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The only thing that remained after the clash of the two powerhouses was rubble and death. After Ares' demise Zeke quickly scoured the realm for anything he could use to escape the dimension. However he couldn't find anything of use, that is until he heard a sharp beeping sound coming from Ares himself.

Zeke quickly flew over to the fallen god and checked his person for where the noise could be coming from. Eventually he found a small device that the sound was coming from.

Zeke: "EDI, is this a transmitter of some kind?" He asked

Unfortunately he got no response

Zeke: "EDI?" He asked again

But again there was no answer

Zeke: "Damn, being in another dimension must've put a strain on the connection, *sigh* looks like I'm on my own" he said calmly

Suddenly the device flew out of Zekes hands and landed on the rubble in front of him. It then started to display a hologram and once the image became clear, Zekes face immediately grew into a scowl. Before him was none other than the Mad Titan himself and he looked less than pleased

Zeke: "It's been a while.....Thanos" he said sternly

Thanos: "I take it, the God is dead?" He asked

Zeke: "What gave it away?" He asked rhetorically

Thanos: "Contrary to popular belief, Its rare that I enjoy killing others, however I know I'm going to revel in your death" he said with a glare

Zeke: "Hmph, why don't you just come and fight me yourself then?, instead of sending fools like this to their deaths?" He asked while gesturing to Ares

Thanos: "Surprisingly I have more pressing matters to deal with, I'm planning something more vast than you could possibly imagine. But don't worry in time we'll without a doubt meet again" he said calmly

Zeke: "I'll be waiting" he said coldly before crushing the transmitter

Zeke: "*sigh* How the hell am I going to get out of this mess" he said to himself

Just as he began thinking of ways to get out, he noticed a strange sound above him, Zeke immediately went on guard as space once again began to distort above his head and out of this distortion Anissa came bursting through and crashing into a piece of floating rubble not too far from Him

Zeke: "Anissa?" He asked confused

Anissa finally got her bearings and looked to where she heard the voice, before smirking

Anissa: "Well would you look at this, that A.I. of yours is a genius" she said

Zeke: "EDI?, how did she send you here?" He asked

Anissa: "You'll have to ask her when we get back" she said

Anissa then looked at the remnants of Ares' realm, as well as Ares' headless body. She frowned once she connected the dots.

Anissa: *sigh* "I knew you'd hog all the fun" she said slightly annoyed

Zeke: "Let's go" he said with a smirk

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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