Chapter 5

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Dan's POV

'And you just gave it to him?' Phil repeated incredulously.

'Yep, that's me, Dan Howell, so socially awkward I'd sell a fire axe to a twelve year old. Even when I know he's a spy kid working for the police,' I confirmed, not being able to hold back a sheepish grin as I watched him in fits of giggles on my couch. 'Hey, I was only sixteen, leave me alone,' I laughed as he finally managed to pull himself together and we continued the game we were playing.

Even after knowing him for only about a month now Phil was fast becoming one of my best friends. We spent so much time over at each other's places we basically lived together at this point, and I got on better with him than I ever had with pretty much anyone else in my life. Even aside from the fact that he was willing to put up with my excessive internet habits we loved all the same games, shows, movies and music. I'd never had a best friend before, but I was pretty sure I had finally found one.

'I'm hungry. Do you wanna get pizza?' I stated bluntly after a bit. Phil nodded eagerly, and we paused the game to go order food.

'Oh my god, it's after half eleven already! How did that happen so fast?' Phil exclaimed as he spotted the time. 'I don't wanna go hooome,' he added mournfully, pouting slightly.

'Stay over, then,' I replied, still concentrating on my laptop. When I got no reply, however, I looked up. 'Phil?' In the dim glow of the TV screen, I couldn't really see his face, only that he was staring at me with an odd look in his eyes. It soon vanished, though, replaced by his usual happy smile as he apparently shook himself and regained focus on the real world.

'Yay! We can stay up til midnight and paint each other's nails and tell ghost stories and gossip,' he grinned, and I decided I must have just been imagining things.

'Well, whatever about the nail-painting - and it's already nearly twelve - I do like the sound of a scary movie, don't you?' I replied, an evil grin spreading across my face. He grimaced.

'Fine! But only if you let me choose,' he bargained, and when I nodded jumped up enthusiastically to go choose something from the sizeable stack of DVDs as I headed off to find blankets to pile on the couch.

Phil was still surrounded by boxes when I heard the doorbell buzz a short while later and I ran to get the door, sofa now piled high with blankets and pillows. I returned, armed with two delicious-smelling pizzas, to find Phil already wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets and grinning in anticipation. I wriggled in next to him, jumping slightly at the close contact, set the pizzas down within reach and let the movie begin.

Eighty minutes later, I had to admit Phil had made a good choice. The movie was reaching the climax and really freaking me out, even though I kept reminding myself that the supernatural demons and things weren't real and couldn't actually hurt me. I was so engrossed in the scenes of terror flashing across the screen I didn't even notice how silent Phil had become beside me until a particularly unexpected jumpscare made him squeak and cling onto me in fright. My attention was torn away from the screen as I looked down at him curiously. He looked absolutely terrified, eyes wide and glued to the screen.

'Phil, are you okay?' I asked, concern leaking into my voice. He turned to face me, jumping at the unexpected closeness of our faces, his eyes flickering rapidly around my face as he suddenly blushed and started to move away from me, mumbling apologies under his breath.

'No, Phil, it's okay, I don't mind -' I stuttered, suddenly not wanting his position to change. 'I mean - you can hide behind me if you like, I don't mind. It is a bloody scary one, to be fair,' I amended. He blushed even deeper but returned to his previous position, our bodies entirely pressed up against each other. My eyes found his again, but, to my surprise, neither of us looked away. We held eyes like that, just gazing at each other, for a length of time that in reality was probably very short but in that little moment felt like forever, until a loud scream from the previously forgotten TV brought us back to reality. There wasn't any of the potential awkwardness, though, Phil simply turning his head back toward the movie and resting it gently on my shoulder as what was left of the film passed, neither of us paying much attention any more.

The movie ended but I just dug around for the remote and put on something from Netflix, not wanting to throw away the atmosphere that had been created in the darkened room. We half-sat, half-lay in silence, less interested in the movie itself than our own thoughts, my eyelids beginning to droop no matter how much I tried to fight it. The last thoughts I remembered before sleep finally overtook me were that normal friendships didn't usually contain moments like that. But maybe it wan't such a bad thing that ours was a little bit different.

Greetings people of the multiverse :)

Aah I don't know what this is most of it was written at like 2am. I'm not entirely sure where Jessica went but ah well. Still do not restrain your true inner commenter and tell me what you think and all :P In the meantime I desperately need sleep so GOODBYE FOR NOW, MY LITTLE NUTELLA SPOONS

-Orla xxx

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