I: And So It Begins :I

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"Eyyyyy ma boy, the blade, brother of mine!" Wilbur slides up onto Technoblade's desk and winks.

"You are just such a fucking idiot," Techno shakes his head, "Did you finish the job?" Wilbur furiously nods his head yes and gets off the desk per Techno’s request.

"It was soooooooo easy, you should give me a bit more of a challenge next time!"

"Well that was supposed to be a challenge..." Technos brows furrow in thought. Wilbur chuckles and starts to head out of the office.

"Wait." He freezes mid-step and spins a full 180o. "Wilbur."

Wilbur does finger guns, “Technoblade.”

Techno sighs before becoming stern. "What did you do." It wasn't a question, it was a demand, an order if you will. Wilbur stood straight up and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Wilburrrrr-"

"Fine, fine," Wilbur's tone shifts to annoyed, "I pushed him into oncoming traffic."

Techno slams a fist on the desk, "I TOLD YOU TO MAKE IT UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL!"

Wilbur storms back to Techno's desk and slams his hands on it, getting in Techno's face. "Listen," Wilbur pauses, "if you think about it, that last thing he saw was a complete stranger pushing him into a semi and winking." 

Techno sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I cannot deal with this shit today Wil." Wilbur frowns and looks at the floor. "Go home, I'll email you your next target."

Wilbur shakes his head and begins to protest but is cut off by Techno, "You need to take care of your brother. He can't support himself, Wil."

After some convincing he agrees with Techno and leaves the office. He walks through the maze of hallways till he's at the main counter in the ice cream shop. 

It was all a front of course, but he genuinely loved giving the kids and couples ice cream and seeing the smiles spread across their faces. He exited the shop and flipped the sign to closed. 

Just another part of the job.

It was a hot day, but the heat had dissipated in the evening. Wilbur took a deep breath in, the crisp air hitting his lungs refreshingly. The air smelt of leaves, which made sense because it was almost October, of course it would smell like leaves. However he could faintly smell the coffee and donuts that had been made earlier that day. 

It was nice. 

It was a nice calming sensation compared to the chaos of the night before. 

<<Flashback brought by Ranboo’s bomb traveling playlist>>

A ding on his phone told him that he had an email, however he ignored it in favor of continuing to watch movies with his brother. 

Tommy was snuggled up to Wilbur’s side slowly being lulled to sleep by the drone of the tv. 

A few moments later and more dings sounded from Wilbur’s phone. Text messages this time. A lot of text messages.


“Tommy.” Tommy groaned and sat up and rubbed his eyes. “It’s bedtime.”

Tommy glared sleepily at Wil and responded annoyed, “We both no that’s not true. You’ve got another job don’t you?”

Wilbur nodded guiltily, which ironically was accompanied by a ding. “I’ll carry you to your bed okay? I’ll be home before you wake.”

Tommy mumbled and put his arms up so Wilbur could pick him up. He hoisted Tommy up and walked up the stairs to Tommy's room.

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