Chapter 4 - Illéa Capital Report

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The girls who asked to leave calm down and give up the idea. My father thinks the attack was very superficial and not worth reporting. The problem is that part of the rebel attack was broadcast live, since the film crew was there to record the Selected ones' routine.

The next morning I notice that America hasn't come down from her room to have breakfast. We all act as if nothing out of the ordinary happened yesterday. The Selected girls and us royal family are in the dining room, all you can hear is the sound of people drinking their coffees, juices, and also the sound of cutlery cutting up food. I glance at all the girls to try and see how they're doing, but my eyes stay on Celeste for a few seconds longer. She looks back at me, strangely not returning the smile I give her, then looks away and goes back to eating.

Friday comes very quickly. Today is the day of the Illéa Capital Report, and it is the debut of the Selected in it.

Leah and Aria dress me in a long light blue dress full of sparkles, with a big neckline at the back. My hair is loose, with messy waves.

When I arrive at the recording studio, I notice the row of seats set up for the girls. Some of them are already there, I glance quickly at Celeste, and neither she nor I smile, we just stop looking at each other after a few seconds. I see my mother fixing Maxon's hair, he straightens his jacket and says something to her. When they see me they both smile and I smile back.

Many of the girls are wearing red dresses, others green, America is the only one in a blue dress, apart from me, of course. As I sit where I always sit, watching everyone, I notice Maxon quickly exchanging glances with America, then flicking his ear, it looks like some kind of signal between them.

I can't think much more about it as the national anthem begins to play and the coat of arms of Illéa appears on the studio monitors. My father goes up to the stage to talk about the attack on the palace. Soon after that, a few statements begin to be made, several of them related to the rebels. And then Gavril appears in the studio.

"Good evening everyone. I have a very important announcement today. It's been a week since the Selection began and eight girls have already gone home. That leaves twenty-seven beautiful women for Prince Maxon to choose from. Next week, come what may, most of the Illéa Capital Report will be devoted to these incredible young women." says Gavril. "Before we get to the ladies, we'll talk to the man of the hour. How is Your Highness this evening, Prince Maxon?"

My brother is apparently taken by surprise. Someone quickly passes him a microphone so he can answer. "Very good, Gavril, thank you."

"Have you enjoyed the company so far?"

"Yes, it is a pleasure to meet these ladies."

"Are they all sweet and gentle girls as they appear?"

I hold back my laughter.

"Hmmm..." I see Maxon looking away from Gavril and looking at America. "almost."


Gavril looks surprised.

"Is anyone there being disobedient?"

Most of the girls giggle.

"What did these girls do that was not exactly sweet?"

"Very well, let me tell you." Maxon crosses his legs and sits up straight in his chair. "One of them had the nerve to yell at me in a very aggressive way on our first date. I got a very harsh scolding."

With the whole rebel attack situation, I have completely forgotten to ask Maxon about his date with America. Apparently it's not just me who doesn't know how that date went, Mom and Dad look at each other. The Selected exchange confused glances.

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