back to the other leaders, DustStar stepped forward and took in a hot breath of air, and gave a tail twitch at the heat. "As you all know, the drought has brought no rain for many weeks. I understand all the clans have struggled but Windclan has absolutely no water within our territory, some of my cats have lost their lives to this extreme heat and I plead for RiverClans permission to enter their territory and drink out of their refreshing river. We promise never to hunt your prey while we are there, we will only drink the cool water." DustStar calmly meowed, he twisted his head and looked at SteamStar...Her ivory eyes narrowed with distrust yet intertwined with sympathy. "I understand that you haven't seen a drop of water since the last moon but you must understand RiverClan too is struggling to keep our rivers flowing." StreamStar slyly lied, DustStar narrowed his eyes and his tail thrashed. "You have gallons of water, you can spare some!" BarkWing protested to the Riverclan leader before DustStar could reply, StreamStar dipped her head and thought for a moment longer. "I guess it wouldn't be too much of a problem to let your clan drink out my river, but if we see you hunting out the river we will have your pelts." StreamStar declared, DustStar let out a relieved sigh and dipped his head. "May StarClan bless your path." DustStar smiled and walked back to the group of leaders, CrossStar smiled and dipped his head then took a step forward. "This gathering has come to an end, all leaders will depart shortly and I hope all cats of all clans will have a blessed path," CrossStar announced with his head dipped then he walked off the rock, DustStar noticed HoneyStar seemed to admire CrossStar. DustStar padded towards StreamStar and dipped his head, "Thank you so much." StreamStar gave a small snort and her tail thrashed. "You'll repay Riverclan somehow, you won't be getting away without prizing us," StreamStar growled then stalked off the rock and rounded her cats up, DustStar stood in a bit of shock...DustStar sighed and chuckled, Did I think she wouldn't make me repay her? DustStar shook his head in disbelief and jumped off the rock, silently gathering up his cats and stalked out of Four Trees.
As DustStar, PebbleLeap, JuniperCloud, BarkWing, DustHare, QuietShade, and LeapingRock stalked into their camp the rest of the clan anxiously waited at the entrance. "Dad!" DoveKit yowled excitedly and ran toward DustStar, DustStar gave a warm smile and touched his kit's nose as she stood at his front paws. DustStar gave an exhausted sigh and his heart ached as he noticed the growing exhaustion in his clans' eyes, PebbleLeap sat by his side and touched her kit's nose with a loving purr. DustStar took a moment to gain strength as the heat from his pelt grew, he ran and leaped into high rock while PebbleLeap sat up in her smaller deputy rock. "At the gathering, I asked StreamStar to cross into her territory only to drink her river's water and at first she hesitated then BarkWing reminded her how much water she has. She accepted but she warned us that if we hunt on her territory she will have our pelts, I'm speaking to you RavenWing and BarkWing." DustStar loudly announced, the two young brothers looked at each other and looked away with guilt. "We will travel at early dawn to RiverClans territory. I demand the elders and kits to be helped, if I catch the elders and kits not being helped by the warriors will be given apprentice duties." DustStar snarled his warning and with a flick of his tail the clan parted into their dens, PebbleLeap sighed and looked up at him. "Will we all come back home..?" PebbleLeap muttered with panic raging through her deep blue eyes, DustStar let out a long and unsure sigh. "I'm not sure but I will try my best.." DustStar said, at last, PebbleLeap licked his cheek then stalked off to the warrior's den while DustStar fell asleep on the high rock...He hoped his ancestors would see the danger his clan was in and would send a message or something.
DustStar awoke every cat before dawn, they all ate quickly. DustStar quickly gathered every cat in a group at the front of their clearing, the warriors stood side by side with elders while queens held their kits tightly. DustStars heart ached when he spotted his kits, all so happy and excited to exit their camp for the first time...Unknowing they may not return.."We shall start our journey. I want you all to know how much I love you all and how much you mean to me.." DustStar mumbled over his words with exhaustion,
"We love you too!" DoveKit mewed excitedly, her eyes round with innocence. DustStar dipped his head and gave a quick prayer then led his cats outside their camp, the cats panted and stumbled over each other as they trudged through their dry meadow. Every step DustStar took pain ran through him, he looked over his shoulder and forced himself to keep on...If he was going to lose his first life it would be for a good cause. Suddenly DustStar felt a tap on his back leg and he looked down, DoveKit stumbled side by side with him with a wide smile as she looked up at him. DustStar gave a smile and picked her up, carefully carrying her as he walked-.. For some reason holding his kit made his strides straighter and stronger, the clan started to stride stronger too with more hope as their leader gained hope.
At sun high the cats panted heavily and walked a bit slower than before but they had crossed the two-leg bridge that led straight to RiverClans river, PebbleLeap gave a loud hiss and stopped all the cats. "Fox!" PebbleLeap yowled loudly before a huge fox sprang At BurningBreeze, the molly threw the kits out her way as she fell and viciously clawed the foxes' faces. DustStar dropped DoveKit under a small rock and leaped into the foxes back with a loud battle cry, the fox gave a loud screech as DustStar twisted its scruff and clawed its back deeply while BurningBreeze clawed its eyes and nose. The fox let out a whimper and jumped up in a panic, the queen let go while DustStar flung off the fox and bashed his side against a nearby tree. RavenWing and BarkWing batted at the fox and quickly chased it off, PebbleLeap rushed towards DustStar and padded at his stomach. The grey she let out a dreadful yowl as she flipped DustStar over, DustStar gave heavy grunts of shock and trembled with pain as a large branch was twisted through his stomach. "Oh, my stars.." PebbleLeap muttered in pure shock and let out another yowl, JuniperCloud rushed towards the two cats that stood the tall oak tree and threw down the traveling herbs she had brought. DustStar gave a trembling breath and laid his head down, his vision going foggy and his paws feeling light. DustStar jumped up with a jolt, he looked down at his stomach that was normal..? The tom looked around fearfully and saw the same cats that had gifted him his nine lives gathered around him, SandStar stepped forward to him with StormPaw at her side. "You have lost your first life, DustStar." SandStar meowed and dipped her head, DustStars breath trembled once again with his tail thrashing. "I need to go back..! They need me!" DustStar yowled and looked around desperately, SandStar snarled and signaled with her tail for him to sit. "Sit, take a break for a moment. Regain your strength." SandStar demanded, DustStar snarled and stood up once again. "No, they need me.." DustStar repeated desperately, SandStars tail thrashing while her ears flicked. "I demand you to sit and regain your strength, we will make sure they will be alright." SandStar firmly mewed, DustStar sat down with anxiety. "Thank you." SandStar dipped her head and she too sat. After a few moments, DustStar fell asleep, his paws tingling then he awoke next to the tree with newly found energy. JuniperCloud had carefully pushed the branch out his stomach and had patched him while he had slept, PebbleLeap let out a surprised gasp and covered his face with licks. DoveKit, AdderKit, ThornKit, and LeafKit clung to his front paws and gave trembling breaths when he opened his bright blue eyes. "We must continue. I will not let any cats die!" DustStar yowled with determination, he jolted up quickly and took huge strides quickly. "Are you sure your okay? We can turn back around and travel back to our camp!" RavenWing anxiously asked, "I'm fine. We will never turn around until we are hydrated." DustStar replied and continued to lead the cats towards the river. DustStar gave a smile as he heard the rushing river and soon when the cats leaped over the tall ferns they saw the fast rushing river, first, the elders and kits drank the cold refreshing water. All the cats patiently waited for a turn and the queens and warriors bolted forward to the water, DustStar gave a relieved sigh when all the cats were satisfied. DustStar dipped his head to all his warriors as they padded by, he crouched by the river's side and gave a refreshed breath as he drank the cold and refreshing water against the roof of his mouth. DustStar drank so much water he felt like his stomach would pop, he picked his head up and signaled with his tail for his cats to crouch down as a patrol of RiverClan cats strolled by. The four cats dipped their heads and continued on their patrol, DustStar stood and looked at his clan-.. All hydrated and calm. "Have you all got as much water as possible? We won't be returning for a little while." DustStar asked, all the plump cats nodded with smiles.
The journey back to their camp was much easier, all the cats were more alert and athletic. As the cats returned into their camp the warriors set off for patrols quickly, DustStar laid upon the high rock with his kits climbing upon his back excitedly. "Dad?" AdderKit laid in front of DustStar with eyes of wonder, "Yes son?" DustStar replied. "What does it take to be a leader?" AdderKit tilted his head in curiosity, DustStar was a bit caught off guard but smiled. "Well...You just follow the code as an apprentice and a warrior, then when you get promoted as deputy you must do the best you can. If you're a code following deputy that does all they can for WindClan then you will become a leader once the former leader passes to starclan." DustStar explained, AdderKit stared at DustStar with wide eyes. "That seems like a lot of work!" AdderKit mewed, "Not really. If you have loyalty then it is very easy." DustStar chuckled "I wanna be a medicine cat!" DoveKit blurted out and tumbled onto AdderKit, "We know! You say that so often we want to rip our ears off!" ThornKit snarled. "Hush down. With that attitude, you won't even be an apprentice." DustStar warned ThornKit, the tom fell silent with embarrassment. "Why would you want to be a medicine cat?" LeafKit asked her twin, "Because I'll have the power to speak to starclan and I'll heal every cat!" DoveKit pridefully mewed. LeafKit thought for a moment and chuckled in agreement, DustStar noticed the darkening sky and the patrols walking back into the clearing. "The borders are looking okay!" PebbleLeap yowled to DustStar and quickly dipped her head while four other warriors dropped massive hares into the fresh-kill pile. "It's time for bed," DustStar ordered his kits and gave them all soft licks on the chest, the four kits mewed their farewells and scurried off to the nursery. DustStar sighed and leaped off the rock, at moonrise after all the cats had fallen fast asleep he fell asleep in his den comfortably. DustStar suddenly jolted awake and looked around only to see pure black, he coughed as he smelt burning embers. DustStar gasped as he stood up in high rock, faceless cats in his clearing rushed out the camp in a panic as a raging fire burned through everything...The nursery burst with yowls, apprentices stumbled and snapped at each other, warriors helped queens and elders while DustStar stood in alarm. DustStar looked around for the cats of starclan to appear yet none appeared, he looked down at the cats rushing out the clearing with dreadful cries. "Warn of these dreadful, burning embers before it's far too late.." A voice whispered in DustStars ear then the vision plunged to darkness. DustStar leaped out his moss bedding within the leaders' den and rushed outside his den in a panic, the sun was peering over the sky and the warriors were setting off for patrols. "You okay?" JuniperCloud walked up to DustStar as he trembled from the shock of his dream, "No.." DustStar murmured. JuniperCloud followed him into his den and listened in alarm as he told her his daunting vision. "And you heard nothing but a small warning?" JuniperCloud narrowed her eyes a bit, DustStar nodded. "I haven't gotten any strange warnings yet.." JuniperCloud narrowed her eyes even more, "I'll take your dream into consideration but until I've gotten the same warning we shouldn't worry too much." JuniperCloud shrugged. DustStars ears flattened in shock of JuniperClouds response but he nodded, JuniperCloud dipped her head and walked out of his den. DustStar sighed, he waited in the clearing for the warriors to return to give information about what they found while on patrol.
DustStar was a bit relieved when the warriors hadn't seen anything odd when on patrol but at sun high DustStar smelt an odd smell...He decided to venture off into the meadows and followed the smell until he saw smoke, black smoke in fact..DustStar gasped as he peered over the bushes and saw burning embers that started to touch the trees a bit, he bounded back to his camp and panted. He stumbled and trembled from shock and all the cats in the clearing rushed for him in a panic, "Fire..!" He muttered out. PebbleLeap gathered RavenWing and BarkWing with her and rushed out the camp to check it out, the other cats stayed out in alarm. "Are you sure?" JuniperCloud asked, her eyes narrowed in disbelief. "I'm as sure as a toad's nose!" DustStar snapped at his medicine cat, JuniperCloud stumbled back from his yowl and dipped her head. The medicine she rushed off to her den and gathered herbs, queens gathered together holding their kits tightly with the elders by their side, the warriors returned and warned the quickly spreading fire. DustStar quickly gathered the clan together, making sure his kits were safe in the jaws of BurningBreeze and PebbleLeap. "PebbleLeap, take everybody to RiverClans camp immediately! I will stay to make sure none will be left behind." DustStar ordered, the molly seemed she wanted to protest but quickly bounded out with the rest of the clan following on her heels. DustStar watched as the tips of each cat tail quickly disappeared into the veins that covered their exit, after a few moments he heard a loud yowl from the elder's den. DustStar bounded towards the elders' den as smoke started to rise into the camp, the eldest and a blinded molly of WindClan...Leaping'Storm who was StormingLeaps mother gave yowls of fear as a fox cornered her. DustStar gave a raged yowl and leaped into the fox back, clawing its eyes and twisting its scruff which gave Leaping'Storm enough time to rush out the elders' den. The fox gave whimpers and blew through the elders' den side, breaking the veins and brambles that protected it. DustStar sighed as he had a nasty bite on his shoulder, he rapidly limped towards the exit and helped Leaping'Storm out the camp. RavenWing bounded through the burning meadows and grabbed the elders scruff, as quick as a flick the two cats disappeared into the falling embers and smoke. DustStar rapidly limped through his camp and checked every inch to make sure no cat was strayed, he gave a gasp of horror as Golden tipped flames started within his once peaceful clearing. DustStar gave a sharp breath and pushed his way quickly through the flames, he leaped over the fallen and shriveled ferns that blocked the exit. DustStar forced his paws to move as his sides heaved with exhaustion as he breathed the black smoke, he leaped over fallen trees and pushed through thorny bracken. DustStars pace slowed as he reached the silt of RiverClans entrance, he barely made it over the stepping stones as the flames slashed at his bobbed tail and heels. StreamStar and her deputy ReedWinds grabbed DustStars scruff and helped him up as he leaped into RiverClans camp. DustStar turned and trembled as the golden tipped flames growled in fury as they stopped at the silt, StreamStar stared in shock at the tall standing flames that threatened near her camp yet didn't dare to cross the rushing river. "ReedWinds get our medicine cat." StreamStar ordered her deputy, quickly JuniperCloud rushed towards StreamStar. "I can care for my clan." JuniperCloud insisted, StreamStar narrowed her eyes and let out a laugh. "You've got a burn across your back legs, you exhausted and you've got close to no herbs. How will you possibly heal all your clan?" StreamStar asked teasingly, JuniperCloud looked at her back legs and thought for a moment then backed away. ReedWinds bounded off towards the Riverclan medicine den then reappeared with two cats by his side, an ivory-colored molly and a ginger apprentice. Both the cats held bundles of herbs in their jaws, They quickly stopped at StreamStars side and ReedWinds sat behind them. "Oh, my starclan! This is a lot of hurt cats." The ginger apprentice exclaimed before the ivory molly silenced her with a tail swing, "Nothing we can't fix. Let's get to work, SalmonPaw." The ivory molly mewed. "Sorry, IvoryLeap." SalmonPaw, the ginger apprentice muttered before the two quickly bounded into the crowd of WindClan cats. SalmonPaw quickly patched the elders while IvoryLeap inspected the kits and rubbed herbs on their cracked paws, DustStar searched for PebbleLeap and quickly spotted the grey molly rushing toward him. "I'm glad you made it in time." PebbleLeap purred as she rubbed against his neck fluff, DustStar rested his head upon her shoulders and gave affectionate purrs. "How were the kits? Did they act up?" DustStar asked as PebbleLeap sat down, "Oh let me tell you about your kits!" PebbleLeap mewed. "DoveKit and LeafKit helped Leaping'Storm over the river while AdderKit and ThornKit helped ReedWinds drive off a badger." PebbleLeap smiled proudly, DustStars jaw dropped at the amazing news. "What amazing kits they are!" DustStar smiled, he gave a purr as his four kits bounded towards him with happy mews. "I heard what amazing things you four have done!" DustStar laid down while PebbleLeap groomed his bristled fur, the kits climbed onto his front paws and rolled over onto their stomachs to get stomach licks. "Did mom tell you how DoveKit helped JuniperCloud heal LeapingStorms' paws?!" LeafKit asked then ThornKit added, "And how AdderKit bravely snapped at a badger's nose!" DustStar gave a bright smile as he beamed down to his kits. "I'm very pleased with all of your behaviors, when we get back to camp I will have RavenWing and BarkWing bright all of you your first real meal." DustStar declared happily to his kits, the kits gave excited squeals and thrashed around between their fathers' paws. "How were those two brothers?" DustStar looked up to PebbleLeap, "Oh..the usual...They got the elder here safely and drove that badger off together though the kits did more of the work. The rest of the time those two were goofing off with each other, RavenWing even got bold enough to push BarkWing into the river and had ReedWinds save him." PebbleLeap shook her head. "They're going to be getting apprentice work when we get back." DustStar snarled with disappointment, "They had one easy job and they fail at it." DustStar added. Suddenly IvoryLeap walked towards DustStar and sat in front of him while the kits looked up to her with curiosity, "You've got a nasty bite there." IvoryLeap gestured to DustStars fox bitten shoulder. DustStar nodded and sat up, his kits running towards PebbleLeap who sat a rabbit length away. DustStar winced a bit as IvoryLeap disinfected his bitten shoulder with herbs yet quickly patched it with cob-webs, "Thank you." DustStar murmured as she walked towards PebbleLeap. DustStar gave a glare as RavenWing and BarkWing padded by, the two halted to a stop in front of their leader and they smiled. "Don't give me those smiles." DustStar hissed, the two young warriors frowned and looked at each other then back to their leader. "You'll be doing apprentice work when we return, you can't get out of it by ramming my tail ether." DustStar angrily snarled. "Why!" RavenWing demanded, "Did you speak to me with tone?" DustStar stood over and easily towered over the two cats. "No sir.." BarkWing muttered in fear, RavenWing gave a scoff and snarled. "Would you rather go scrap ticks off Riverclan elders?" DustStars voice thundered like fast-moving winds, "As if you'd ever make us do that!" RavenWing retorted. DustStar gave a long stare at RavenWing, "Get to RiverClans elder den." DustStar hissed. RavenWing boldly stood still while BarkWing scrambled off, "I'm not asking you again. If you want to ignore me then you'll be called Ravenpaw again." DustStar snarled loudly. RavenWing gasped and looked to the ground, "One.." DustStar started to count, and quickly the young tom raced after his brother. "You need to get that one straightened out." PebbleLeap walked and sat by DustStar's side with a disappointed sigh, "Oh don't worry. Those two will be getting their share of apprentices to work." DustStar laughed. StreamStar stepped in front of DustStar and PebbleLeap with a small head dip, "You may stay for the night. I will have my warriors gather your clan food and moss, but tomorrow at dawn you must check your camp. If your territory has no more fire you will return." StreamStar explained with a steady gaze. DustStar and PebbleLeap dipped their heads gratefully, "Thank you." DustStar mewed at last. StreamStar dipped her head and gestured to ReedWinds, the tom scurried off towards a group of lean cats near their warrior den. DustStar gave a sigh and looked over his shoulder, he gave a soft smile as he saw his four kits tumbling around onto each other with happy mews. Dovekits dark grey fur shone with gloss as the crescent moon gazed onto her long and flowing pelt, her deep blue eyes bright with curiosity as she tumbled into tall reeds and her small pink spotted paws batting playfully at the plants. DustStar gave a bigger smile as he realized the small kits before he would be the future of his clan, all great warriors while DoveKit would be an amazing healer.
After a little while, DustStar and his clan began to settle down in the RiverClan camp, some of the Riverclan apprentices started to speak to the lean and Swift visitors. DustStar was grateful as he laid down in the Riverclan clearing with a water vole an apprentice had brought him, PebbleLeap, and his kits curled up near him asleep. StreamStar glared at a DustStar with distrustful eyes as she passed him and disappeared into a large log she called a leader's den. DustStar shook his head and gave a sigh, he knew StreamStar and her clan would never give trust to WindClan and he was quite fine with such a thing. JuniperCloud stalked towards him and laid down in front of him as he finished his prey, "You're okay with not having a relationship with a neighboring clan?" JuniperCloud whispered with a scoff. "Of course I am, the clans aren't meant to be best friends. The clans are meant to keep distance from each other, the only times the clans will get along is ether at Four Trees or in an emergency." DustStar explained quietly to JuniperCloud, she gave a thoughtful moment and nodded. "You have a point, I never thought of it like that." JuniperCloud shrugged, she heaved herself up and curled up near a group of her clans queens. DustStar gave a longing look to the darkened sky, he laid his head down and closed his eyes. Slowly he fell asleep in the silent Riverclan camp though every sense was on high alert.
DustStar jolted awake as AdderKit jumped into his back, "StreamStar wants us to check on our camp." PebbleLeap stood over him and grabbed AdderKit. DustStar stood and stretched with a wide yawn, he looked around and noticed all his cats were slowly starting to awake. DustStar looked at the light dawn sky and padded towards BarkWing, RavenWing, and StormingLeap. The three cats were slowly stretching as he padded towards them, they gave him curious looks as he waited for them to settle their stretching and yawning down. "I want you three to go check if our territory is safe, make sure the fire is gone and there are no foxes or badgers," DustStar ordered the three, they dipped their heads before he added. "I want you, StormingLeap, to keep the brothers in check. They are already getting apprentice work when we return." DustStar glared at the two brothers that gave scoffs, the lean molly gave an amused smile and nodded. "I'll make sure to scare them out of their pelts." StormingLeap purred then turned and led the other two out, DustStar watched as the tips of their tails disappeared.
DustStar and the rest of his cats waited anxiously for the three cats to return, quickly he jumped up as the cats padded into the entrance with soot covering their paws. "The territory is safe to return, there aren't any foxes or badgers and the fire has died away. Though our camp and our territory are burnt severely." StormingLeap explained, DustStar gave a relieved sigh. "We will start back to our camp immediately, I'm grateful for our stay but we must part ways." DustStar turned to StreamStar who sat near him, she dipped her head. "I wish you and your clan a safe travel." StreamStar mewed with a delighted gaze, DustStar nodded and gestured for his cats to follow him. Quickly the rest of his clan followed close to his heels as he led them out RiverClans camp and over the stepping stones, DustStar gave a worried gasp as he entered into his territory. All the grasses, ferns, vines, and trees were burnt to ash while the once prey filled air smelt of smoke. DustStar and his cats slowly carried into their camp and gave even more worried sighs as they saw their camp was open to the meadows, their camp walls shriveled to soot and the dens were buried in mountains of tall standing cinder. "We have a lot of work..." RavenWing groaned, DustStar nodded with a sigh. "We all must get to work, start collecting any kind of plants you can find so we can start to rebuild our camp." DustStar turned towards his cats, quickly the cats parted to collect plants. DustStar ordered his kits to help the warriors collect mud and quickly the four young kits sprinted towards the warriors' sides. DustStar padded towards his den and was a bit relieved to see that his den was untouched by the violent flames, he sat outside his den and looked to the sky. Though he didn't know how much a prayer would help he sent one to starclan, maybe the cats above would light WindClans' path...

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