VI: What's Up With Them? :VI

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A/N: >:)

Quackity was hungry.

Really fucking hungry.

Ted had taken away his food “privileges” for that little mess up. No food. Two months. He thought that it was no big deal, steal some snacks from Charlie and survive off those right?


He was still killing people too, never a break from that. Ted would take his apartment, if you could call it that, away if he didn’t.

He had tried stealing as well! A simple shoplift from a Wal-mart, a snatch from a farmers stand. He was always caught. 

Which is kind of ironic considering he literally kills people for a living.

But today Ted, being the bitch he was, had given him a name.

Kamron Thorton.

He hadn't done anything wrong, just a regular dude living a regular life. Somehow though, he’d managed to piss off Ted. Which meant by extension that he would have to die.

By his hands.

You would think that the feeling was sickening, and it was at first, but as with any job you have to find joy in it. 

He eventually began to try and kill each person differently. Like a game.

Quackity didn't like the game anymore though. Ted added another player, and now he had to kill that player.

Kamron Thorton

He scratched the name into a small notebook. It was a list of all the names Ted had given him. Just in case there was some way, if he got caught, he could fix it.

But God damn it he was starving.

Quackity could go maybe one, two, days before he was dead.

Maybe that was for the better.

He left the apartment and went to the street. He might be hungry, but he's still got a job to do.

And on the plus side he might be able to steal some of Kamron's food.

He plotted what weapon to use as he walked down the side walk and past the bakery.

"Oof- Shit man sorry didn't see you there-" The man that had just rudely rammed into him dusted himself off and looked him in the eyes.

Unfortunately for him, there was a spark of recognition in the stranger's eyes.

That was the signal for him to fucking run.

And so he did.


Okay he didn't actually make that noise, he wasn't running THAT fast but let the man dream.

He could hear the footsteps of the stranger behind him as he dashed around the sidewalk.

Wilbur wasn't an idiot.

That was 100% Quackity.

"STOP THAT MAN, HE STOLE MY WATCH!" Wilbur smiled proudly as a few civilians blocked Quackity's way.

Good job Wil.

He gives himself a pat on the back. He deserved it.

He walked closer to Quackity watching the man struggle to find a way out of the crowd.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Quackity you aren't leaving. Unless it's with me."

Quackity turned and looked at Wilbur his words seething, "Fuck off."

He was hurt.

All he was trying to do was kill the guy before he could kill the kill he was trying to kill.

Perhaps it was over kill.


"Eh, don't feel like it. Listen if you walk with me, I won't kill you. Deal?"

Quackity cocked his head quizzically.

I mean.

Probably his best way out of this.

And maybe he would get some food, who knows.

Quackity nodded hesitantly and took a spot next to the stranger on the sidewalk.

Damn he is tall-

The stranger started to walk and Quackity was struggling to keep up.

The man finally turned and introduced himself.

"I'm Wilbur, thought it was only fair you know my name since I know yours."

Quackity just looked at the man, well Wilbur, like he was insane.


"You aren't exactly very slick, almost every camera in the town has photos of you."

Well that's his questions answered.

"Why," Quackity stopped, a coughing fit attacked his lungs and he had to stop walking.

Wilbur stopped too, an unamused expression gracing his features.

Quackity stumbled to Wilbur’s side, "Why are you here, looking for me of all people?"

Wilbur just chuckled and slung an arm around Quackity, "Well your job of course."

His eyes widened and he pushed Wilbur's arm off him.

"No no no, absolutely not. I'm already in enough trouble as it is-"

Wilbur was not going to take any excuses.

It was either Quackity comes with him or he dies. So that's what he told him, or threatened him if you asked the civilians on the street.

Wilbur took a couple strides and pinned Quackity to one of the brick buildings.

"Now listen. You either come with me, or die, which is it going to be?"

Quackity used his brain very intelligently in these next seconds.

"Kinky, but I'm going to go with the not dying option."

Wilbur blinked at him for a moment before letting one wrist go and dragged him to the icecream shop.

First of all, what the fuck.

Was what Wilbur thought.

What is up with them, God damn bi polar tall ass lookin bitch grabbing him off the street, oh this is kidnapping-

Was what Quackity thought.

However, that quickly changed when he saw the pink haired bitch serving icecream.

"What the fuck Wilbur!?!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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