༶•┈┈ chapter 17 ┈┈•༶

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**Y/N's POV**

It was 20 minutes ago when you called Jin, you were still panicking about the messages.

Then Someone knocked on the door, so many thought were going trough your mind.

*you in your mind* what if it is the person that keeps sending these messages, fuck

Then you decided to open it and it was Taehyung.

Then you decided to open it and it was Taehyung

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*you in your mind* owh thankgod

Taehyung : hey i heard you needed some company so here i am, and im also goign to stay with you for a while

Y/N : Yeah haha, Thankyou Tae

Then he gave you a kiss on the lips and walked inside.

Y/N : are you hungry i made dinner.

Taehyung : sure

Y/N : i'll go and prepare the dinnertable then

Taehyung : i will help you

Y/N : no no baby, you just got from work

Taehyung : i dont care

Y/N : okay then

Then you two prepared the dinner table and began to eat.

Y/N : so how was work?

Taehyung : good, i heard from jin that you wanted Someone to stay with you so i came.

Y/N : im sorry if i ruined your work Tae..

Taehyung : baby dont say sorry, its okay.. so what did you do today?

Y/N : actually nothing, bot tomorrow i have a photoshoot

Taehyung : really? thats nice

Y/N : yeah

Then you two were done with eating and went upstairs to your room and layed down on your bed.

Y/N : it feels like we are together already for a long time

Taehyung : yeah haha

he wrapped his arm around you and you fell asleep in his arms..

**Yoongi's POV**

It was 7PM Everyone was done with work, Everyone went home but you didnt.

*you in your mind* should i visit the adress? fuck it im going to do it

Then you typed the adress in and drove away.

10 minutes later

You arrived at the adress, you got out of the car and knocked on the door.

Then a lady opened the door.

??? : hi Mr can i help you?

Yoongi : yes does a person named Seo-Yun live here? i want to talk to him

??? : yes should i call him?

Yoongi : yes please

??? : Mr Seo-Yun! there is Someone here for you

??? : okay im coming!
Then the woman left and the man appeared

Seo-Yun : hi can i help you Mr?

You fell anger building up but you knew you couldnt do anything.

Yoongi : owh yeah, i heard you have a company for models and needed help? i wanted to visit you at the workplace but you werent there?

Seo-Yun : owh yeah true

Yoongi : can i have your phonenumber, so we can talk about it?

Seo-Yun : yes it is xxxxxxxxxxx

It was the same number of The unknown number that keeps sending Y/N messages.

You couldnt take it anymore, so you gave him a fist to his nose.

Yoongi : try to message and stalk that poor girl one more time i swear to god you wont make it out alive and i promise you that.

Then you got in the car and left.

20 minutes later

You arrived home and went inside.

Yoongi : where is Jimin?

Jungkook : he went upstairs to sleep

Yoongi : owh oka-

Jin : where were you Yoongi?

Yoongi : somwhere

Jin : dont lie, you went to that adress huh?!

Yoongi : and what? i cant leave that asshole still bothering her?!

Namjoon : owh no dont tell me you-

Yoongi : maybe i just punched him on his nose and was bleeding? maybe i did that? and what?

Hoseok : Yoongi did the right thing tho.. what if he did something to Y/N or was planning to

Jungkook : Hoseok hyung is right, we wouldnt forgive ourselfs

Jin : aish thats true- dont tell Taehyung tho.. he will get pissed

Yoongi : dont worry, i wont and Jin... tell Y/N she needs to change her Phone number but dont say that i said that

Jin : okay

Yoongi : but you know what was weird about him?

Jin : what?

Yoongi : he looked like...

Jin : looked like who?

Yoongi : Y/N's old stepdad

Jin : was it him?

Yoongi : no no, the boy i talked to.. he looked kinda like him as he was his son..

Jungkook : wait wait, are you saying that

Yoongi : maybe he pushed his son to get revenge on Y/N

Jin : but Y/N didnt do anything.. that son of a bitch harrased her

Yoongi : i know

Jungkook : maybe You can get some information about him and find out?

Yoongi : yeah im going to do tomorrow, dont worry


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love yall (:

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