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After the brutal fight which scarred the landscape and destroyed the moon, Zeke took Anissa back to the warship in order for her to heal up. While he got out with just a couple light scratches, Anissa was riddled with gashes and bruises. Unfortunately EDI still hasn't gotten the healing equipment online yet, however due to the healing factor of Viltrumites, he knew she'd be back up in no time. While Anissa was recovering Zeke decided to see what he could salvage from the rest of the planet.

Unfortunately over the few days he looked he didn't find anything too impressive, just some weapons and clothing from any wreckage he could find. However the good news was that, his time searching gave Anissa enough time to fully recover, this time hopefully with her mind intact.

EDI: "Sir, she's awake" she said

In response Zeke quickly walked from the control room of the vessel, all the way to the medical center, where he found Anissa sitting up in the bed. As soon as he walked in they made eye contact and Anissa immediately rolled her eyes

Anissa: "Of course it had to be you" she said sarcastically

Zeke: "*chuckles* I never thought I'd say this but, it's good to see you" he said "Are you feeling better?" He asked

Anissa: "Yea my head's a little foggy though.....what happened?" She asked

Zeke: "You woke up in a daze, EDI, said you were possibly reliving a past memory. And then you attacked me, so we fought and I beat you. Simple as that" he said with a smirk

Anissa: "Still as cocky as always I see" she said with a glare "How long has it been?"

Zekes expression then turned more serious

Zeke: "5 million years"

Anissa then adopted a shocked expression before Zeke asked another question

Zeke: "What do you remember?" He asked

Anissa then racked her brain trying desperately to remember everything before she awoke from her pod

Anissa: "The war......I was ambushed by those synthetic pawns, I slaughtered them all of the big ones came for me.....I didn't stand a chance, I honestly thought I died, but next thing I knew....I woke up here."

Zeke: "Hmm" he said in deep thought

Anissa: "What happened?, how am I alive?" She asked

Zeke: ".......Thragg sent out the last order" he said sternly

Anissa: "what the hell is the last order?" She asked confused

Zeke: "*sigh* it was the last resort, in case our race ever faced a crisis, the cradles would be sent out to rescue any viltrumites that could be saved. We originally saved hundreds of thousands of us.....but HE intervened.......whole generations were lost in an instant." He said somberly

Anissa: "I we may very well be the last ones....." she said

Zeke: "indeed" he said sternly

Anissa: " what now?" She asked

Zeke: "I was planning on rebuilding......slowly, without making the same mistakes as the old empire did, but for once I also plan on walking my own path, something I was not able to do during my time as a grand general." He said calmly

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