IV: No Recongition :IV

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Wilbur was plotting.

What was he plotting you may ask? Well my dear reader, he was plotting the death of Dream.

Tricky little bugger he is, no one's ever seen his face, nobody knows what his personal life is like, and most importantly, no one knows where he lives.

However he had a basic idea of where Dream lives.

On Earth.

Other than that he was clueless.

He had his folders and pictures and stats laid out on his desk. It would've looked messy to any outsider.

It made perfect sense to himself however, as he continued to shuffle the papers and stack them into messy piles, only to pick apart the pile and put it in other piles.

It was an honest to God miracle that Wilbur could decern the piles from each other. Tiredly he scanned the photos and his incredibly exhausted eyes noticed a picture through the "piles".

It was another picture of Quackity, this time walking down a street in the dead of night.

However something in the back round caught his eye.

There was another man walking on the opposite side of the road, you couldn't see his face but he looked strange. The time stamp was 11:58.

Wilbur hurriedly shuffled through another "pile" trying to find all the photos.

He grabbed the stack and laid them out in a timeline manner.


A knock sounded at the door and Wilbur half jumped out of his skin.

Techno didn't wait for a response and instead walked directly into Wilbur's office and sat down in his chair.

"You good Blade?"


Techno pulled a book from the void and began to read it, just hanging out in the same room as Wilbur. He would sometimes come into Wilbur’s office and read or fill out paperwork. Wilbur knew that Techno just needed someone to be with him sometimes, so he never questioned the reason why he came into the office.

He looked at Techno making sure that he was comfortable before going back to staring at the pictures.

“Hey Techno?” Wilbur looked back to Techno. 


“Who took these pictures?”

Techno paused for a moment and set down his book.

“I, um, well to be perfectly honest Wil, I don’t know.”

“Techno they have a picture of me.”

Techno stood abruptly and sat down next to Wilbur, frantically looking at the pictures.

“I guess I’ve gotten caught more than once…”

Techno glared at him and snatched the pictures up. He flipped through them, progressively getting more visably upset as he did.

“I need to call some people.”

Wilbur nodded and Techno made his way out.

I'm totally losing my job.


"PHILLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!" Tommy screamed down the hallway of Wilbur’s work place.

He stood in front of Phil's office door tapping his foot impatiently. He could hear Phil telling someone to give him a second and then walking to the door.

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