༶•┈┈ chapter 11 ┈┈•༶

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It was the next day..

Taehyung was about to arrive, he was going to pick you up.

You quickly took a shower and changed your outfit into this (without the glasses and the beret) :

You quickly took a shower and changed your outfit into this (without the glasses and the beret) :

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you quickly ate a sandwich and listened to some music.

Then you Got a message from Taehyung.

Now - Taehyung : im infront of your house, come outside

Now - Y/N : okay

Then you grabbed the housekeys and walked outside, where you saw Taehyung leaning on the car.

Y/N : goodmorning Taehyung

Taehyung : goodmorning Y/N, lets go

Then you got in the car and you two drove away.

20 minutes later

Some minutes later, You and Taehyung arrived at a building. It was really big from the outside.

Taehyung : lets go inside

You two got out of the car and got inside the building, then you two got in a elevator and went to the highest floor 6.

Once you two were on the highest floor, it was like a high tech lab with a lot of computers and screens.

You also saw Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobi, Mrs Hwa-Young, Your Dad, Your mom, Jungkook's parents and the parents of the rest of the boys.

Y/N : Dad...

Dad : Y/N...

you walked up to your dad and hugged him, and he hugged you back.

Dad : im sorry Y/N... im sorry i left you 13 years ago...

Y/N : its okay dad.. its okay..

Dad : you've grown so much.. i missed a lot dangit

Y/N : its okay dad luckly you are in my life now, im still going to achieve things in my life where you can be and see it... like getting married, or even better.. becoming a grandpa..

Then you looked at jimin and you saw him smiling.

Y/N : jimin can we talk for a bit?

Jimin : sure

Then you and Jimin walked out of the office and talked outside.

Y/N : im sorry about yesterday i-

Jimin : aish this child is sorry- you didnt do anything wrong little sis, i did.. dont worry im not mad anymore, but promise me one thing

Y/N : what?

Jimin : promise me you wont keep such a secret anymore from me

Y/N : i promise jiminnie

Then you both hugged each other and went back inside the big office.

You and Your dad talked a lot, he gave his number to you so you two could talk more.

Y/N : so are you back together with mom?

Dad : yeah, im going to take good care of you three. what i already should've done

Y/N : its okay dad, as long that other son of a bitch doesnt come back

Dad : dont worry, he wont.. and if he does he will regret it 100%

Y/N : but dad im going home is that alright?

Dad : okay sweetie, taehyung can you bring her home?

Taehyung : sure, lets go Y/N

Y/N : bye Everyone

Everyone : bye Y/N

Then you and Taehyung got in the elevator, went downstairs, got in the car and drove away.

As you two were heading home, you two begin to talk.

Y/N : so basically my whole family is...

Taehyung : yep, in the mafia.. haha

Y/N : so thats why you guys didnt answered my question when i asked what kind of job you all do.

Taehyung : yeah, but now you dont have a problem with that right?

Y/N : ofcourse not, as long im with my dad then i dont have a problem with that.

Taehyung : good

Y/N : so for how long are you in this?

Taehyung : because my parents are into this, i also needed to join when i turned 18.

Y/N : do you like it?

Taehyung : sometimes, it depends on what we need to do.

Y/N : i get it

Taehyung : in the beginning i didnt want to work but now..

Y/N : did you have a chance to go to college? i assume you finished highschool.

Taehyung : yes i finished, thats how i met your brother and the rest, but no.. i never had a chance to go to college.

Y/N : now it makes sense why i couldnt go to college

Taehyung : what would you do if you could go?

Y/N : i Always wanted to be a lawyer, so i would've studied that.

Taehyung : good one

Y/N : but sadly i couldnt study maybe in the future

Taehyung : true

Then it was silent for a couple of minutes straight but then taehyung talked again.

Taehyung : do you like Someone?

You was kinda shocked and speechless.

Y/N : not really, do you?

Taehyung : *sigh* yeah but she doesnt like me back

Y/N : awhhh little tae is in lovee

then he smiled and it was cute

Y/N : im sure you two will get together

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Y/N : im sure you two will get together.

Taehyung : i hope so


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love yall (:

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