༶•┈┈ chapter 15 ┈┈•༶

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It was the next Morning.

You were laying down on Taehyung's bed, and Taehyung was laying down next to you.

When you slowly opened your eyes, Jin came inside the room.

Jin : goodmorning my children

Y/N : goodmorning Mom

Jin : so your future husband is still sleeping i see

Y/N : yeah haha, so cute

Jin : we wanted to say Thankyou for cleaning up the house, we were really tired and...

Y/N : its okay jinnie no problem, what time is it by the way?

Jin : almost 11AM

Y/N : okay im coming downstairs in a bit.

Jin : okay

Then he left them room.

Taehyung : future husband hm?

Y/N : i thought you were sleeping haha

Taehyung : maybe haha

Then you put your head on his chest.

Y/N : how did you sleep?

Taehyung : pretty good

Y/N : im going downstairs, are you coming?

Taehyung : yeah

Then you both went downstairs.

Y/N : goodmorning Everyone

Everyone : goodmorning

Jin : Y/N are you going to do your breakfast here?

Y/N : no im going home, i need to do some stuff and after that im going to take some rest

Jin : okay my child, are you going now?

Y/N : yeah

Jin : okay my child, bye be safe

Y/N : bye

Then you went outside and got in the car and left.

**Taehyung's POV**

It was two hours ago when Y/N left and you already miss her.

Jimin : and Taehyung?

Taehyung : huh?

Jimin : did you two got together?

Taehyung : yeah, she said yes

Everyone : NO WAY

Taehyung : yeah haha

Hoseok : AAAAA YES

Jin : Taehyung you better look after my child and protect her from everything and more or i will whoop your ass

Then Everyone started to laugh

Taehyung : haha dont worry, i will

Namjoon : anyways, do we need to work today?

Yoongi : no, tomorrow

Namjoon : good bcz im tired actually and want some rest

Yoongi : same

Jin : i need to do some groceries anways so who is going with me

Jungkook : me, i need some banana milk so yeah

Hoseok : i need some sprite so yeah

Jimin : i want some dumplings so im going

Jin : what about Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi?

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