༶•┈┈ chapter 8 ┈┈•༶

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It was the day before jungkook's birthday, yesterday you looked at the house that hobi talked about and today you will decide if you want to buy it or not.

You were heading to the house and you saw that the owner already was there.

Then you got out and walked to the door.

The owner is apparently a close friend of Taehyung and Jin, she was also very sweet for dropping the price form 5,5 million won to 2,5 million won.

Y/N : im sorry Mrs Hwa-Young if im late

Mrs Hwa-Young : its okay haha, i was just too early. but lets go inside.

The house was for sale with the furniture still in it so you could keep the furniture.

Mrs Hwa-Young : so Mrs Park, did you decide if you want it?

Y/N : if i say yes, do i need to move in immediately

Mrs Hwa-Young : if you sign the contract to have full permission to the water-source, the electric.. just about everything.. then you can move in whenever you want but the house is already under your name then if you move in later.

Y/N : i get it... so i say.... yes

Mrs Hwa-Young : really? thats nice, i need you to sign here.

Y/N : okay in that bag is the money

Then you signed the contract, you needed to keep it if something happens.

Mrs Hwa-Young : Thankyou Mrs Park, i hope you will have a nice time in your new home

Y/N : Thankyou Mrs Hwa-Young

She gave you all the keys from the house and left.

Then you decided to call jimin, but he didnt pick up.. so you called Jin and he picked it up.

Y/N : Jin guess who got the house

Jin : you really did?

Y/N : Yes

Jin : finally.

Y/N : everything is ready but im moving in next week

Jin : why next week?

Y/N : just to stay with my mom for the rest of the week and then i'll move in

Jin : ah i get it, you and your mom will come tomorrow right for jungkook's birthday

Y/N : Yeah but...

Jin : what?

Y/N : my stepdad will come something doesnt feel right Jin

Jin : what do you mean?

Y/N : like something is going to happen tomorrow

Jin : dont worry, me, your brother and the boys are with you.. nothing will happen

Y/N : okay.. Im going to hang up okay?

Jin : okay, see you tomorrow Y/N

Then you ended the Phone call

And you decided to go home again.

20 minutes later

You arrived home, and you went upstairs to your room to pack everything in already.

You packed your clothes, shoes, photo albums, photos with your dad when you were younger and other important stuff. you only left the dress and heels that you were going to wear for jungkook's birthday party.

Then your stepdad came into your room.

Y/N : where is mom?

But he didnt answered

Y/N : im asking you a question

Stepdad : she went to work remember?

Y/N : okay Thankyou for answering, now you can go now..

Stepdad : you really think you can run away from me with moving out?

Y/N : no, i just dont want to see your ugly ass face again and dont want to cry myself to sleep tonight.

Then he walked up to you and grabbed you by the neck and was trying to choke you.

Stepdad : you are still mine.. dont think that because you are moving that i will leave you alone..

Y/N : tf.. you creep.. i was never yours

Then you managed to get rid of his hands from all around your neck.

Y/N : why do you act like this? what did i ever do to you? arent you done with 10 years of abusing me?

But when he wanted to respond, your mom came home.

Mom : honey im home!

then he rushed out of your room and went downstairs, so you continued to pack in your stuff.

*you in your mind* when are you coming back dad are you even ever coming back home? i need u... i wish you were here

Then jimin called you

Y/N : Hey Jiminnie

Jimin : hey you called me but jin already told me, concrats on your new house little sis

Y/N : Thankyou jiminnie, Jimin dont be mad but....

Jimin : Whats wrong?

Y/N : our stepdad is coming with us tomorrow

Jimin : i dont care, if he does something i'll whoop his ass

Y/N : i just wanted to say so you dont get mad when he shows up

Jimin : its okay little sis, but i need to hang up okay?

Y/N : okay jiminnie, bye

Jimin : bye sissie

Then you ended the Phone call

You saw that it was 8PM so you layed down on your bed and fell alseep, but when you were about to sleep, that feeling that something is going to happen tomorrow is getting worse and worse.

*you in your mind* why is this feeling not going away


idk what to say lolz c:

dont forget to vote on this chapter x

love yall (:

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