Capítulo 26 - Day of the Convicting

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The day of the Convicting approaches. I shower and get ready, then go downstairs to have breakfast. As soon as I've finished eating, I go into the Great Room where Mom is already there, helping to organize the room and decorate it. When she sees me, she smiles and approaches me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I help her organize the room, and just as we're instructing where the rows of bleachers should be, the Elite girls arrive.

"Your Majesty. Your Highness," says Silvia, bowing. The girls also bow.

I smile at the four of them, but my gaze obviously lingers a few seconds longer on Celeste. Mom and I approach them.

"Hello, ladies," my mother greets them. "Silvia, how far have you gotten?"

"Not far at all, Majesty." says Silvia.

"Excellent." Mom turns to me. "Darling, why don't you explain to them their next tasks in the Selection process?"

I nod. "Of course, Mom." I turn to the four of them, and then we walk through the Great Room while I explain. "The Convicting is meant to be a symbol of your submission to the law. One of you will become the new princess, and someday queen. The law is how we live, and it will be your duty not only to live by it but to uphold it. And so,"

When I finish speaking, my mother continues to explain, "You will start with the Convicting." she says, looking at the girls. "A man who has committed a crime, most likely at heft, will be brought in. These are cases that are worthy of a whipping, but these men will spend time in jail instead. And you will send them there."

Apparently, Mom finds the reaction of the Selected to what she has just explained amusing. Celeste is the only one who doesn't seem so shocked, probably because she knows that this responsibility will never fall to her.

"I know it sounds harsh, but it's not. These men have each committed a crime, and instead of facing the difficulties of a physical punishment, they'll be paying their debts with time. You've seen firsthand how painful a caning can be. Being whipped isn't much better. You're doing them a favor," she tries to encourage them.

After that, Silvia and my mother go over the ceremony with the girls a few times. Once everyone has memorized their lines, they leave the room, all except America. She waits for Silvia to finish talking to my mother. Before that, I head for the entrance to the room, giving America a little wink before I leave.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the Convicting arrives. The tradition is for all the dresses to be white and gold. Stella is responsible for creating the dress this time, her first time making a dress for me. The result is impeccable, and I have no hesitation in praising her.

I take a long bath until the hot water cools down. Leah is in charge of doing my make-up, while Rose does my hair and Stella my nails. As soon as the three of them help me get dressed, I'm ready. Seconds later we hear someone knocking on the door. Rose opens it and then turns back, looking at me.

"It's Prince Maxon." she says.

I nod and walk towards the door. I smile when I see my brother. "Hi, Max. You look charming."

He giggles. "Thanks, Kitty. You look fantastic as always."

He extends his arm to me, and we walk together to the main floor. We go to the side door of the room, where we will enter with the king and queen. Mom and Clarkson arrive shortly after us. She quickly hugs Maxon and me and then we get into our positions to enter.

As soon as someone inside announces our names, I raise my head. The doors open and then the king and queen enter first and sit down in their seats and right behind them Maxon and I enter and sit down each in our own seat.

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