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After the altercation in the Forrest Zeke, Thor and Iron man returned to base, Zeke wasn't injured, while Thor and Iron Man suffered minor injuries. Of Course Thor and Iron Man were still at odds with each other but Zeke kept them in line during the flight over. They arrived just as Fury finished locking Loki in his cell.

Banner: "He really grows on you, doesn't he?"

Rogers: "Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Thor what's his play?"

Thor: "He has an army called the Chitauri, they're not of Asgard, nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people, they will win him the earth. In return I suspect for the tesseract."

Zeke instantly perked up at the mention of the Chitauri, And one by one started to put the pieces together. It seems Loki was commissioned by Thanos, and it seems Thanos is seeking out infinity stones. Based on what he knows about The Mad Titan, this did not bode well for this planet.

Zeke: "If the Chitauri are truly coming, this planet is bound to suffer casualties." He said indifferently

Thor: "You know them?" He asked curiously

Zeke: "Of course I fought them on multiple occasions" he said calmly

Rogers: "Can you tell us anything useful?" He asked hopefully

Zeke: "Hmm, they're weak, most of them are barely stronger than average humans. However their technology is far more advanced than Earth's, and their numbers are nothing to scoff at. Even small battalions can carry hundreds of troops, if this is a full scale invasion force, we could be looking at hundreds of thousands." He said calmly

Everyone immediately tensed up after hearing Zeke's words. Everyone except Zeke and Thor were clearly frightened by Zeke's terrifying explantation of the alien army.

Rogers: "An army.....from outer space" he said in disbelief

Zeke: "Relax, as I said, individually they're weak, in addition to that Loki will need to build another portal, it will limit the amount of troops that can come out at a time, from then on it can just be a simple battle of attrition." He said calmly

Natasha: "Ok, allow me to address the elephant in the room, how do we know you're not working with Loki?" She said nervously

This caused everyone except Zeke to be shocked. But some of them due to Zeke's track record also started to second guess his loyalties. Zeke had shown up a little over a week ago and then right after that Loki comes with plans for an invasion, it did make Zeke a suspect.

Zeke: "You watched as I beat Loki myself correct?" He said indifferently

Natasha: "It could have been an act." She persisted

Zeke's patience had started running thin a while ago but he's been trying his best to cut these people some slack. But he's had enough so he smirked a little before responding

Zeke: "Ok, let's say I admit to being a double agent right now, what are you going to do about it?" He said coldly

Everyone in the room shivered at his change in tone. And everyone was instantly put on gaurd.

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