Chapter 5 - Photo session

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The next day I wake up with dark bags under my eyes. That whole conversation with my mother exhausted me mentally. I wake up thinking that I have to get used to the fact that I'm not attracted to boys, to the fact that I'm a lesbian. How am I going to tell Maxon? How am I going to tell my father? I know he's never been one to pay much attention to me, but something big like this I'm sure he'll have a reaction, and it'll almost certainly be negative.

It's Saturday, the Selected have no program. During breakfast I try to exchange glances with Celeste again, but she seems certain that she won't look at me or interact with me in any way. I learn that Maxon has been on a date with Marlee, a girl from Caste Four, who has a very nice manner and seems to be very close to America.

During dinner, I learn that a Selected has returned home, Anna. Apparently she had slapped Celeste in the face that afternoon. And one of the rules of the Selection is that any kind of physical aggression between the Selected will lead to immediate expulsion. Knowing what I know about Celeste, I have no doubt that she must have provoked the girl. But whatever her intention, I just can't get angry with Celeste. I have to admit, she has a determination that few others have.

The Selected girls will have a photo session with Maxon. It's a way of continuing to entertain the public. The photos will go to a magazine, which will select the girls who look the best in the photos with the prince. It's ridiculous how others still think it's just about choosing a pretty face.

As I have some free time to observe the photo shoot, I go down to the Women's Room. It's Natalie's turn to take pictures with Maxon. I don't pay much attention, but soon after her it's Celeste's turn. He smiles when she stands next to him, and he laughs out loud when she whispers something in his ear. A flame ignites inside me, now that I've understood my feelings I know I'm jealous.

"Okay, miss, turn to the camera and smile, please." the photographer asks.

She obviously looks as wonderful as ever. She smiles, leaning her head forward a little and putting her hand on Maxon's chest. If she only knew what all that does to me...

Then I start to think: it could all be in my head. She certainly doesn't do any of this on purpose, wanting my attention, after all, I'm the one who likes her, she's only here because of my brother. It's not her fault that I started to like her.

When it's America's turn, Maxon's face seems to light up more. I take a deep sigh of relief that he doesn't show as much interest in Celeste as he does in America.

Janelle, another Selected, returned home after the magazine published her photos. With every girl who leaves, I ask myself: what if Celeste is next? At the same time as I'm relieved that she won't be sent home, I'm anxious because it means that my brother is interested in her.

At dinner time, I walk in with my mother, while Maxon and my father are still busy with some political matter. The Selected are all standing around waiting for us. Then the two of them enter the dining room.

"Please, ladies, sit down." my father asks.

Before sitting down, he kisses my mother on the forehead. Maxon remains standing.

"Ladies, I have an announcement to make." he proclaims.

Everyone looks at him.

"I know they were all promised that they would be compensated for their participation in the Selection."

I have no idea what's going on.

"However, there has been a new allocation of funds. Girls Two or Three by birth will no longer receive their grant. But Girls Four and Five will continue to receive them, although in a slightly smaller amount from now on."

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