Chapter Ten: Decisions...

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FogPaw lay down in the ShadowClan clearing,exhausted after a long hunting patrol. "You hunted like a kittypet." StreamStar hissed,her eyes narrowed as she passed by and joined CrossStar in front of his den. The apprentice struggled to hold his tongue,he was never accepted no matter where he went! He always had to work more than any other clan cat,for what? FogPaw watched in envy as MistyPaw nuzzled against their parents,the two leaders giving purrs of affection. "Always ignored,an outcast aye?" AdderRiot sat by FogPaws side,the apprentice snorting. "You wouldn't know anything about it,minnow brain." AdderRiot smirked at the apprentices assumption. "I do. I was exiled from WindClan before joining ShadowClan in fact. I'm not treated fairly either,the warriors here don't view me as much as them and make me sleep in a fox hole." AdderRiot growled,FogPaw held a shocked gaze. "No clan will welcome me,not even WindClan or ThunderClan since I'm of an enemy clan!" FogPaw whispered,his voice a wail. "BonnetPaw,now BonnetCloud of RiverClan-...Your clan,made it to WindClan." AdderRiot shrugged,FogPaw shaking his head. "So what? You wanna give up clan life? Give up running free in the shadows and the successful feeling of chasing an enemy off your land after a hard battle?" AdderRiot held a disappointed glare,no matter how hard he tried to hide it. "I'm weak,you heard my mom. And I have no freedom,I don't even want to fight in this pointless war...Would you...Help me escape..?" FogPaw mumbled,excitement surging in his chest as he saw AdderRiot give him a sympathetic smile. "Of course,now?" The ShadowClan tom agreed,FogPaw nodded quickly. "StreamStar,CrossStar." AdderRiot heaved himself up,the leaders raising a hostile brow as they glared at him. "I'm taking FogPaw to hunt and practice battle,we will return soon." AdderRiot slyly lied,FogPaw smirked. "Please do! He's as weak as a helpless kittypet,he will get himself killed in that war." StreamStar sharply retorted,AdderRiot turning his back to the two leaders and MistyPaw. The two cats quickly bounded through the darkened forest,not wasting any time.  "Kittypet place...?" FogPaw raised a brow as the smell of kitty pets and two legs neared,the two slowing their pace a bit as they emerged out the shaded forest to a small patch of sun dappled grass a fox length away from a large fence. "Rather be a loner and get eaten by a fox,badger or dog?" AdderRiot stopped,glaring at the apprentice. "" FogPaw shook his head,"What do I do..?" He mumbled. "Jump the fence,meow and look cute. You'll have no problems,I'll find a loner that resembles you and kill it-...Then I'll tell the clan you died." AdderRiot explained,FogPaw smiled gratefully and touched noses with the tom. "Thanks..." The apprentice smiled,his black fur sleek with silver speckles that shone in the suns light. "Be safe,FogPaw." AdderRiot dipped his head,watching as the small tom cleared the brown fence in a single bound and his wispy white tipped tail disappeared. Then,he turned and crouched as he saw a small black and silver speckled tom loner. Quickly AdderRiot sprang his back legs out,landing square on the cats back and biting deep into their throat;Slowly letting go when his body went limp,giving a small sigh before his flank went still. AdderRiot rubbed against the tom,covering him in ShadowClan smells and cleaning his own paws. Carrying the tom in his jaws and forcing a look of dismay,gasps came from around the camp when he dropped the cats body at the front of the clearing. "Loner got to FogPaw." AdderRiot sighed,shaking his head. "What a shame,he would've been a weak warrior anyways." StreamStar growled,not a hint of sadness in her gaze. "No...FogPaw...! He said he'd always be with me!" MistyPaw cried,burying her nose into his flank. "LongShadow,bury him." AdderRiot saw a small dim in his leaders eyes,watching as the cat called upon collected the false apprentices body and padding out dimly. "Everyone else,prepare for battle. Get your share of prey and rest until near dusk." CrossStar ordered,the clan heaving themselves up and following their directions.
FogPaw purred as his female two leg with long red hair softly patted him,tilting his head as a small almost even apprentice sized brown speckled dark brown tom stared at him with wide green eyes. Oh StarClan...Please keep all the clans safe...! FogPaw sent a silent prayer to his warrior ancestors. "Jasper!" His two leg called,that must've been his kitty pet name...Leaping off the odd grey couch and sitting in front of her,his ears flattened as she clipped a light brown collar around his neck;Hissing quietly as it felt as if he was choking a bit,assuring himself he'd get used to it...One day...

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