༶•┈┈ chapter 21 ┈┈•༶

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**Y/N's POV**

Some hours later..

You could see it was dark outside, you was about to pass out because your body temperature is high and you felt kinda sick again.

Then Seo-Yun came in.

Y/N : go away, what do you want?

Then he came up to you and whispered.

Seo-Yun : dont worry, you are going to be saved soon

Y/N : what?

Then he got up and left.

Y/N : HEY! ugh whatever...

You were wondering what he meant with ''dont worry, you are going to be saved soon''

*you in your mind* i hope im going to be saved soon.. but why did he said that? does he know something?

20 minutes later

You were about to fall asleep but then your old stepdad came in and Seo-Yun.

Y/N : i was about to sleep..

Stepdad : i dont care

Y/N : then leave, im going to sleep

Stepdad : you are not going to sleep

Y/N : and why that?

Stepdad : because you are going to die

Y/N : yeah and i should be scare-

Then he pulled out a gun and aimed it to your head.

Stepdad : any last words?

Y/N : please.. dont..

Stepdad : close your eyes

Y/N : no.. if you are going to kill me look me right in the eye


Then you closed your eyes and started to cry.

*you in your mind* im sorry Taehyung Im sorry Jimin... Im sorry mom and dad i failed life... i wished i wasnt even born at all.. im really sorry

Then you heard two shots and your old stepdad screaming, and short after that you heard many more shots.

Then you realized you didnt feel any pain so you slowly started to open your eyes, what you saw was shocking.

You saw your old stepdad layind downon the ground in pain with Seo-Yun aiming his gun to him.

Seo-Yun : finally

Y/N : ho-how? why?

Stepdad : you fucker..

Then out of the sudden Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin came in the room with guns.

Y/N : guys..

Seo-Yun : im not letting this happen to her like you did with my sister

Stepdad : i- i-

Seo-Yun : maybe i texted her and stalked her.. but thats because of you fucking asshole

Y/N : wha-what?

Yoongi : what is he talking about?

Y/N : i dont know

Stepdad : you are supposed to support me and shoot her, not me

Seo-Yun : after what you have put me trough? maybe she doesnt know me at all but im not letting you put her in the same situation like you did with me..

Y/N : what do you mean?

Seo-Yun : when we were a happy family with my mom, my little sister, me and him... everything changed out of nowhere because of him.. my mother disappeared first.. then he..

Y/N : he what?

Seo-Yun : he killed my little sister

Stepdad : i cant believe you just said that


Stepdad : i-

Seo-Yun : you dont have the rights to talk.. even when you was raping her for a long time

Everyone was in shock.

Hoseok : no fricking way...

Y/N : thats why he tried to rape me also..

Seo-Yun : he did?

Y/N : he tried but i walked away everytime he wanted to

Stepdad : dont lie!

Y/N : im not lying

Seo-Yun : any last words... dad?

Stepdad : you fu-

then Seo-Yun shot Your old stepdad in the head.

Namjoon : omy-

Seo-Yun : let me untie you

then he released you, and at that time he pointed a gun to his own head.

Seo-Yun : im sorry for everything i put you guys trough, take this..

Y/N : what is this?

Seo-Yun : this was from my little sis and me, we always used to wear this necklace.. it gives you luck and strengh

Y/N : th-thankyou

Then a tear left your eye.

Seo-Yun : im sorry

When he was about to pull the trigger, you stopped him.

Y/N : dont dont do that please maybe we dont know each other but i know already enough of you... you are a good person... you need to stay alive... killing yourself isnt going to help anyone... your mother would be so sad if she hears her son killed herself... right?

Seo-Yun : i just miss her so much

Then you felt really dizzy and nauseous.

Taehyung : baby are you okay?

Y/N : ye-yeah..

then you fainted and everything went black..

~ Time skip to waking up

You slowly started to open your eyes.

Y/N : Taehyung Taehyung

Then you fully opened your eyes and realized you were in a hospital room.

Jin : finally you woke up..

Y/N : where is Everyone?

Jin : they are home, it was getting too emotional for Everyone so i stayed here..

Y/N : o-okay.. where is Seo-Yun?

Jin : Your dad is questioning him, dont worry he is okay

Then the doctor came in.

Doctor : finally Mrs Park woke up, how are you feeling?

Y/N : suprisingly.. pretty good comparing it with the last few days..

Doctor : not having any high temperatures at all?

Y/N : no not at all

Doctor : thank god, i checked on you and the baby so you two are fine

Jin and You : baby?

Y/N : yes Mrs Park, you are pregnant


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love yall (:

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